Top 329 Taboo Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Taboo quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
What a strange world this is when you can have as much sex as you like but love is taboo.
I'm glad I've established this as my zone: 'the taboo breaker.'
How is it possible that in just the last ten years all of these things which were taboo throughout our culture, throughout the culture, things that were taboo are now not only normal but celebrated, and people who were not really supportive of them are called kooks and the new weirdos?
Being gay is no longer a taboo subject in Germany. — © Mario Gomez
Being gay is no longer a taboo subject in Germany.
All that is sacred and taboo in the world are meaningless.
There was a taboo as a result of the Holocaust that people respected that anti-Semitism was an ugly thing and should be avoided. Now that taboo seems to have been broken with impunity.
I don't want my children to ever think that food is taboo.
To an age which has unashamedly sold itself to the gods of greed, pride, sex, and self-will, the church mumbles on about God's kindness but says virtually nothing about his judgment... The fact is that the subject of divine wrath has become taboo in modern society, and Christians by and large have accepted the taboo and conditioned themselves never to raise the matter.
For 10 years, Kosovo was taboo. No one could officially tell the truth.
It's been taboo for so long to admit you had a mental health problem.
We can't treat issues as taboo because we find them unpleasant.
The menopause is probably the least glamorous topic imaginable; and this is interesting, because it is one of the very few topics to which cling some shreds and remnants of taboo. A serious mention of menopause is usually met with uneasy silence; a sneering reference to it is usually met with relieved sniggers. Both the silence and the sniggering are pretty sure indications of taboo.
Now defined as art, the totem has lost cult, taboo, and custom.
There is no policy too sensitive to question, and no subject so taboo that you cannot even mention it. — © Lee Hsien Loong
There is no policy too sensitive to question, and no subject so taboo that you cannot even mention it.
It's great to go to the cinema and have a conversation about something that is almost taboo.
The naked truth is still taboo.
Breast implants in pageants is not a rarity. It's definitely not taboo. It's very common.
It's fun to explore areas that are taboo that you're not allowed to in real life as an actor.
There are characters in [punk] that do deliberately go as far as they can in certain kind of taboo areas.
There is one taboo against meat-eating. It divides Hindus into vegetarians and flesh eaters. There is another taboo which is against beef eating. It divides Hindus into those who eat cow's flesh and those who do not.
The truth is I never think of any subject as taboo.
Intolerance, discourtesy and harshness..... are taboo in all good society and are surely contrary to the spirit of democracy.
I wasn't part of the Taboo crowd the same way I was part of the New Romantics. I suppose I was seen more as an elder statesman because I had been around the London club scene for so many years. To the Taboo crowd I was really seen as a pop star, someone famous.
Talking Taboo is a groundbreaking book. This chorus of bold female voices is presenting the church with an opportunity to engage real but all too frequently avoided or unseen issues impacting countless Christian women today. Their candid essays cover a wide spectrum of perspectives. Readers will resonate with some and be shocked by others. Talking Taboo took courage to write. Reading taboo takes courage too. So buckle up and brace yourself for an eye-opening but vitally important read!
The Polynesians used to have a system where they proclaimed a fishing area as 'taboo.' If any fisherman was caught fishing in a taboo area, they would be killed. The Polynesians understand that the fish had to be given a chance to recover.
I like talking about things that are taboo, because it makes them not taboo anymore.
I think intimacy is the last taboo in many ways.
Soul is to be found in the vicinity of taboo.
Nothing is taboo if you have an angle on it.
A woman going out with a younger man feels like the last taboo.
It's taboo for me to date wrestlers.
I didn't direct [the Taboo episodes]. I wrote all of them.
It's really important to have a healthy sexuality and to be open about it. It's not a taboo. It's normal.
Therapy shouldn't be taboo, if it's going to clear your head.
Expect the unexpected, is what I'd say about 'Taboo.'
But in most cases even the possibility that the correlations reflect shared genes is taboo.
I was desperate really for people not to accuse me of coldness. It was taboo.
There's this huge taboo around talking about money that we have as a society.
The taboo against nakedness is an obstacle to a decent attitude on the subject of sex. — © Bertrand Russell
The taboo against nakedness is an obstacle to a decent attitude on the subject of sex.
Menstruation is a natural phenomenon and it is neither dirty, nor a taboo.
I can't think of a subject that is taboo for me, unless it's one I simply don't know anything about.
The taboo regarding menstruation exists across the world, even among the educated.
Unconventionality is no longer a taboo. It is being applauded and celebrated by both the classes and the masses.
Class is the most taboo subject in America. The American media would rather talk about race or perversion or anything else considered taboo before class.
I feel like weed is still taboo enough to be cool but not taboo enough that you have to totally hide it, which is like a pretty good place for an entity to be at.
The Polynesians used to have a system where they proclaimed a fishing area as 'taboo.' If any fisherman was caught fishing in a taboo area, they would be killed. The Polynesians understood that the fish had to be given a chance to recover.
This is where I break one last taboo: I'm incredibly glad I'm not a granny.
Anytime something becomes widely condemned and taboo, it will be eroticized.
Folklore provides a socially sanctioned outlet for the discussion of the forbidden and taboo. — © Alan Dundes
Folklore provides a socially sanctioned outlet for the discussion of the forbidden and taboo.
The Taboo scene was a kind of deconstructed version of the New Romantics. The Taboo crowd was using a lot of the visual ideas that had already been used. I remember the first time I spotted Leigh Bowery and Trojan parading around in clubs: They were in their "Pakis from Outer Space" look, and the makeup was quite similar to one of my old looks, because I was quite fond of wearing blue, green, or yellow foundation, and so I was pretty dismissive of them at first.
It's too bad that the idea of witchcraft and sorcery is a taboo subject matter.
Blow jobs are okay, but kissing clients is still a taboo.
I came from a generation of actors for whom TV was taboo.
I don't know why it's still a taboo to be a feminist.
With Rajoy, there is a taboo topic, which is the aspiration of Catalonia to decide its future.
When something's taboo, the kids get a sense where they want to do it because it's taboo.
I spoke to Tom's [Hardy] manager and said, "While we're talking about Taboo, do you mind if I also mention this film project that I've got, which is called Locke, and I need Tom to play the lead." And we spoke about both in that meeting and in the end the deal was that I would do Taboo if he did Locke and vice versa.
Terrorism, as a whole, is - I don't want to say 'taboo,' but it is a very emotional subject.
The betrayal of trust carries a heavy taboo.
I want to break the taboo against questioning this drive for maximum longevity.
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