Top 1200 Suggest Quotes & Sayings

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Last updated on September 17, 2024.
To suggest that we can't pay our debts - that's absolutely not true.
I'm just enjoying my life.I suggest you try it.
When you get up, the night and day is a contradiction. But you get up at 4 A.M. That first blush of blue is where the night and day are trying to find harmony with each other. Harmony is the notes that Mozart didn't give you, but somehow the contradiction of his notes suggest that. All contradictions of his notes suggest the harmony.
The motions of men must be such as suggest their dignity or their baseness. — © Leonardo da Vinci
The motions of men must be such as suggest their dignity or their baseness.
I'm not going to suggest to a delegate at what they ought to do.
I think to suggest that somehow Muslims aren't welcome in the USA, to suggest somehow that being a Muslim is incompatible with being western, unintentionally plays into the hand of Daesh and so-called Isis.
I don't need a piece of paper to suggest that I can commit myself.
... one of the main functions of an analogy or model is to suggest extensions of the theory by considering extensions of the analogy, since more is known about the analogy than is known about the subject matter of the theory itself ... A collection of observable concepts in a purely formal hypothesis suggesting no analogy with anything would consequently not suggest either any directions for its own development.
When people suggest we like to 'dream big'... they're absolutely right.
My ideas are not meant to suggest dreams or reality, but a surreal quality.
I suggest that the best geologist is he who has seen most rocks.
Estimates suggest that from 20 to 50 million Americans routinely, albeit illegally, smoke marijuana without the benefit of direct medical supervision. Yet, despite this long history of use and the extraordinarily high numbers of social smokers, there are simply no credible reports to suggest that consuming marijuana has caused a single death. By contrast, aspirin, a commonly used, over-the-counter medicine, causes hundreds of deaths each year.
Religion is an affront to liberalism because it dares suggest it's not all about you.
I want to trace my father, could you suggest a good marker pen? — © Frankie Boyle
I want to trace my father, could you suggest a good marker pen?
There is no polite way to suggest to someone that they have devoted their life to a folly.
I don't say that the West is united, I don't suggest that.
If you want to remain at liberty, I suggest you not antagonize your defenders.
I can only control what I do. I can try to suggest and be open, but trust is the key.
I'll alight upon words because I think they suggest any number of things.
If you don't do it my way, I suggest you commit suicide.
It's impossible to satisfy everyone, and I suggest we all stop trying.
I like how glasses suggest intelligence instead of broken eyes.
The past, as you suggest, is absolutely present at all times and the present is born from the past. I wouldn't want to suggest that the past determines the present.
Mr. Gingrich has a number of elements in his record that could be criticized accurately. But to suggest that he was somehow anti-Reagan or to suggest that Reagan was anti-Gingrich is preposterously untrue.
All those fake news having nothing beneath and having no evidence, were nothing else but slander. And that's why we'll continue to suggest to everyone insisting that Russia was interfering in this or that way into domestic affairs of the United States, we will suggest them to read Mr. Putin's lips.
To suggest personal will and effort to one all sicklied o'er with the sense of irremediable impotence is to suggest the most impossible of things. What he craves is to be consoled in his very powerlessness, to feel that the spirit of the universe recognizes and secures him, all decaying and failing as he is.
If you enjoy shaming people, I suggest dentistry as a profession.
... to mention honor was to suggest its opposite.
To define is to kill. To suggest is to create.
What do you get the man who has everything? Might I suggest a gravestone inscribed with the words: so what?
To suggest is to create; to describe is to destroy.
It’s not witch-crafty or anything! I suggest it to all moms!
If in a Christian pulpit you have no business saying, "I suggest to you" No! "These things I declare to you."
To know how to suggest is the art of teaching.
I highly suggest marriage to all my friends who are dating.
With little art, clear wit and sense Suggest their own delivery.
To me photography must suggest, not insist or explain.
Certain materials suggest ideas and ways of working.
I wouldn't trust any evidence that the Russians suggest that they could provide. — © Susan Collins
I wouldn't trust any evidence that the Russians suggest that they could provide.
I suggest we learn to love ourselves before it's made illegal.
If you want to change the world's spirit, I will suggest that only poetry can do this.
Like with anything, good writing suggest itself pretty strongly.
I think it's unhelpful to suggest that the task of evangelism is essentially the responsibility of ministers.
On the one hand, to suggest that white poll watchers are going to black communities threatening and provocative. On the other hand is to suggest that if that same line of vote is he also resists making a commitment to honor the winner of the campaign, that there is another agenda.
I want to suggest a feeling. It's ridiculous to assume you can state an opinion. Somebody else can never relate to the lyric in the same way because their whole experience is different. You can only suggest, then people add their own history and experience to the lyrics.
Can you suggest any suitable aspersions to spread abroad about Mrs. Thatcher? It is idle to suggest she has unnatural relations with Mrs. Barbara Castle; what is needed is something socially lower: that she eats asparagus with knife and fork, or serves instant mash potatoes.
Yellen’s comments suggest, and I agree, that we are in an asset bubble.
I do not take orders from Washington, and I suggest that no one else should either.
I would suggest that science is, at least in my part, informed worship. — © Carl Sagan
I would suggest that science is, at least in my part, informed worship.
Life marches by, I suggest you get on with it.
My worlds are complex, and often suggest more than one story.
However, I don't by any means suggest that I'm always playing myself.
I know because I read. Might I suggest you try it?
In black and white you suggest, in color you state.
I suggest due process, speedy trials, and public hangings.
Small thoughts grow into a picture. It may suggest an individual or it may suggest a place, but generally the painting's job is to work that [idea] into an abstract proposition that is completely removed from the starting point.
I think having pointers and having guidance from mentors is very important, but it never actually embodies what you go through. And if something doesn't feel good, why do you repeat it? If you feel good bemoaning an audition for a week, go for it. But if you feel better bemoaning an audition that didn't go very well for 30 minutes because you believe in the craft and the process, then I suggest you do that. And that's what I suggest to myself. The alternative is way too painful and destructive.
First of all, I didn't suggest that we should simply get rid of all prisons.
I do not want to suggest that you have to be religious to be moral.
To suggest that conservatives have a monopoly on hate is an ideological mugging of reality.
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