Top 1200 Strong Heart Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Strong Heart quotes.
Last updated on October 6, 2024.
The heart of 'Truevine' is about the travails of two strong black women who agitate to get justice for their family.
Here is, in truth, the whole secret of Yoga, the science of the soul. The active turnings, the strident vibrations, of selfishness, lust and hate are to be stilled by meditation, by letting heart and mind dwell in spiritual life, by lifting up the heart to the strong, silent life above, which rests in the stillness of eternal love, and needs no harsh vibration to convince it of true being.
Be strong, saith my heart; I am a soldier; I have seen worse sights than this. — © Homer
Be strong, saith my heart; I am a soldier; I have seen worse sights than this.
Keep America strong. Strong in our values, strong in our economy, and strong in our military might. We hope to never have to use our military strength, but the world counts on a strong America to keep the worst actors from doing the worst things.
I love a strong brow and ChapStick with glowing skin and messy hair. I'm a minimalist at heart.
The world cries for men who are strong; strong in conviction, strong to lead, to stand, to suffer.
It required a strong heart to stand up against such talk, but I urged my people to be quiet and not to begin a war.
Prayer is essentially about making the heart strong so that fear cannot penetrate there.
A writer's heart, a poet's heart, an artist's heart, a musician's heart is always breaking. It is through that broken window that we see the world.
I do believe that not just the churches but strong communities, strong trade unions, strong families can make a difference in terms of producing persons much more virtuous than what one usually finds in a gangster culture.
The lifting up of the woman does not require the tearing down of the man. In fact, a strong woman appreciates a strong man. Conversely, a strong man is not intimidated by a strong woman.
But in my heart I knew that just like the new grass, I wasn't strong enough yet to be walked on
My heart is breaking," she says. "I want to be strong for you right now but the thought of you leaving is killing me inside.
I believe that the will of the people is resolved by a strong leadership. Even in a democratic society, events depend on a strong leadership with a strong power of persuasion, and not on the opinion of the masses.
I think strong rhetoric and strong action are two separate things. Anyone can use tough words. Anyone can go over the top and say things that sound strong. But sounding strong is not enough. You have to know exactly how you're going to do it. And if you look at some of the policies he's talked about, they would not make America stronger.
We all compromise ourselves, from time to time, because maybe it will lead to more opportunity...A ll of that’s cool, but we forget and we get caught up. If you want that nurturing, caring, empathetic, compassionate heart to keep on ticking and be around, and you want it to be strong, then don’t neglect #1. One way to feed it is just being truthful and listening to your heart.
There is nothing that making men rich and strong but that which they carry inside of them. True wealth is of the heart, not of the hand. — © John Milton
There is nothing that making men rich and strong but that which they carry inside of them. True wealth is of the heart, not of the hand.
In every heart there is a room, A sanctuary safe and strong, To heal the wounds from lovers past, Until a new one comes along
There is always a dream, for me, in the locker room before matches as well during the day. If you have a strong mind, a strong tendency to keep you strong, I think your dream is coming.
Yes, I certainly look for strong characters - whether that means they're strong in their vulnerability or strong in the way they might be attractive to lots of blokes.
If dreams give you power, then I'm strong enough to walk through my heart till you love me.
Human beings are remarkable - at what we can learn to live with. If we couldn't get strong from what we lose, and what we miss, and what we want and can't have, then we couldn't ever get strong enough, could we? What else makes us strong?
Set me like a seal upon thy heart, love is as strong as death.
I'm still blue collar in my heart. It comes from strong Long Island family roots.
I have a son, who is my heart. A wonderful young man, daring and loving and strong and kind.
When I'm looking for a strong female character, or a strong character at all, I'm looking for a character that has a purpose in that story, that has an interior life of some sort. They don't have to be physically strong; they don't have to be morally strong or ethically strong, because men and women come in a huge variety of all of those things. Emotionally, ethically - I'm less concerned with that. I just don't want them to be props. That's the only thing that offends me.
There is in all this cold and hollow world, No fount of deep, strong,deathless love ;save that within a mother's heart
I envy because of the heart. I glutton because of the heart. I covet because of the heart. I am prideful because of the heart. I sloth because of the heart. I rage because of the heart. Because of the heart, I lust for everything about you.
Heart weeps. Head tries to help heart. Head tells heart how it is, again: You will lose the ones you love. They will all go. But even the earth will go, someday. Heart feels better, then. But the words of head do not remain long in the ears of heart. Heart is so new to this. I want them back, says heart. Head is all heart has. Help, head. Help heart.
We must be strong at home if we are going to be strong abroad. We understand that. So we want to be strong at home in our morale or in our spirit, we want to be strong intellectually, in our education, in our economy and, where necessary, militarily.
The important thing is to keep the fire in your heart and be strong to overcome hard moments.
There is in fact a manly and legitimate passion for equality that spurs all men to wish to be strong and esteemed. This passion tends to elevate the lesser to the rank of the greater. But one also finds in the human heart a depraved taste for equality, which impels the weak to want to bring the strong down to their level, and which reduces men to preferring equality in servitude to inequality in freedom.
O constancy, be strong upon my side, Set a huge mountain 'tween my heart and tongue! I have a man's mind, but a woman's might.
Solitude has soft, silky hands, but with strong fingers it grasps the heart and makes it ache with sorrow.
It is the nature of the strong heart, that like the palm tree it strives ever upwards when it is most burdened.
Some people tend to believe that I'm a strong believer, a strong Christian, but that's not true. I'm not a strong believer. I'm very weak.
You must have the courage to face what happened today and to live with it in your heart and to use the memory of it to grow and be strong.
That prayer has great power which a person makes with all his might. It makes a sour heart sweet, a sad heart merry, a poor heart rich, a foolish heart wise, a timid heart brave, a sick heart well, a blind heart full of sight, a cold heart ardent. It draws down the great God into the little heart; it drives the hungry soul up into the fullness of God; it brings together two lovers, God and the soul, in a wondrous place where they speak much of love.
A strong dollar reflects a strong country and a strong economy, and we need to make sure that we get the - stop the practice of devaluing the dollar. — © Tim Pawlenty
A strong dollar reflects a strong country and a strong economy, and we need to make sure that we get the - stop the practice of devaluing the dollar.
Women are strong, strong, terribly strong. We don't know how strong until we are pushing out our babies. We are too often treated like babies having babies when we should be in training, like acolytes, novices to high priestesshood, like serious applicants for the space program.
My mom. My grandma, my grandfather. We have a very strong, strong line of amazing people in the family. Very strong women.
Every Conservative desires peace. The threat to peace comes from Communism which has powerful forces ready to attack anywhere. Communism waits for weakness, it leaves strength alone. Britain must therefore be strong, strong in her arms, strong in her faith, strong in her own way of life.
I like strong women. I think a lot of women relate to strong characters, and a cop is still a strong character.
I address a strong appeal from my heart that the dignity and safety of the worker always be protected.
Someday you will know that the heart is not always as wise as it is strong. - Uncle Eddie
Walk through the storm fearless and strong. Follow your heart, it's all about to you.
I was 15, and the years of hard swimming had packed muscle on my frame and made me very strong. Not as strong as a football player, but strong enough to inflict heavy damage.
I think the reason why strong women have such a powerful impact is that you've got the strength of a man with the heart and sensitivity of a woman.
Women must tell men always that they are the strong ones. They are the big, the strong, the wonderful. In truth, women are the strong ones. It is just my opinion, I am not a professor.
Unless children have strong education and strong families and strong communities and decent housing, it's not enough to go sit in at a lunch counter.
A great man, tender of heart, strong of nerve, boundless patience and broadest sympathy, with no motive apart from his country.
The idea of a spiritual heart transplant is a vivid image to me; once you have the heart of somebody else inside you, then that heart is there. Jesus' heart is inside me, and my heart is gone. So if God were to place a stethoscope against my chest, he would hear the heart of Jesus Christ beating.
Poland should be strong and prosperous and independent and play its proper role as a great nation in the heart of Europe. — © George H. W. Bush
Poland should be strong and prosperous and independent and play its proper role as a great nation in the heart of Europe.
Under her palm, his heart beat strong and sure. It was such a human sound, so honest, so real.
Just the basic principles of what makes America work for me are very strong in my heart. It's like no other nation in the world.
I may be prejudiced, but I believe that jazz music has the strongest healing potential, and it's not just because I play it and love it so much. I feel that it's the improvisation in jazz that makes it so strong as a healing tool, what each individual gives to a tune from their heart and their soul when they take a solo. It's all spontaneous, and it's all love, and from the heart.
I work out every day. It's part of my life. That's one of the benefits of having kids in school full-time. I do it more for my insides than my outside, but the outside gets a nice benefit, too. I feel like my mind is a little quieter when I exercise. And I don't have the best family history heart-wise, so I really try to keep my heart strong.
Envious because I have a heart, Gluttonous because I have a heart, Greedy because I have a heart, Prideful because I have a heart, Slothful because I have a heart, Wrathful because I have a heart, Because I have a heart, I lust for all that you are.
O pure of heart! Thou needest not ask of me what this strong music in the soul may be!
I love, cherish, and respect women in my mind, in my heart, and in my soul. This love of women is the soil in which my life is rooted. It is the soil of our common life together. My life grows out of this soil. In any other soil, I would die. In whatever ways I am strong, I am strong because of the power and passion of this nurturant love.
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