Top 156 Submitted Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Submitted quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
The car is a character in the piece - I've never liked the car, I submitted to it's objectionable popularity.
When I met Narendra Modi in 2014, I submitted an 18-point agenda which included the issues faced by the tribesmen in the State.
The eagle never lost so much time as when he submitted to learn of the crow — © William Blake
The eagle never lost so much time as when he submitted to learn of the crow
We get our facts from Wiki-something or the other, which at the best of times, is generalised information gathered and submitted by anyone who wishes to!
Upon this the Hungarian ministers resigned, but the names submitted by the president of the council, at the demand of the king, were not approved of for successors.
The error seems not sufficiently eradicated, that the operations of the mind, as well as the acts of the body, are subject to the coercion of the laws. But our rulers can have authority over such natural rights only as we have submitted to them. The rights of conscience we never submitted, we could not submit. We are answerable for them to our God. The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others.
You well know, sir, that when the Constitution was submitted to the People of the respective States for their adoption or rejection, it awakened the warmest debates of the several State conventions.
We'll turn down crappy games that are submitted to the Epic Store.
My conviction of the necessity of further legislative provisions for the safe-keeping and disbursement of the public moneys and my opinion in regard to the measures best adapted to the accomplishment of those objects have been already submitted to you.
I know that after my letter there will be undoubtedly an 'opinion' about me, but I am not afraid of it. I openly say what I think. Talent, of which we are proud, must not be submitted to the assaults of the past.
The first version of The Beautiful Room Is Empty was the first mss. I'd ever submitted to New York editors.
If you're opposed to the budget I submitted to the General Assembly, you're for a tax increase.
Nine months after we submitted the original screenplay for 'The Attack,' the studio that was involved pulled out. I've been told that 'you don't write in a French way; you can't make these multicultural films.'
The only reason Christ submitted himself to the horrendous experience of bearing the sins of the entire world is because his death provided the only way for reconciliation with God.
I have studied Murad Saeed's case myself, He have not submitted any fake degree. Its a conspiracy against him. If he had any fears, if he was guilty he wouldn't have went to court.
Well Getaway was a script that was submitted to us for production and I read it and thought it would be a cool movie to make. — © Courtney Solomon
Well Getaway was a script that was submitted to us for production and I read it and thought it would be a cool movie to make.
How sacredly do [we] regard the good name of another?...Do we pass on spicy bits of entertaining conversation...repeating rumors and stories which have not been submitted to the test of truth?
The pressure for conformity is enormous. I have experienced it in editors’ rejection of submitted papers, based on venomous criticism of anonymous referees. The replacement of impartial reviewing by censorship will be the death of science.
The man who has submitted his will and purposes entirely to God, carries God with him in all his works and in all circumstances.
The body regulates the soul, and, like the balance-wheel, it is submitted to regular oscillations.
New York is a great place to be as an unrepresented actor because there are so many 'open auditions' that you can show up for without being submitted by an agent.
Like pretty much every short story writer, I submitted to every market under the sun and hoped for the best. The rejection letters I've collected over the years can probably make a book of their own.
Manuscript: something submitted in haste and returned at leisure.
Beauty is also submitted to the taste of time.
To get that word, male, out of the Constitution, cost the women of this country fifty-two years of pauseless campaign; 56 state referendum campaigns; 480 legislative campaigns to get state suffrage amendments submitted; 47 state constitutional convention campaigns; 277 state party convention campaigns; 30 national party convention campaigns to get suffrage planks in the party platforms; 19 campaigns with 19 successive Congresses to get the federal amendment submitted, and the final ratification campaign.
[O]ur rules can have authority over such natural rights only as we have submitted to them. The rights of conscience we never submitted, we could not submit. We are answerable for them to our God.
I have... submitted the resignation of the government, and I have declared that I will not be a candidate to head the (next) government.
At four in the afternoon, I submitted to be more vile and proclaimed in the highways the glad tidings of salvation.
Our rulers can have authority over such natural rights only as we have submitted to them.
It is the duty of the Umpire to determine all questions submitted to him according to these laws, when they apply, and according to his best judgment when they do not apply.
A gentleman can withstand hardships; it is only the small man who, when submitted to them, is swept off his feet.
I submitted manuscripts to publishers. This was not so much a feeling that I should be published as a wish to escape the feared and hated drudgery of normal work.
The only security of all is in a free press. The force of public opinion cannot be resisted when permitted freely to be expressed. The agitation it produces must be submitted to. It is necessary, to keep he waters pure.
To feel not only submitted but willing to be anything or nothing as the Lord wills it - this is, in truth, to sing a song to our Well Beloved.
My father, Reginald Francois, was a D-Day veteran. He never submitted to bullying by any German, and neither will his son.
Well, I think the president has clearly submitted us a tight budget, but it's what's called for if we're going to get spending under control and keep the economy moving in the right direction, with economic growth and job creation activity.
I would be rejected if I submitted any of my novels as romance novels.
I started to write before I went to SUNY Purchase music conservatory. As an audition I submitted what I now think are really awful songs, but I guess they saw something in them.
When you are submitted and committed to the Lord, you will look forward to Jesus coming back, and not even an earthquake or Hurricane Irene will be able to shake you from the love of Christ.
So many people have asked me about getting their own LEGO Oscar that I submitted it to LEGO Ideas so that everyone has the ability to get one. — © Nathan Sawaya
So many people have asked me about getting their own LEGO Oscar that I submitted it to LEGO Ideas so that everyone has the ability to get one.
Tree limbs rise and fall like the ecstatic arms of those who have submitted to the mystical life. Leaf sounds talk together like poets making fresh metaphors.
Had the United States not acted in Iraq, Libyan leader Muammar Qadhafi would likely not have declared his weapons programs, submitted to international inspections and voluntarily dismantled its programs.
I am still not at all in favour of offering any defence. Even if the court had accepted that petition submitted by some of my co-accused regarding defence, etc., I would not have defended myself.
A manuscript not submitted is a book not published.
I never expect to get submitted, but that is the game.
no one wants to be praised for possibilities when one has submitted performances.
The only true and lasting inspiration for life is genuine love for God, and submitted gratitude that I get to be a part of the redemptive quest.
If you need proof of how the oral relates to the written, consider that many great novelists, including Joyce and Hemingway, never submitted a piece of work without reading it aloud.
I had the advantage of reading the book, and when the script was first submitted to me, it was just another gangster story - the east side taking over the west side and all that.
The circumstances of human society are too complicated to be submitted to the rigor of mathematical calculation.
But, as all scientists know, there is a time lag of 12 to 18 months between the time a manuscript is submitted and the time it is published in a scientific journal. — © Paul Harvey
But, as all scientists know, there is a time lag of 12 to 18 months between the time a manuscript is submitted and the time it is published in a scientific journal.
The first article carrying Vonnegut's byline, 'This Business of Whistle Purchasing,' a lighthearted criticism of a school fund-raiser, was submitted at the urging of his sophomore English teacher.
Rather than allow themselves to be separated from the love of Christ, they submitted cheerfully to every privation, to contumely and disgrace, and to death itself.
It is the great inspector, with a myriad eyes, who never sleeps, and whose daily reports are submitted, not to a functionary or department, but to the whole people.
I have carefully examined the evidences of the Christian religion, and if I was sitting as a juror upon its authenticity I would unhesitatingly give my verdict in its favor. I can prove its truth as clearly as any proposition ever submitted to the mind of man.
You have to be submitted for the Pulitzer, and unbeknownst to us, a choral director whom I know had submitted us.
Life only works when Jesus is everything and we are fully submitted to Him.
When I produced Spartacus, the writer was Dalton Trumbo, who spent a year in jail because he would not answer McCarthy's questions about other people. He submitted the picture under the false name of Sam Jackson.
Those three years ended with June 1933. At that time I left Princeton, having submitted my Ph.D. thesis.
In future, migrants desiring to enter our State will need to be registered and their personal details and identification proof will have to be submitted to the police station.
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