Top 1200 Stuck In A Rut Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Stuck In A Rut quotes.
Last updated on October 13, 2024.
That's one thing about this business. You'd better give it your best, because you're stuck with that performance on film for the rest of your life.
And it really is a good feeling to get up there and make that sound. I'm not stuck in a time warp, because I can use as many of the old songs as I want to, just the favorites.
The best break anybody ever gets is in bein' alive in the first place. An' you don't unnerstan' what a perfect deal it is until you realizes that you ain't gone be stuck with it forever, either.
I get scripts and think, 'There's not enough here to get my teeth stuck into.' That's a result of studying English, where you luxuriate in these big, lush novels.
I read '13 Reasons Why' in middle school, and the message of the book stuck with me: to treat people better because you never know what they're going through. — © Alisha Boe
I read '13 Reasons Why' in middle school, and the message of the book stuck with me: to treat people better because you never know what they're going through.
Wouldn't--" Kel began to say, but the words stuck in her mouth. She swallowed and tried again. "Wouldn't it be well, not nice to flirt with somebody you don't want to fall in love with?
If we don’t want to define ourselves by things as superficial as our appearances, we’re stuck with the revolting alternative of being judged by our actions.
If you put forth a really diverse cast and you fight for it and it doesn't do well - and it may fail for other reasons - you're gone because you stuck your neck out for that decision.
Don't ever get too busy to listen and connect because if you let yourself get stuck in that cycle, what are you actually working for anyway?
Was this love? Because it hurt. It was like a bit of glass stuck somewhere important--his heart or his head, and it was throbbing.
It may be true that artists adopt a flamboyant appearance, but it's also true that people who look funny get stuck with the arts.
As humourless a lump of dough as ever held a torchlight vigil outside the South African Embassy or stuck an AIDS awareness ribbon on an unwilling first-nighter.
I tried sticking a piece of candy up my ended up getting stuck and the nurse had to get it out.
It appears these days I don't have much of a life because my nose is often stuck in a book. But I discovered that reading builds a life inside the mind.
Some reporter called me 'the angriest gay man in the world' or some such. Well, it stuck, but I realized it was very useful. — © Larry Kramer
Some reporter called me 'the angriest gay man in the world' or some such. Well, it stuck, but I realized it was very useful.
I can never fully switch off given my work, but laying on the beach replying to a few emails on my mobile is much better than being stuck in the office.
Trapped' is the story of a guy stuck in an apartment with no food, no water and no electricity, and of his survival based on his primal instincts.
First time I ever played a bad guy. I didn't want to do it. I got stuck in bad guys for 13 years after that.
My fantasy football team got mixed up in another fantasy and now they're stuck on a pirate ship with a chick in a Catwoman suit.
I wish I was writing something much more heavy each time I did a film, and that the comedies just occasionally come out. But unfortunately you're stuck with what you're born with.
That was my first introduction to BMWs in 1978, when my friend bought it for me as a surprise with my money. And ever since then, I've stuck to BMWs.
The thing with me. I can't stick musicians. I've thought about this. I can't stand them, and being stuck in a studio with them I think that's my strength I can hear what they can't.
I would have bought you some more, but since they didn’t have tags in them, I didn’t know what size to buy. (Sunshine) Great. I live to be stuck in strange places, naked. (Talon)
I didn't want to stay in the Stones, and be stuck in a position having to play a music I didn't like anymore and that restricted me from doing all the others things I'm interested in because of time.
I was 24 years old and stuck in a strange place with two boisterous little boys, and my husband was working offshore on the oil rigs. It was a life for which I wasn't prepared.
Around 2008 when the writers' strike happened, all my stuff was getting stuck in development, and I thought, 'I'm going to try my hand at horror because I always loved it as a kid.'
The first thing that stuck in the minds of the disciples was not the empty tomb, but rather the empty grave clothes - undisturbed in form and position.
The idea of being stuck in a plane with dozens of people chatting over each other on their phones might feel like Dante's 10th circle of hell.
Yes, go on. Leave. You're always coming and going. The rest of us are stuck here. Do you think he'd still love you if he knew who you are? He doesn't really care—only when it suits him.
I picked up yoga. I tried to do cooking a little bit. I almost burned my house down, but it's all good. So I just stuck to yoga.
Every story about me is so heavy and dramatic. That's not how I do life. But that's the impression people have, and that's what keeps getting reiterated. As if I'm still stuck in all the muck of the past. And I am so not.
You know why we're stuck with the myth that only black people have soul? Because white people don't let themselves feel things.
I've stuck by being modest, honest and humble, because I think you'll get more appreciated that way and we all want to be appreciated in this world.
If I am writing a movie and I am stuck, I can call the studio and tell them it's delayed. You can't do that with television - you have air dates to meet.
Michelle Obama has mostly stuck to pretty anodyne topics. She's anti-childhood obesity, she's pro-veteran.
Transformation always and necessarily calls for a transformation of oneself and one's environment. But I don't see that happening. People are stuck with their own positions that never change.
I want to be like the athletes who seem stuck in time. When you see them at 50, you say they probably can still run like a champ.
Body art isn’t a contest. The only person that has to like it is the person stuck with it for the rest of their life. As long as you love it when you see it, that’s all that matters.
When you're going for a joke, you're stuck out there if it doesn't work. There's nowhere to go. You've done the drum role and the cymbal clash and you're out on the end of the plank.
Movies are a commitment. They take years of your life and they have big consequences. That's one of the bad things about movies - you're stuck with the aftermath. — © Mary Harron
Movies are a commitment. They take years of your life and they have big consequences. That's one of the bad things about movies - you're stuck with the aftermath.
My father once told me, and it's stuck with me to this day: As you walk through life, every time you fart it pushes you forward.
Sometimes you can doubt your own abilities to do certain things. We get nervous, we get stuck, or we're not sure if we can live up to what we want to do.
I cannot abide the Mr. and Mrs. Noah attitude towards marriage; the animals went in two by two, forever stuck together with glue.
I like to work on a number of things simultaneously. If you're working on a variety of projects and if you get stuck on one of them, you can move to another without grinding your gears indefinitely.
Julia Child wasn't afraid to have fun. She made fantastic food but knew how to have a good time and not be too stuck up about the kitchen space.
The game Rock Band has been haunting me like a bad ring tone. It gets stuck in my head and momentarily effaces all that I love about music.
My mother used to tell me when I went somewhere, "Please leave your foolishness at home." But how could I do that? It was stuck on me.
As PM, you have got to do everything from chairing the Cabinet to ceremonial things. You have also got to do the nitty gritty. I do get stuck into the detail.
You can be stuck for two weeks on a problem, and then you get the right couple of people in a room, and in five minutes, you get a great answer.
I once had a crush on one of my teachers. I wrote him a love letter and stuck it in a bag in his office. I didn't write my name on it, but I'm sure he figured out it was me.
Donald Trump is the president. It's not a bad dream. It really happened. It's like being dumped by a lover and also being stuck in a nightmare. — © Madonna Ciccone
Donald Trump is the president. It's not a bad dream. It really happened. It's like being dumped by a lover and also being stuck in a nightmare.
If you're stuck at piano and you're not a lead guitarist or a lead vocalist, you're kind of at a nine-foot plank then and you should do something about it.
Politicians are constantly stuck between what is politically expedient and politically beneficial and what is the responsible or right thing to do. It's a tension we all go through.
You get an image in the first couple of years of your career, and then whether you like it or not, you are stuck with it for the rest of your life.
If we are creating ourselves all the time, then it is never too late to begin creating the bodies we want instead of the ones we mistakenly assume we are stuck with.
From my experience, I've been honest about who I am and what I believe and the motivation behind my music. But I've played it in arenas that are for all people. I've pretty much stuck to that model my whole career.
When I first went to college, I went into physics, and my goal was to help perfect nuclear fusion so I could solve the energy crisis and global warming. I probably would have done it, too, if I'd stuck to it.
We are stuck with technology when all we really want is just stuff that works. How do you recognize something that is still technology? A good clue is if it comes with a manual.
'Lonesome Dove' by Larry McMurtry and 'The Poisonwood Bible' by Barbara Kingsolver have stuck with me throughout my life, and I think that says a lot about an author's writing.
Some people are stuck in tedious things, like their jobs, and they are bored. Other people experience one stressful thing after another.
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