Top 1200 Student Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Student quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I was a terrible student. When I went to Sidwell Friends, there were 100 kids in my class. I was the worst student, by far. But I had a few teachers who, despite all that, believed in me.
There are few student species more nakedly ambitious, focused, and future-oriented than the average Harvard law student.
Take Washington, D.C., which spends over $10,000 per student for education whose student achievement would be dead last if Mississippi chose to secede from the Union. Suppose Washington gave each parent even a $5,000 voucher - that wouldn't mean less money available per student. To the contrary, holding total education expenditures constant, it'd mean more money per student remaining in public schools.
It's really seeing student involvement … as a variety of opportunities that are appropriate for each given student and responsive to their individual needs and their desires for their educational experience.
I'm a student of the movies. I'm a student of all media. This is what I do, and I like to immerse myself in what's current and what's topical. And I find that I'm drawn to those things.
I wasn't a particularly brilliant student, but on the other hand, I was very active in Student Union affairs and in student politics. — © Cesar Milstein
I wasn't a particularly brilliant student, but on the other hand, I was very active in Student Union affairs and in student politics.
I was a very good student. But I didn't have the latitude to study more. I was never allowed to do anything cross-disciplinary. Why can't an engineering student learn physics?
The 7 Practices of Exceptional Student Athletes is an excellent book for student athletes to understand what it takes to be successful. It covers all phases of life, and it is filled with wonderful wisdom. Illustrated by brilliant examples of very successful people, The 7 Practices of Exceptional Student Athletes forces student athletes to use their common sense as they work to achieve their goals. Raven Magwood is a very talented person and an extremely gifted writer.
When the teacher, the spiritual master, is praying for the mercy of the Lord to enlighten the student, then by the blessings of the Lord the student gets the blessing of knowledge.
'Saw,' in many ways, was like my student film. The first crappy student film you don't really want people to see.
It is not enough to simply listen to student voice. Educators have an ethical imperative to do something with students, and that is why meaningful student involvement is vital to school improvement.
I was a directing student and a production design student at Carnegie Mellon. I went in as a production design student and became a directing student.
As educators and policy makers, it is important to demonstrate for parents the connection between high levels of student participation in assessment and system accountability - ensuring the success of every student.
Student rental is definitely a very profitable form; it is also a very time intensive type of investment. There's a lot of working involved with student rentals.
Hold tight to the mentality of being a student, meaning hold on to curiosity and approach life as a student.
The finest teaching touches in a student a spring neither teacher nor student could possibly have preconceived. — © Anne Truitt
The finest teaching touches in a student a spring neither teacher nor student could possibly have preconceived.
The superior student listens to the Way and follows it closely. The average student listens to the Way and follows some and some not. The lesser student listens to the Way and laughs out loud. If there were no laughter it would not be the Way.
If lenders are forced to scale back student lending because private student loans are subject to bankruptcy discharge, many students will be denied access to higher education.
I was a good student, I was good at soccer, I was vice president of the student council, I was a pretty girl.
Is not, indeed, every man a student, and do not all things exist for the student's behoof?
Student debt is crushing the lives of millions of Americans. How does it happen that we can get a home mortgage or purchase a car with interest rates half of that being paid for student loans? We must make higher education affordable for all. We must substantially lower interest rates on student loans. This must be a national priority.
Better educating our college students on the risks of high student debt and helping them to find alternatives to taking out student loans would help make the difference to their financial future.
Enlightenment doesn't mean you stop being a student. Being a student is a state of mind. Enlightenment simply means that you are everything and everywhere. It doesn't preclude being a student.
In the advanced practice, the relationship between the Zen master and the student becomes very terse. The Zen master will expect things of the student because the student is in graduate school.
A teacher had two types of students. One type of student is a close student. The other is also a close student, but not in the sense of physical proximity. The close students rotate a lot.
The greatest teachers are the ones that turn a B student into an A student, or a failing student into a B student.
I classify myself as a student and a teacher. This year, I'm back into the student. I try to stay balanced. I learn so much every time I walk about my door.
I haven't yet figured out how I was made first captain, because I was not an outstanding student. I was an adequate student.
If one student is unable to get online, it cripples that student's team and puts the whole course in jeopardy.
In online learning environments, it is often hard to tell whether a student is struggling. By the time test scores are lagging, it's often too late - the student has already quit.
Much music teaching seems more concerned with controlling the student than with encouraging the student's own impulses.
When I was a UA student, I was given the ultimate runaround when my student group wanted to bring author and activist David Horowitz to speak on campus.
If you have a young student, don't let him take too many punches to the head. There's the right moment to do a hard training, but it can't be every day. A good coach takes care of your student.
I'm not an A student; I'm not even a B student, but I've gotten a lot better with the reading because of texts. And I can voice-text and say whatever I want to people.
I wouldn't attach too much importance to these student riots. I remember when I was a student at the Sorbonne in Paris, I used to go out and riot occasionally.
Every student has something to offer, and every student deserves a nurturing learning environment.
And I want to work with this Congress, to make sure Americans already burdened with student loans can reduce their monthly payments, so that student debt doesn't derail anyone's dreams.
Learning results from what the student does and thinks, and only from what the student does and thinks. The teacher can advance learning only by influencing the student to learn.
I am but a student... a willing student.
What I want to do first with education is my student loan idea. Basically, if you go into teaching and teach for five years, your student loans should be forgiven. It doesn't cost that much.
I found my student of the year, and now Tata Nano is searching for India's student of the year — © Karan Johar
I found my student of the year, and now Tata Nano is searching for India's student of the year
I was a student at SF State, and I honestly didn't know where I was headed. I thought maybe something in the social sciences. But I happened to be living with a group of people, and one person was a film student. I was always keen on and aware of what she was doing.
It shouldn't matter what type of school a student attends, so long as the school is the right fit for that student.
When I entered high school I was an A-student, but not for long. I wanted the fancy clothes. I wanted to hang out with the guys. I went from being an A-student to a B-student to a C-student, but I didn't care. I was getting the high fives and the low fives and the pats on the back. I was cool.
I do not need to establish a deep, lasting, time-consuming personal relationship with every student. What I must do is to be totally and nonselectively present to the student-to each student-as he addresses me. The time interval may be brief but the encounter is total.
If student A 'impacts' student B with a fist, they shouldn't 'dialogue as equals.' Student A should be disciplined. When you assault your co-worker or curse out your boss, you don't get a 'restorative circle' - you get fired.
In the esoteric teachings, a transference process takes place between teacher and student where knowledge is actually transmitted from one to the other. This requires that the student be receptive.
Creating on-campus communities for student veterans will help ease the transition from military to student life by providing networking opportunities, assistance with federal benefits, and career services.
I was a decent student but not a great student.
I was an American Studies student at Berkeley as an undergraduate, and pretty much as a graduate student, too.
Faulkner turned out to be a great teacher. When a student asked a question ineptly, he answered the question with what the student had really wanted to know. — © Leslie Fiedler
Faulkner turned out to be a great teacher. When a student asked a question ineptly, he answered the question with what the student had really wanted to know.
This is the sense in which I am obliged to be a listener. To listen to the student's doubts, fears, and incompetencies that are part of the learning process. It is in listening to the student that I learn to speak with him or her.
My obligation is to focus on the priorities of classroom instruction, parental involvement and student safety, targeting student performance and eliminating unnecessary administrative costs.
Student is #1. If a student comes to me and needs an hour after class of my time, I am going to give him everything without hesitation.
If I give a student one-fourth of what he should know, I expect him to get the other three-fourths himself, otherwise I do not want him as a student.
A Student is the most important person ever in this person, on the telephone, or by mail. A Student is not dependent on us...we are dependent on the Student. A Student is not an interruption of our work..the Studenti s the purpose of it. We are not doing a favor by serving the Student...the Student is doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to do so. A Student is a person who brings us his or her desire to learn. It is our job to handle each Student in a manner which is beneficial to the Student and ourselves.
Clearly, once the student is no longer a student the possibilities of relationship are enlarged.
An exceedingly confident student would in theory make a terrible student. Why would he take school seriously when he feels that he can outwit his teachers?
I'm a student of violence because I'm a student of the human heart.
Test scores and measures of achievement tell you where a student is, but they don't tell you where a student could end up.
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