Top 109 Stupidest Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Stupidest quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
As for me, I did the stupidest thing in my life, which is saying a lot. I attacked the Titan Lord Atlas.
Reason cannot establish values, and its belief that it can is the stupidest and most pernicious illusion.
Why is it that the stupidest people are always the most good-natured? — © Stefan Zweig
Why is it that the stupidest people are always the most good-natured?
The stupidest man I ever met had a favourite saying. It was: 'What do you think I am, stupid, or something?
When people laugh at a company or say, 'This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard,' you are listening.
Let's leave it all alone. I'm stupidest when I try to be funny.
Marijuana prohibition is just the stupidest law possible....Jus t legalize it and tax it like we do liquor.
Only the stupidest calves choose their own butcher.
Congratulations. That was the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Ever.
This is the stupidest plan I have ever in my career participated in," Xenophon said. "I love stupid plans," said Eugenides.
The difference between the smartest dog and the stupidest man - say a Tennessee Holy Roller - is really very small.
The human heart was undeniably the stupidest organ in the body.
This is not to say that I wasn't completely repulsed. I mean, I wasn't exactly proud that my stepbrother was in there tongue wrestling with the second stupidest person in our class, after himself.
All at once, I couldn’t figure out why I was methodically tossing a spherical object through a toroidal object. It seemed like the stupidest thing I could possibly be doing.
The temptation was great to muster what force we could and put up a fight. It's the easiest way out, and the most satisfactory to self-respect--but, nearly invariably, the stupidest.
I am so tired of rearranging my life around what the stupidest people might do. — © Bill Maher
I am so tired of rearranging my life around what the stupidest people might do.
I got asked by a freelance journalist to jump in front of Princess Diana's funeral. How pathetic is that? That would have been the stupidest thing on the planet.
Eric Bischoff is a total, complete idiot, maybe the single stupidest idiot that ever got into wrestling.
People you knew when you were teenagers, the ones who saw your stupidest haircut and the most embarrassing things you've done in your life, and they still cared about you after all that: they're not replaceable, you know?
The art of angling, the cruelest, the coldest and the stupidest of pretended sports.
The stupidest thing that a writer can do is write a memoir I think, unless it's right before you die -- maybe.
Wikipedia is an amazing construct. It's a commons that works. I don't know how Jimmy Wales came up with it. I'm sure all of us would have said, "This is the stupidest thing we've ever heard of. That'll never work in a million years."
Some of the stupidest brilliant people who ever lived.
Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change.
The stupidest person in the room might have the best idea.
One of the stupidest theories of Western life.
Crushes are wonderful-they make you feel like you're two years old, and you say the stupidest things.
Love is not the stupidest thing a man does, but it cannot be blamed on gravity.
A movie is never any better than the stupidest man connected with it.
When I was little, I would always lie about the stupidest things. In kindergarten or first grade, I would tell people I had tigers living in my attic and a room full of gold.
It's the stupidest thing of all time, going on tour. It deteriorates the soul, but it's fun.
There's been a thoughtfulness to everything I do. Even the stupidest things I do have some kind of point.
I was being foolish. An atheist can't stand behind their assertion that God doesn't exist. The stupidest thing I ever could have done was to reject His Truth.
I see couples fighting about the stupidest things. You just have to rise above everything.
Revenge was the emptiest of emotions. Apparently it motivated people to do the stupidest things as well.
The Establishment center... has led us into the stupidest and cruelest war in all history. That war is a moral and political disaster - a terrible cancer eating away at the soul of our nation.
Every generation thinks they invented sex, which is the stupidest assumption in the world because if that was the case, you wouldn't even be here.
I went to Queen's - a fine university with the proudly stupidest frosh week in the country. This was, when I was there, supposed to be somehow evidence of a higher social class.
In living in the world by his own will and skill, the stupidest peasant or tribesman is more competent than the most intelligent worker or technician or intellectual in a society of specialists.
People going off on politics on Grindr is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen. That's an immediate sign to run in the other direction. — © Billy Eichner
People going off on politics on Grindr is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen. That's an immediate sign to run in the other direction.
Once I moved to L.A., there was a dark moment of trying to keep up with the girls I thought were pretty. Until I realised that's the stupidest thing you can do because people are so pretty in L.A.!
I like to write my shows coming up with the stupidest things I can think of then finding a way I can incorporate a running theme or an underlying message that takes a stupid idea and gives it something worth watching.
I discovered early in my movie work that a movies never any better than the stupidest man connected with it. There are times when this distinction may be given to the writer or director. Most often it belongs to the producer.
[Heihei] is stupidest chicken on planet Earth and mascot.
Commercial fishermen are the greediest, stupidest people on earth.
Infidelity, cheating is the easiest, stupidest, dumbest thing you can do.
War to me is the stupidest way of settling anything. The whole damn thing goes to pieces.
It is only the very wisest and the very stupidest who never change.
Nobody mentioned this in any of the reviews, but the reason we came up with that plot for 'Reno 911: Miami' is because we thought it was just the stupidest title for a movie that we could think of.
Crooks aren't the worst people, just the stupidest. The fleas of the world.
I say the stupidest stuff, all the time, off of Twitter, and so I think Twitter is good way for people to get to know the stupid side of me. — © Kris Allen
I say the stupidest stuff, all the time, off of Twitter, and so I think Twitter is good way for people to get to know the stupid side of me.
A lot of people think that if they learn to read music they are gonna lose their feel or their groove or something. It's the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
One of my big pet peeves is single-use plastic bags. I think it's one of the stupidest ideas in the world.
Even the stupidest cat seems to know more than any dog.
She gets to school late. Bashful gives her a tardy, and won't reconsider. Janie always hated Bashful. Stupidest. Dwarf. Ever.
Even in this world of course it is the stupidest children who are most childish and the stupidest grown-ups who are most grown-up.
As the stupidest person in the room, I always had the most to gain.
Using some economic issues to make one group of people, regardless of race or religion, the scapegoat for all the problems of the country is just the stupidest, and yet, the most creative propaganda scheme that you can come up with.
To assess the intelligence of a committee, divide the IQ of its stupidest member by the number of members.
Since I was the stupidest kid in my class, it never occurred to me to try and be perfect, so I've always been happy as a writer just to entertain myself. That's an easier place to start.
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