Top 313 Stuffed Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Stuffed quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I have two quite large houses, and every cupboard and drawer is stuffed with books.
Humor is a hole that lets the sawdust out of a stuffed shirt.
A satisfied customer. We should have him stuffed. — © John Cleese
A satisfied customer. We should have him stuffed.
For me, there is no better tapa than a really good stuffed olive.
Stuffed animals are sad and scary; they have humorous and tragic qualities.
You'd been petting a stuffed dog?' she said 'A dead one?' 'It was a really well stuffed dog' I clarified. 'I have seen some bad taxidermy. This was top-notch work. It would have fooled anyone.
I did have a 1977 Barbie, but I was more into stuffed animals than dolls.
The work of art is a stuffed crocodile.
I could not hear what they say about me, my 2 Stanley Cup rings were stuffed in my ears.
I eat little meals throughout the day rather than one huge one that makes you feel stuffed.
When the shriveled skin of the ordinary is stuffed out with meaning, it satisfies the senses amazingly.
I used to wrestle with my stuffed animals.
I have one last request. Don't use embalming fluid on me; I want to be stuffed with crab meat. — © Woody Allen
I have one last request. Don't use embalming fluid on me; I want to be stuffed with crab meat.
Huitlacoche is typically eaten as a filling for quesadillas or with any tortilla-based food. Also great stuffed in crepes.
Christianity will doubtless still survive in the earth ten centuries hence- stuffed and in a museum.
Today, ordinary Americans are being stuffed with garbage.
To be a Christian in a generously orthodox way is not to claim to have the truth captured, stuffed, and mounted on the wall
Eric Clapton always wanted to come out onstage with a stuffed parrot on his shoulder.
It was rumored she held grudges till they died of old age, then had them stuffed and mounted.
Christmas is a stocking stuffed with sugary goodness.
Or. I hate that word. It’s two letters long and stuffed to the gills with reasonable doubt.
Happiness is a carnival game. It's never as easy as it looks, but the dumb ones always seem to be walking around with a big stuffed animal.
Who doesn't love a stuffed cherry tomato?
I locked the door, for what good it would do me, and went to bed. The Browning Hi-Power was in its second home, a modified holster strapped to the headboard of my bed. The crucifix was cool metal around my neck. I was as safe as I was going to be and almost too tired to care. I took one more thing to bed with me, a stuffed toy penguin named Sigmund. I don't sleep with him often, just every once in a while after someone tries to kill me. Everyone has their weaknesses. Some people smoke. I collect stuffed penguins. If you won't tell, I won't.
I'm a stuffed rabbit collector.
Pop guns! And bicycles! Roller skates! Drums! Checkerboards! Tricycles! Popcorn! And plums! And he stuffed them in bags. Then the Grinch, very nimbly, Stuffed all the bags, one by one, up the chimbley!
I'm half-Japanese, so I collect toys, like a Yayoi Kusama stuffed pumpkin.
The road to Hell is paved with unbought stuffed dogs.
Rowing is a simple sport stuffed up by experts
The spectrum on the list is very broad. It includes leftists who think that whiny liberals should be stuffed in a sack and drowned.
I get a lot of stuff from Germany - stuffed bugs and tarantulas.
No, indeed; I don't know anything. You see, I am stuffed, so I have no brains at all.
All chefs have pictures of food in their phones, stuffed pig's ears and pigs' heads and the like.
A lot of women in the summer nowadays are just a bunch of stuffed shorts.
I feel like I've been split open and stuffed with sunshine.
The well-stuffed slave masters currently gorging themselves in Cuba's halls of power need to be held accountable.
It took me three weeks to stuff the turkey. I stuffed it through the beak.
Everyone has their weaknesses. Some people smoke. I collect stuffed penguins. If you won't tell, I won't. — © Laurell K. Hamilton
Everyone has their weaknesses. Some people smoke. I collect stuffed penguins. If you won't tell, I won't.
One of the handiest features of crepes is that you can cook the pancakes all the way through and refrigerate them, to be reheated and stuffed later.
People find ideas a bore because they do not distinguish between live ones and stuffed ones on a shelf.
Christopher Nolan’s 168-minute odyssey through the space-time continuum is stuffed with stuff of bewildering wrongness.
Unbelievable! I said, "What would I be doing walking the streets at night as a stuffed olive- gate-crashing cocktail parties?
There's ten stuffed heads in my trophy room right now, two game wardens, seven hunters, and a cow.
I am of old and young, of the foolish as much as the wise, Regardless of others, ever regardful of others, Maternal as well as paternal, a child as well as a man, Stuffed with the stuff that is course, and stuffed with the stuff that is fine.
I've loved singing since forever. Whether it was with my sisters while cleaning the kitchen, putting shows on for my stuffed animals, writing songs about my stuffed animals, starting an a capella group with my cousins while on vacation, or awkwardly singing along to karaoke tracks alone in my bedroom - singing always found a way into my life.
He took a dog-doo snow cone and stuffed it in my right eye. He took a dog-doo snow cone and stuffed it in my other eye.
A pillow for thee will I bring,Stuffed with down of angel's wing.
I do not wish my house to be walled and my windows stuffed. I want all cultures to blow freely through my dwelling. — © Mahatma Gandhi
I do not wish my house to be walled and my windows stuffed. I want all cultures to blow freely through my dwelling.
When I travel, I just take what I need and I run. I always have my briefcase stuffed with work, even when I go on a holiday.
An excuse is a skin of a reason stuffed with a lie.
If it's done really well, you don't want big portions because you think, 'That was so fulfilling. I'm not stuffed. I feel great.'
The squid is so cooperative. Its body forms a tube that can be stuffed with marvelous fillings. You don't have to be Greek to enjoy this one.
I collect stuffed animals, and toy stores make me happy.
A professional model is like a stuffed owl. These girls are alive.
When I go home, I play with my baby dolls and strollers and stuffed animals, pretend like they're real dogs.
What is a turducken? An exclusive culinary creation available by special order from some little Cajun town down south. Entirely deboned, a turducken consists of a turkey, stuffed with duck, stuffed with a chicken, like an edible Russian nesting doll. Some were stuffed with alligator, crap, shrimp; my favorite was the traditional cornbread variety.
Boredom is the self being stuffed with itself.
Your mind is totally controlled, it has been stuffed into my mold. And you will do as you are told, until the rights to you are sold.
Doctrine is nothing but the skin of truth set up and stuffed.
I was very tiny...I spent most of my time stuffed into lockers. Thank god for cell phones, or I'd still be there.
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