Top 1200 Strong Words Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular Strong Words quotes.
Last updated on October 6, 2024.
By all means, avoid words—threats, complaints, justification, narratives, reframing, attempts to win arguments, supplications; avoid words!
The Super Bowl is something you can't put into words. It's such a great feeling. I wish I could put it into words, but you just have to be there to know the experience.
Even in my own church I heard the words, 'Francis Chan' more than I heard the words, 'Holy Spirit.' — © Francis Chan
Even in my own church I heard the words, 'Francis Chan' more than I heard the words, 'Holy Spirit.'
Ladies and gentlemen, a picture is not worth a thousand words. In fact, we found some pictures that are worth 500 billion words.
The chief difference between words and deeds is that words are always intended for men for their approbation, but deeds can be done only for God.
I actually hate lyrics, and I hate it when they're quoted in reviews. I don't think they matter that much; it's the sounds of words - not the words - that I look for.
I think that a lot of us, whether we are religious or not - there are no words to express some things except religious words. For instance, 'soul.'
Men suppose their reason has command over their words; still it happens that words in return exercise authority on reason
Wise women tuck Godly wisdom into the words they speak and even more into the words they choose not to speak.
It is necessary to study these words you have written, for the words have a longer history than you have and say more than you know.
As if he was beating me to the punch, his words living forever, while I was left speechless, no rebuttal, no words left to say.
People who love ideas must have a love of words. They will take a vivid interest in the clothes that words wear.
When it comes to words I have a uniqueness that I find almost impossible in art – and it's my words that actually make my art quite unique. — © Tracey Emin
When it comes to words I have a uniqueness that I find almost impossible in art – and it's my words that actually make my art quite unique.
This is what is meant by last words: they are keys to unlock the afterlife. They're not last words but passwords, and as soon as they're spoken you can go.
It's better when you don't understand the words in music. Because when you don't understand the words, you have to listen to what somebody means, not what they're saying. And if they mean it.
Language is double-edged; through words a fuller view of reality emerges, but words can also serve to fragment reality.
All these words, words like 'evil' and 'vicious', they meant nothing to Nature. Yes, evil was a human invention.
I know pictures say a thousand words, but they also don't say millions of other words that need to be said.
So when you're talking about lyrics in the context of music, it's not just about what the words mean, and what you were thinking about when you wrote it. It's not cognitive in that same way. It's almost like music turns words into touch, which is hard to describe, like the feeling of your shirt on your back. It's a pretty delicate thing to try to put into words. You just feel it.
'It is finished' will not be, as we know from the tradition of the ordering of these words from the cross, the last words of Jesus. 'It is finished' is a cry of victory.
Rapping was kind of hard. It's so many words. When you sing you can kind of stretch the words out. I didn't have to write as much as everybody else.
If a thing can be said in ten words, I may be relied upon to take a hundred to say it. I ought to apologize for that. I ought to prune, pare and extirpate excess growth, but I will not. I like words—strike that, I love words—and while I am fond of the condensed and economical use of them in poetry, in song lyrics, in Twitter, in good journalism and smart advertising, I love the luxuriant profusion and mad scatter of them too.
It took me years to understand that words are often as important as experience, because words make experience last.
Only speak words that make souls stronger -\-\ for once words are spoken, they may be forgiven, but may be not forgotten.
Once I unlocked the mystery of the alphabet that led to words, a multitude of words connecting me to the world, there was no stopping me.
The miracle of turning inklings into thoughts and thoughts into words and words into metal and print and ink never palls for me.
You don't move just because you want to go from this point to that point - the body has to be using the words as well as you vocally use the words.
Years ago I was asked this question: Do terrorists fear anything? I said, 'I suspect they would fear a morally strong America.' They would know that a morally strong America would not be dislodged. You can always appeal to a point of vulnerability which would break a people up. [Terrorists] don't fear so much the weaponry as the moral courage, and I think a morally strong America would be intimidating to them.
My philosophy of life is that the meek shall inherit nothing but debasement, frustration and ignoble deaths; that there is security in personal strength; that you can fight City Hall and win; that any action is better than no action, even if it's the wrong action; that you never reach glory or self-fulfillment unless you're willing to risk everything, dare anything, put yourself dead on the line every time; and that once one becomes strong or rich or potent or powerful it is the responsibility of the strong to help the weak become strong.
All the children in the world, when they go to school, have the right to study in their mother tongue. But we go to school and run into literary Arabic as children. It sounds like a foreign language. The words for "house" or "table" or "lamp" are not the same as the words we use at home, and most of the other words are alien to children at school. Classical Arabic is one of the prisons of the Arab world.
Words are often things also, and very precious, especially on the gravest occasions. Without "words," and the truth of things that is in them, what were we?
If you forget the words to your own song, you can always claim artistic license. Forget the words to the national anthem, and you're screwed.
With words at your disposal, you can see more clearly. Finding the words is another step in learning to see.
You have to have funny faces and words, you can't just have words. It is a powerful thing, and I think that's why it's hard for people to imagine that women can do that, be that powerful.
Music fills in for words a lot of the time when people don't know what to say, and I think music can be more eloquent than words.
What you fill your mind with is eventually translated into the words you speak, and then your words create action.
Speak God's words over your circumstances today. Speak His words in faith and watch Him move!
How lovely it is that there are words and sounds. Are not words and sounds rainbows and illusive bridges between things which are eternally apart? — © Friedrich Nietzsche
How lovely it is that there are words and sounds. Are not words and sounds rainbows and illusive bridges between things which are eternally apart?
It is better to preach five words of God’s Word than five million words of man’s wisdom.
Words are the tools of 'to be' - of expression. They are completely built on the fact that you 'are,' and in order to express it, you have built a little alphabet, and you make your words from it.
Beneath words and logic are emotional connections that largely direct how we use our words and logic.
Unfortunately, I have dedicated great effort to the task of compiling this ‘sensitive words glossary,’ and I have mastered my filtering skills. I knew which words and sentences had to be cut, and I accepted the cutting as if that was the way it should be. In fact, I will often take it on myself to save time and cut a few words. I call this ‘castrated writing’ - I am a proactive eunuch, I have already castrated myself before the surgeon raises his scalpel.
To use bitter words, when kind words are at hand, Is like picking unripe fruit when the ripe fruit is there.
When the words come, they are merely empty shells without the music. They live as they are sung, for the words are the body and the music the spirit.
Thanks to words, we have been able to rise above the brutes; and thanks to words, we have often sunk to the level of the demons.
Real persuasion comes from putting more of you into everything you say. Words have an effect. Words loaded with emotion have a powerful effect.
The Good News does not hinge on words like do or change but on the powerless, irrelevant, and frightening words like belief and faith.
We think because we have words, not the other way around. The more words we have, the better able we are to think conceptually. — © Madeleine L'Engle
We think because we have words, not the other way around. The more words we have, the better able we are to think conceptually.
God’s words trump all opinions, including mine, and in the end, I believe God’s words lead to life.
I usually start with the words. The rhythm of the words gives me the rhythm of the song, and then I look for the musical highlights in it to carry it.
Sometimes it only takes three words, so long as they're the right words, to direct an actor in the right way.
If you forget the words to your own song, you can always claim artistic license. Forget the words to the national anthem and you're screwed.
I want to say words that flame as I say them, but I keep quiet and don't try to make both words fit in one mouthful.
You seek a false comfort when you demand that I define myself for you with words. Words do not contain or define any person. A heart can, if it is willing.
Words are how people think. When you misuse words, you diminish your ability to think clearly and truthfully.
A writer is a person who cares what words mean, what they say, how they say it... By using words well they strengthen their souls.
When you start to try to understand everything in terms of words, the understanding of the words becomes the experience, and the experience gets lost.
This is why it is sometimes hard for introverts to find words: we really hate to compromise, and words are always a compromise.
There's that statement, "A picture is worth a thousand words" - well, I think flying around in Google Earth is worth a million words.
Where is this love? I can't see it, I can't touch it. I can't feel it. I can hear it. I can hear some words, but I can't do anything with your easy words
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