Top 1200 Sweet Sleep Quotes & Sayings - Page 14

Explore popular Sweet Sleep quotes.
Last updated on October 16, 2024.
Oh, dear God, thank you, you are such a good God to us. A kind and gentle and accommodating God, and we thank You oh sweet, sweet Lord of hosts for the smörgåsbord You have so aptly laid at our table this day, and each day, by day, day by day, by day oh dear Lord three things we pray to love Thee more dearly, to see Thee more clearly, to follow Thee more nearly, day, by day, by day. Amen.
Life is short, yet sweet.
and i wouldn't say no to something sweet. — © Jonathan Safran Foer
and i wouldn't say no to something sweet.
Growing up, I didn't have any comic books, at all. But my friend had a trunk full of them, so comic books were like candy for me. I would go over to his house for a sleep-over, and I would just be devouring everything I could get my hands on. I knew the sleep-over was going to be over, and I was going to go back to my house and it was going to be Kipling.
Partying is such sweet sorrow.
The breath of liberty is sweet.
The money men make from their willingness to work the least desirable hours is not a sign of discrimination against women, but a sign of the willingness of mostly married men to lose sleep to support the family as their wife loses sleep to feed the child. A willingness to do the uncomfortable shifts is one reason married men earn more than twice what never-married men earn. Men's contribution, made at night, need not be lost in the dark.
Naught so sweet as melancholy.
But here's the joy: my friend and I are one, Sweet flattery!
The sweet simplicity of the three percents.
Don Quixote followed nature, and being satisfied with his first sleep, did not solicit more. As for Sancho, he never wanted a second, for the first lasted him from night to morning, indicating a sound body and a mind free from care; but his master, being unable to sleep himself awakened him, saying, "I am amazed, Sancho, at the torpor of thy soul; it seems as if thou wert made of marble or brass, insensible of emotion or sentiment!
Peyton List is sweet.
So sweet and precious is family life. — © James McBride
So sweet and precious is family life.
Be sweet, be good, and honest always.
Jasmine is sweet, and has many loves.
Mozart is sweet sunshine.
life is a series of sweet coincidences
My family is notorious for its sweet tooth.
Writing is a sweet, wonderful reward.
Is it my sweat that's no longer sweet?
Even when I took the drugs I realized that this just wasn't fun anymore. The drugs had become a part of my routine. Something to wake me up. Something to help me sleep. Something to calm my nerves. There was a time when I was able to wake up, go to sleep, and have fun without a pill or a line to help me function. These days it felt like I might have a nervous breakdown if I didn't have them.
The honey is sweet, but the Bee stings.
Revenge is sweet but not nourishing.
Parting is such sweet sorrow
I like anything sweet.
Mother Nature is not sweet.
What a good thing, for instance, it was that one princess should sleep for a hundred years! Was she not saved from all the plague of young men who were not worthy of her? And did not she come awake exactly at the right moment when the right prince kissed her? For my part, I cannot help wishing a good many girls would sleep till just the same fate overtook them. It would be happier for them, and more agreeable to their friends.
Building is a sweet impoverishing.
Not all roles you do can be chocolate sweet.
The devil's voice is sweet to hear.
Change in all things is sweet.
The fans are really sweet.
Comedy keeps the heart sweet.
A sweet attractive kind of grace, A full assurance given by looks, Continual comfort in a face, The lineaments of Gospel books; I trow that countenance cannot lie, Where thoughts are legible in the eye. Was never eye, did see that face, Was never ear, did hear that tongue, Was never mind, did mind his grace, That ever thought the travel long- But eyes, and ears, and ev'ry thought, Were with his sweet perfections caught. [trow; believe or think]
Sympathy is a sweet thing.
I don't have the biggest sweet tooth, but I do have one in the morning.
We want to climb in with you,' Dermot said. 'We'll all sleep better.' That seemed incredibly weird and creepy to me - or maybe I only thought it should have. I was simply too tired to argue. I climbed in the bed. Claude got in on one side of me, Dermot on the other. Just when I was thinking, I would never be able to sleep, that this situation was too odd and too wrong, I felt a kind of blissful relaxation roll through my body, a kind of unfamiliar comfort. I was with family. I was with blood. And I slept.
Sweet are the slumbers of the virtuous man. — © Joseph Addison
Sweet are the slumbers of the virtuous man.
Rest is sweet after strife.
Every bees hony is sweet.
When you're all in, you will know sweet vulnerability.
I don't like tea that's too sweet.
A signature ChapStick would be so sweet.
O sweet spontaneous earth
If you weren't naggin', honey, you'd be so sweet.
Sitcoms are usually sweet with no viciousness.
If you have a problem or desire a healing, try this exercise before falling asleep. Catch yourself at that point just before you fall asleep - between waking and sleep. Imagine bathing yourself with the healing orange light. You then can ask the Inner Master to help you regain spiritual balance by saying, "If it's for the good of all concerned and doesn't interfere with my spiritual growth, would you please heal me?" Then holding that thought, drift into sleep.
I have a pretty terrible sweet tooth. — © Joe Kennedy III
I have a pretty terrible sweet tooth.
Sometimes I'm so sweet even I can't stand it.
Revenge is sweet and not fattening.
People don't remember. Revenge is sweet.
Success is sweet, but the secret is sweat.
Songwriting is about getting the demon out of me. It's like being possessed. You try to go to sleep, but the song won't let you. So you have to get up and make it into something, and then you're allowed to sleep. It's always in the middle of the night, or you're half-awake or tired, when your critical faculties are switched off. So letting go is what the whole game is. Every time you try to put your finger on it, it slips away. You turn on the lights and the cockroaches run away. You can never grasp them...
I have an insane sweet tooth.
Sweet and fitting it is to die for the fatherland.
Equality is truly sweet.
Success is sweet and treacherous.
I like a woman who's not afraid to be sweet.
It’s sweet. All this trouble for a kitty.
The Honey is sweet, but the Bee has a Sting.
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