Top 1200 Supportive Family Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Supportive Family quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
My family is extremely supportive of me. My mother has been accompanying me to the shoots, and my father used to drive me around for auditions.
I grew up with an incredibly loving and supportive family that gave me the impression there were a lot of options for me out there.
I spend a lot of time away from my family but they are so supportive and have been brilliant - the confidence you get from them, cheering you up when you feel a bit low.
My family is my biggest critic. Since they come from a non-filmi background, they give me an audience's point of view. They have been very supportive of me. — © Randeep Hooda
My family is my biggest critic. Since they come from a non-filmi background, they give me an audience's point of view. They have been very supportive of me.
None of my family are musicians, but there was a lot of classic rock and country going on. I always wanted to sing. As soon as I expressed an interest my mom was super supportive of me.
I know other people say that football isn't easy as a sport for girls, but my family and friends have always been really supportive.
When I was 13, I moved from New Jersey to Germany with my family. The high school was so supportive of my dream to continue with my theater training; instead of taking PE, I would get credit for dance lessons.
My family would be supportive if I said I wanted to be a Martian, wear only banana skins, make love to ashtrays, and eat tree bark.
If you don't have the gift of a loving supportive family, be that gift for someone else. It doesn't have to be a relative, just someone you know who is alone or hurting over the holiday.
I am thankful for all the blessings and talents I have been given, but most of all I am thankful for my loving and supportive family.
When children are allowed to help make family decisions, they tend to be much more supportive and happier with family life. Also when allowed to help make rules, they will follow them much closer than if rules are forced on them. All these add up to a happier home for all.
My family couldn't be more supportive. They're worried and they're always in my business, and my mother does send me grad-school applications every now and again.
I am very blessed to have a great group of long-term friends and a huge family that has been very loving and supportive. I try to stay connected to that and contribute as much as I can.
Growing up in a family of actors, what's great about it is that they're very supportive and they understand what it's like to be an actor - the rejections, the highs and lows... and having a common language with them is great because you have shorthand speech.
My family was loving... they were very supportive and very affectionate, and basically I could do what I wanted, and basically it wasn't anything dangerous, thank God.
Couples need time alone to renew their relationship. They also need to sustain supportive networks of friends and family.
Standing beside each one of our brave soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines is a loving, supportive, and dedicated family whose sacrifice is a true service to our great nation.
I'm in a real minority as far as having really supportive parents in regards to the arts. They never batted an eye as far as not letting me do that stuff. That's invaluable. I can't believe how unabashedly supportive they were about everything, between music and acting.
I have a gay cousin who came out to my parents before he came out to his own. So I benefited from having a very open, supportive family, and I want to pass that on. — © Elizabeth Banks
I have a gay cousin who came out to my parents before he came out to his own. So I benefited from having a very open, supportive family, and I want to pass that on.
At age 12, I was put on tranquilizers when I should have gotten help. There was nothing major and awful, I just didn't feel my family was supportive and emotionally generous.
I grew up in a family with three siblings. My parents were always very supportive and encouraging. It was important for them that we have meaningful and satisfying professions, but they didn't care as much about success and achievement.
I get along great with my family. My parents are really proud of me and my brother, who's a chef here in New York. I don't see my parents often, but they're very supportive, especially as I get older.
What I said was that I was at first supportive of Bernie [Sanders] when he came to Los Angeles for his first rally, I was there, I was supportive.
My family has always supported my activities, whether it was doing combat in Korea, flying progressively and challenging fighter-jet aircraft in Europe, or studying for a doctor's degree at MIT. They have been always very supportive and understanding of the challenges and risks involved in my career. A family needs to work as a team, supporting each other's individual aims and aspirations.
I'm just so blessed to have my family, to be honest, because I really would not be Bretman Rock without that and their support, and they've always been supportive of me.
The most important thing for me is education, and my family were really supportive in making sure I did the best I could.
We should be supportive of the president and supportive of rights of all in a pluralistic democracy that we're called to love. And we live our faith; we don't legislate our faith.
I'm getting to know the 'Modern Family' cast, and they are very sweet. They are very nice and supportive and game for things.
I have a really supportive family, which is really wonderful, but I'm not forcing everyone to watch my work every week.
I am not supportive of large multi-national corporations that made billions a year in profit and don't pay a nickel in taxes, nor am I supportive of those corporations who throw American workers out on the street and then move to China or Mexico.
My parents were always supportive of me in terms of expressing myself artistically. Art, musical instruments, singing - whatever I did, they were just really supportive.
I feel very indebted to my job. I support the loyalty that they've given me - it's very rare, especially in my profession, that you find people who are not just supportive of who you are as a person, but supportive of you finding love and your happiness.
With Submarine, when I came out of school, people were so lovely and supportive. And you don't get that experience very often. It felt like a family on-set. So Submarine changed so much for me.
I am blessed to have married the man that God sent me. He's loving, compassionate, strong and supportive of my children, family and career. I look forward to our lives together.
It's not lost on me just how fortunate I am to have such generous, supportive people around me, including the wonderful 'Offspring' family.
I'm so lucky to have such a great family. I respect them so much professionally, and they've been unconditionally supportive in the choices that I've made. It's been very good having them on my side.
I am very lucky, I have a very tight group of friends and a very supportive family, and to this date no-one has ever sold a story on me.
I work with my brother and best mates, but I wouldn't give any old plonker a job. With success, I've been able to spend more time with family and be financially supportive in a way I never thought I could.
I grew up feeling Israel is very important, and I'm very supportive of Israel. At the same time, I think you can be really supportive of Israel and not look at it as a black-and-white situation.
I have the most amazing and supportive family. My parents always encouraged us to aim high and follow our dreams. They instilled in us that nothing worth having comes easy.
Family-supportive policies, which enable women to remain and progress in paid employment and encourage men to take their fair share of care work, are crucial to achieving gender equality at work.
All I'm saying is [John McCain] cannot look a soldier in the eye and say "Questioning the president is less supportive to you than extending your tour three months." You should be coming home to your family.
As far as the girls in my grade, it was always kind of an on-and-off thing. When all this came up, it was kind of hard. My guy friends and my family friends have been so amazing and supportive.
My folks are hilarious extroverts and have always been very supportive of all my artistic endeavors. I'm really lucky to come from such an encouraging family. — © Kate Brown
My folks are hilarious extroverts and have always been very supportive of all my artistic endeavors. I'm really lucky to come from such an encouraging family.
Nobody in my family has ever been into the field of acting. But I always wanted to be an actor and I thank my parents for being so supportive and encouraging.
I come from a great home and fully supportive family that helped to nurture my dreams. A lot of people don't have those same things in their household.
I've been so fortunate in my life that my family has never been jealous of my success. They have shown true love and commitment to me by being supportive. They shared in it.
My family was very supportive of whatever I wanted because my grandfather was an opera singer. My dad's dad. So my dad has an appreciation for the arts, and he let me choose my own path.
My family is very, very supportive.
I have an incredibly supportive husband and family and an incredibly well-adjusted daughter.
Another way to put an end to self-rejection is ask yourself whether what you're telling yourself is what a friend would say, or what an enemy would. Friends are supportive. Enemies put us down and undermine our confidence. So if you say something that an enemy would say, stop. Answer back, 'I'm going to be supportive of myself. As a friend, what I have to say to myself is . . .' Then say something supportive.
My grandma was a nurse, and she helped a lot of transgender clients, so growing up, I was very aware of that, and my family and I have always been very supportive of people going through this.
Funding has been the hardest part, and my wife has been extremely supportive both when I decided to leave my job, and even when I re-mortgaged our home and put equity into the project. I am lucky to have such a loving and supportive partner.
My family is really supportive. We fight, and we talk, and we lie, and we tell the truth - not usually in that order - and I really enjoy growing with them and fostering that dynamic.
My friends and family have always been extremely supportive, but the support I've received from fans has been so overwhelming. I love hearing all of their 'Fight Song' stories; I have been so inspired by so many of them.
I had a very supportive family environment that gave me room to explore and discover things about myself. — © Brad Pitt
I had a very supportive family environment that gave me room to explore and discover things about myself.
At age 12, I was put on tranquilizers when I should have gotten help. There was nothing major and awful, I just didn't feel my family was supportive and emotionally generous
My immediate family was always very supportive. It was my own fear of the rest of the world not accepting me, the rest of our society not accepting my wish to be an actor.
When our William was killed, there wasn't a child bereavement charity. I was extremely blessed with a very close family, wonderful friends, a supportive husband, and two further children.
It is great to be married. It's even better when your life partner and the new family are supportive of your profession. I love being married.
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