Top 1200 Teaching Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Teaching quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
For me, teaching is about weaving a web of connectedness between myself, my students, the subject I'm teaching, and the larger world.
It has been said that the essence of teaching is causing another to know. It may similarly be said that the essence of training is causing another to do. Teaching gives knowledge. Training gives skill. Teaching fills the mind. Training shapes the habits. Teaching brings to the child that which he did not have before. Training enables a child to make use of that which is already his possession.
Whoever does not accept my teaching may not be saved - for it is God's teaching and not mine. — © Martin Luther
Whoever does not accept my teaching may not be saved - for it is God's teaching and not mine.
I loved teaching. It was my world. I only left because I was overwhelmed with three careers - teaching, writing, and my family.
The model of the teaching hospital, which links research to teaching and service is what's missing in global health.
I was aware that the teaching of drawing was being stopped almost 30 years ago. And I always said, 'The teaching of drawing is the teaching of looking.' A lot of people don't look very hard.
The aim of my teaching is enlightenment, awakening from the dream state of separateness into the reality of the One. In short, my teaching is focused on realizing what you are.
I did end up doing substitute teaching, but there's not a lot of teaching involved in that.
I started teaching in '76 and I'd been a photographer at the Geographic for six years. But prior to being at the Geographic I was a teacher. Plus my parents were teachers and my brother and my grandparents. So it was the culture of our family to think about teaching, to talk about teaching, to talk about teachers.
I believe in teaching just a few students, as teaching requires a constant alert observation on each individual in order to establish a direct relationship. A good teacher cannot be fixed in a routine, and many are just that. During teaching, each moment requires a sensitive mind that is constantly changing and constantly adapting.
We have been teaching 'Paradise Lost' and 'Julius Caesar' to the students but we are not teaching them 'Kalidas' or Indian drama and epics.
The teaching which is written on paper is not the true teaching. Written teaching is a kind of food for your brain. Of course it is necessary to take some food for your brain, but it is more important to be yourself by practicing the right way of life.
Teaching at university isn't like teaching in an art school.
If men act upon the teaching of the Word of God, and as proportionately men live according to the teaching and commands of the Bible, so they have in practice a sufficient psychological base. I will find you a man dealing with psychological problems on the basis of the teaching of the Word of God, even if he never heard the word psychology, or does not know what it means.
I think it must be apparent to every thinking mind that the noblest of all professions is that of teaching, and that upon the effectiveness of that teaching hangs the destiny of nations.
Yale places great stress on undergraduate and graduate teaching. I like teaching, and I do a lot of it. — © James Tobin
Yale places great stress on undergraduate and graduate teaching. I like teaching, and I do a lot of it.
Let's stop teaching to the middle and start teaching to the student.
Teaching, real teaching, is - or ought to be - a messy business.
Teaching creativity to your child isn't like teaching good manners. No one can paint a masterpiece by bowing to another person's precepts about elbows on the table.
You've got to accept the fact that you are basically not teaching a subject, you are teaching children
I've done a bit of teaching, but I gave it up - I felt uneasy teaching illustration to people who hadn't yet learned to draw.
God, there's teaching biology and teaching sexuality, and it's two separate things. They mix it and make it more of a morality thing where it's like, "A man and woman have a baby."
I feel that I need to return to the pure stillness periodically. And then, when the teaching happens, just allow it to arise out of the stillness. So the teaching and stillness are very closely connected. The teaching arises out of the stillness. But when I'm alone, there's only the stillness, and that is my favorite place.
If you love dance and you have the gift of teaching, teaching is super amazing and important because my teachers planted that seed in me. As a teacher you understand the difference or the definition of a Baryshnikov or a Gregory Hines, so teaching is really important and very necessary.
I see apostasy in many ways occurring in Evangelical churches that really aren't teaching the truth of God's word. I do believe that some churches have become entertainment centers and a teaching a type of prosperity Gospel rather than teaching God's word.
Teaching for creativity involves teaching creatively. There are three related tasks in teaching for creativity: encouraging, identifying and fostering.
In 100 years we have gone from teaching Latin and Greek in High School to teaching remedial English in college.
Sharing is Caring - Teaching our children to share is teaching them compassion and love.
People may talk about intellectual teaching, but what we principally want is the moral teaching.
[about Planned Parenthood] It is teaching kids to fornicate, teaching people to have adultery, every kind of bestiality, homosexuality, lesbianism - everything that the Bible condemns.
If you're teaching today what you were teaching five years ago, either the field is dead or you are.
Teaching English and teaching Writing are two separate things.
Teaching poetry, teaching as such, is worthy - if back breaking.
Teaching by precept, without example, is mighty poor teaching.
It was not I who was teaching my cat to gather rosebuds, but she who was teaching me.
I've been a teacher all my life. I've had my own dance studio, my own acting studio for 18 years out here... I'm just a natural teacher. I teach on all my healing work now. I think actors teach any time they work anyway. We're teaching emotions, we're teaching how to deal with emotions, we're teaching how to get around issues and deal with them. Actors are some of the best teachers in the world, because they're teaching you through entertainment, and you don't know you're getting a message.
If I ever write an autobiography about teaching meditation in the West, I'll call it "Pissing In the Wind - Teaching Buddhism in America".
I was a student in the Department of Anthropology. At that time, they were teaching that there was absolutely no difference between anybody. They may be teaching that still.
Bad teaching is teaching which presents an endless procession of meaningless signs, words and rules, and fails to arouse the imagination. — © W. W. Sawyer
Bad teaching is teaching which presents an endless procession of meaningless signs, words and rules, and fails to arouse the imagination.
I love teaching creative writing, and I think I'm good at it, but in a different life, I could have been teaching elementary school.
I don't like having a teaching job - office hours and conferences and committees and bosses and all that - but I tend to enjoy teaching, and I design the course in such a way that there'll be pleasure in that.
Teaching can be compared to selling commodities. No one can sell unless someone buys ... yet there are teachers who think they have done a good day's teaching irrespective of what the pupils have learned.
Christianity and Judaism are united above all in their common affirmation and implementation of the moral teaching of the Hebrew Bible, or 'Old Testament,' and the traditions of interpretation of that teaching.
The truth is, I should have never done teaching. I did teaching because I didn't have the bottle to have a go at comedy. Whether there's any gain to comedy is not for me to say. But certainly it was no loss to teaching.
The teaching of any science, for purposes of liberal education, without linking it with social progress and teaching its social significance, is a crime against the student mind. It is like teaching a child how to pronounce words but not what they mean.
My teaching is not a philosophy. It is the result of direct experience... My teaching is a means of practice, not something to hold onto or worship. My teaching is like a raft used to cross the river. Only a fool would carry the raft around after he had already reached the other shore of liberation.
There should not be any particular teaching. Teaching is in each moment.
Teaching is a sacred profession. And art is a form of teaching.
One of the best teaching experiences Ed Schein and I had when we were teaching at MIT in the 1960s was inventing a course on leadership through film.
I'm not sure that teaching a Core course is necessarily the best introduction to teaching.
The teaching of the ten thousand states of mind, particularly as one advances further, is done through transmission. This is where we differ from teaching algebra or calculus.
Teaching is the perpetual end and office of all things. Teaching, instruction is the main design that shines through the sky and earth. — © Ralph Waldo Emerson
Teaching is the perpetual end and office of all things. Teaching, instruction is the main design that shines through the sky and earth.
I'm all for teaching creation and allowing prayers in schools, as soon as scholars begin teaching Darwinism and geometry in church.
The people who are teaching religion and not teaching love are missing the message.
Because everyone who try a-go to church, and they were trying to teach but they weren't teaching, they was brainwashing. Since I would never call that teaching.
Be light-hearted, light-footed. Be of light step. Don't carry religion like a burden. And don't expect religion to be a teaching; it is not. It is certainly a discipline, but not a teaching at all. Teaching has to be imposed upon you from the outside and teaching can only reach to your mind, never to your heart, and never, never to the very center of your being. Teaching remains intellectual. It is an answer to human curiosity, and curiosity is not a true search.
Teaching is learning. When you're teaching full-time you have to do research, stay current.
I actually really liked teaching. I started teaching at UCB when I was in college. I would get someone to fill out an internship form or something so I would get the credit. But why did I start teaching? I loved it. I loved doing improv and loved UCB and wanted to be a part of that world and that community.
More important than the curriculum is the question of the methods of teaching and the spirit in which the teaching is given
At its deepest level, I think teaching is about bringing people into communion with each other, with yourself as the teacher, and with the subject you are teaching.
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