Top 987 Strict Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Strict quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
I don't have too strict a diet.
My parents were strict. They weren't as strict on me as they were with the others, but my mother didn't want us to get on anyone's nerves... Go to someone else's house and drive their parents crazy. Another thing was they didn't want us to get into a lot of things that a lot of kids - if they're not careful - can slip into.
My training diet can be quite strict when I'm coming up to competition; it's a weight-making sport, of course. But I eat quite healthily anyway, and it's less strict when out of competition.
In point of fact, no conclusive disproof of a theory can ever be produced; for it is always possible to say that the experimental results are not reliable or that the discrepancies which are asserted to exist between the experimental results and the theory are only apparent and that they will disappear with the advance of our understanding. If you insist on strict proof (or strict disproof) in the empirical sciences, you will never benefit from experience, and never learn from it how wrong you are.
Yeah, except that when I write pop songs I have pretty strict constraints that I impose on myself. 69 Love Songs is a constraint. That the titles have to begin with "I'"s is a relatively strict constraint. Charm of the Highway Strip is all travel songs. And I am free to change the plot slightly to accommodate something that happens to rhyme conveniently.
My parents were strict with school, strict with grades. I had piano classes, horseback riding, dance. — © Julia Restoin Roitfeld
My parents were strict with school, strict with grades. I had piano classes, horseback riding, dance.
I have to be on such a strict diet constantly.
My parents were always very strict, and they gave me the right beliefs in how to treat people. It was very strict and all about morals - I try to pass that on to my own children.
My father is a very strict man.
My parents were strict but loving.
I am very strict.
I definitely worked really hard to evoke Frankie Valli, but not do a strict imitation, because I feel that a strict imitation is not as compelling to watch.
Writing in a strict form can surprise you.
My mom could be pretty strict.
My mother was a Gandhian and very strict.
All that the Lord requires of us is strict obedience to the laws of life. All the sacrifice that the Lord asks of his people is strict obedience to our own covenants that we have made with our God, and that is to serve him with an undivided heart.
I'd had a strict religious education. — © Toyah Willcox
I'd had a strict religious education.
I'm not very strict about my diet.
My mom was definitely very strict with me.
Strict gun laws are about as effective as strict drug laws...It pains me to say this, but the NRA seems to be right: The cities and states that have the toughest gun laws have the most murder and mayhem.
Simplicity is a strict taskmaster.
One must be strict even in little things.
We've been agreeing on a strict immigration policy to Norway for a long time. It's supposed to be fair, but it's supposed to be strict.
The way I was parented did affect my parenting - probably in the reverse. My dad was pretty strict, and the next generation probably wants to be less strict.
My nana was strict and didn't express a lot, so naturally, I was scared of him. I would even get the usual 'strict-father' scolding if I didn't study or stick to my curfew.
I was a strict disciplinarian, perhaps too strict at times, but my God, without discipline what is life?
I'm not a yeller. But I am strict.
I'm a strict, strict agnostic. It's very different from a casual, 'I don't know.' It's that you cannot present as knowledge something that is not knowledge. You can present it as faith, you can present it as belief, but you can't present it as fact.
For remember that in general we don't use language according to strict rules-- it hasn't been taught to us by means of strict rules, either. We, in our discussions on the other hand, constantly compare language with a calculus preceding to exact rules.
At Ajax, they are strict when it comes to using the ball as a defender.
I don't think that I could ever be a strict dad. I never grew up with anybody strict in my life... I'm not saying I'm a role model by any means or anything. I think the fact that I wasn't told what not to do all the time - my spirit kind of told me things that I shouldn't - I got to develop on my own. It's part of your common sense.
In terms of bullying, there are so many new laws in America, I am not sure about worldwide, but in America, the laws for bullying are getting strict. And I am really excited of how strict they are and I think it has cut down on a lot of bullying. As a kid I was a bully and I was bullied. I lived both sides of it. To see what is being done with bullying now is super important.
I came from a very strict background.
Although mathematical notation undoubtedly possesses parsing rules, they are rather loose, sometimes contradictory, and seldom clearly stated. [...] The proliferation of programming languages shows no more uniformity than mathematics. Nevertheless, programming languages do bring a different perspective. [...] Because of their application to a broad range of topics, their strict grammar, and their strict interpretation, programming languages can provide new insights into mathematical notation.
I grew up very strict vegan. My dad didn't allow me or any of my siblings to eat any meat, no cheese, no candy even. He was super strict about that sort of stuff. I think that's one of the reasons I manage to be so healthy and take all these gnarly slams without breaking any bones: I think the main thing is being raised without drinking any soda.
I stand for strict economy in governmental affairs.
I do a very strict diet.
My father was very strict.
Be tolerant with others and strict with yourself.
I have never been a strict father.
In being strict, you were able to control. — © Joe Jackson
In being strict, you were able to control.
I'm a strict materialist - but the police are brutal materialists.
Karan Malhotra is an amazing director, but he's strict.
My mum was quite strict, so I was in a very strict household.
One of my strict, strict rules is a no auto-tune policy.
I was not the pampered baby, no. I'm five years younger, and my parents were actually very strict with me, more strict than with the other ones.
My dad was pretty strict. We didn't even get to watch any of his movies until I was, like, 17 years old. I didn't even see his stand-up, really, until I started doing stand-up, and that was when I was 22. So he's pretty strict. We had curfews until I was 17... he didn't play around.
I follow a very strict diet.
I don't know if I'm a strict parent or a pushover.
Plus her mom was so awesome. She was strict about some things—don’t leave your socks lying around—but so not strict about other things, like calling the cops about my bullet wound.
When strict with oneself, one rarely fails.
WWE, time-wise, is so strict. — © Shinsuke Nakamura
WWE, time-wise, is so strict.
The rules are very strict.
In your language you have a form of poetry called the sonnet…There are fourteen lines, I believe, all in iambic pentameter. That’s a very strict rhythm or meter…And each line has to end with a rigid pattern. And if the poet does not do it exactly this way, it is not a sonnet…But within this strict form the poet has complete freedom to say whatever he wants…You’re given the form, but you have to write the sonnet yourself. What you say is completely up to you.
There's part of me that is a strict materialist.
He cannot be strict in judging, who does not wish others to be strict judges of himself.
In music, the punctuation is absolutely strict, the bars and rests are absolutely defined. But our punctuation cannot be quite strict, because we have to relate it to the audience. In other words we are continually changing the score.
We had a very strict upbringing.
I have friends who are scientists, strict materialists, who don't think science and religion are compatible, but I just think most of us - unless you're a strict atheist materialist, which there aren't many of - most of us believe in something outside the material world. And if you do believe that, I don't know how you're not obsessed with it.
Strict punctuality is a cheap virtue.
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