Top 1200 Success Happiness Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Success Happiness quotes.
Last updated on December 11, 2024.
We suffer from the illusion that the faster we run, the more likely we are to grasp happiness. The truth is that the velocity necessary for success rarely exceeds the rate of reflection.
Let us waste no further time looking for the secret of success or the key to happiness. Already the door is open and whosoever will, may enter.
So what is happiness? I am sure this question will be asked through the ages. And I doubt there is one answer for all people. Like heaven and hell, one person's happiness can be another person's unhappiness, which is why I'm not attempting to tell you what to do to find your happiness. I have enough trouble finding and hanging onto my own true happiness.
If there is something that needs to be done on my behalf back home, for example, my brothers take care of it for me. I share everything with my family; all my happiness and success is theirs.
If we agree that the bottom line of life is happiness, not success, then it makes perfect sense to say that it is the journey that counts, not reaching the destination. — © Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
If we agree that the bottom line of life is happiness, not success, then it makes perfect sense to say that it is the journey that counts, not reaching the destination.
Happiness held is the seed; happiness shared is the flower. A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour. Happiness is a direction, not a place.
I have long since abandoned the notion that higher education is essential to either success or happiness. Hothouses of learning do not always grow anything edible.
This philosophical postulate that the end of all being is the happiness of man has been sort-of covered over with evangelical terms and biblical doctrine - until God reigns in heaven for the happiness of man, Jesus Christ was incarnate for the happiness of man, all the angels exist and ... everything is for the happiness of man - and I submit to you that this is unchristian.
There are three words that convey the secret of the art of living, the secret of all success and happiness. One With Life.
My University of Management will create managers who will float in happiness, success and fulfillment.
Success doesn't bring happiness. Only material stuff like money, cars and iPods can do that. And I've already got all that. So I have to find other ways to amuse myself.
Fame or integrity: which is more important? Money or happiness: which is more valuable? Success or failure: which is more destructive? If you look to others for fulfillment, you will never truly be fulfilled. If your happiness depends on money, you will never be happy with yourself. Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.
Happiness must happen, and the same holds for success: you have to let it happen by not caring about it.
To me, it's like happiness is about happiness, but happiness is a fight.
Your success and happiness depend on your willingness to help others solve their problems. — © T. B. Joshua
Your success and happiness depend on your willingness to help others solve their problems.
Happiness is sorrow; sorrow is happiness. There is happiness in difficulty; difficulty in happiness. Even though the ways we feel are different, they are not really different, in essence they are the same. This is the true understanding transmitted from Buddha to us.
Serve others. The failing recipe for happiness and success is to want the good of others.
You can choose to think in ways that will support you in your happiness and success instead of ways that don't.
One's own karma, one's own actions are responsible to come to bring either happiness or success or whatever.
Genuine happiness consists in those spiritual qualities of love, compassion, patience, tolerance and forgiveness and so on. For it is these which provide both for our happiness and others happiness.
If you think that material success will bring you happiness, relationships, people, places, things, fame, fortune, you definitely should not practice tantra.
Success in its highest and noblest form calls for peace of mind and enjoyment and happiness which come only to the man who has found the work that he likes best.
Success is about happiness and security, rather than hitting any particular sort of job or rung on the career ladder.
I think I am missing a gene that most people have to enable them to feel happiness about success and these kind of things.
I admit I can't shake the idea that there is virtue in suffering, that there is a sort of psychic economy, whereby if you embrace success, happiness and comfort, these things have to be paid for.
The real problem with happiness is neither its pursuers nor their books; it's happiness itself. Happiness is like beauty: part of its glory lies in its transience.
I believe an appreciation for simplicity, the everyday - the ability to dive deeply into the banal and discover life's hidden richness - is where success, let alone happiness, emerges.
Well, there are two kinds of happiness, grounded and ungrounded. Ungrounded happiness is cheesy and not based on reality. Grounded happiness is informed happiness based on the knowledge that the world sometimes sucks, but even then you have to believe in yourself.
Now, when ordinary people attempt to find happiness, I am not sure whether the happiness is really happiness or not. I study what ordinary people do to find happiness, what they struggle for, rushing about apparently unable to stop.
I've had a good life. Enough happiness, enough success.
When you're Happy for No Reason, you bring happiness to your outer experiences rather than trying to extract happiness from them. You don't need to manipulate the world around you to try to make yourself happy. You live from happiness, rather than for happiness.
Rise above the limited conditions of pleasure and pain, success and failure, happiness and sorrow, that all the countless unenlightened beings in creation are slaves to.
Success and happiness spring from facing failure after failure with enthusiasm.
In this regard, pleasure is an event; happiness is a process. Pleasure is an end point; happiness is the journey. Pleasure is material; happiness is spiritual. Pleasure is self-involved; happiness is outer- and other-involved.
A person of character seeks true happiness in living a life of purpose and meaning, placing a higher value on significance than success.
Our daily decisions and habits have a huge impact upon both our levels of happiness and success.
Your success is not measured in terms of what all you obtained but in term of what you become, how you live and what actions you do. Upon this point reflect well and attain great happiness
Someone accused me of having 'gone off the rails' but I've never been on them hence the success and happiness I enjoy on a daily basis.
Are people the best judges of their own happiness, or outsiders? In defining happiness, should we think of entire lives or of shorter periods such as moments, days, or years? And to what extent are virtue and happiness linked?
It's very dangerous, making your happiness based on success and fashion. I know the media cares about all that, but I try to ignore that world anyway. — © Felix Buxton
It's very dangerous, making your happiness based on success and fashion. I know the media cares about all that, but I try to ignore that world anyway.
The fundamental defect of fathers, in our competitive society, is that they want their children to be a credit to them. We all feel instinctively, that our children's success reflect glory upon ourselves, while their failures make us feel shame. Unfortunately, the successes which cause us to swell with pride are often of an undesirable kind.... Neither happiness nor virtue, but worldly success, is what the average father desires for his children.
True success, true happiness lies in freedom and fulfillment.
A man's high success requires a key; but his happiness needs personality to be low-key
Life is like topography, Hobbes. There are summits of happiness and success, flat stretches of boring routine and valleys of frustration and failure.
Know that success and inner peace are your birthright, that you are a child of God and as such that you're entitled to a life filled with joy, love and happiness.
Opportunities, creative ideas or the lack of them, happiness, frustration, brilliance, talent, success and failure - all are determined by the state of mind that you're in.
And happiness...Well, after all, desires torment us, don't they? And, clearly, happiness is when there are no more desires, not one...What a mistake, what ridiculous prejudice it's been to have marked happiness always with a plus sign. Absolute happiness should, of course, carry a minus sign — the divine minus.
Perhaps the most important word in success and happiness is the word,"ask."
Most persons have but a very moderate capacity of happiness. marriage a far greater degree of happiness than they commonly find, and knowing not that the fault is in their own scanty capability of happiness.
Action for Happiness encourages each of us to live more compassionately and put the happiness of others at the centre of our lives. This is the path to lasting peace and happiness
While it is all very well to distinguish happiness that is transient from that which is lasting, between ephemeral and genuine happiness, the only happiness it is meaningful to speak of when a person is dying from thirst is access to water.
Happiness, wealth, and success are by-products of goal setting, they cannot be the goal themselves. — © Denis Waitley
Happiness, wealth, and success are by-products of goal setting, they cannot be the goal themselves.
Money - like health, love, happiness, and all forms of success that you want to create for yourself - is the result of living purposefully. It is not a goal unto itself.
I think for me, happiness is crucial, but I think we think that happiness comes from amassing goods and getting things and being loved and being successful, when in fact my experience of happiness comes when you give everything away, when you serve people, when you're watching something you do make somebody happy, that's when happiness happens.
I think the difference between finding happiness, or moments of happiness, is how you choose to interpret things. That's a rather shocking responsibility. That we're responsible for our own happiness. It's not those around us.
If you are happy, happiness will come to you because happiness wants to go where happiness is.
After the success of 'Rumours,' we were in this zone with this certain scale of success. By that point, the success detaches from the music, and the success becomes about the success. The phenomenon becomes about the phenomenon.
It is the pursuit of happiness that brings us happiness, and not the happiness achieved.
If you develop an image of success, health, abundance, joy, peace, happiness, nothing on earth will be able to hold those things from you.
The key to happiness is having dreams; the key to success is making them come true.
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