Top 1200 Tears Of Blood Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Tears Of Blood quotes.
Last updated on October 7, 2024.
There must be something strangely sacred about salt. It is in our tears and in the sea.
No flower of art ever fully blossomed save it was nourished by tears of agony.
I never did pal around with actresses. Their talk usually bored me to tears. — © Bette Davis
I never did pal around with actresses. Their talk usually bored me to tears.
All the rarest hues of human life take radiance and are rainbowed out in tears.
I can weep pretty easily. I can get tears in my eyes from a beautiful work of art.
We live in a vale of tears...We can have all the dreams we like, but life is hard, implacable, sad.
My life so common it disappears and sometimes even music cannot substitute for tears.
When we two parted In silence and tears, Half broken-hearted, To sever for years.
If the Olive Trees knew the hands that planted them, Their Oil would become Tears.
The book of female logic is blotted all over with tears, and Justice in their courts is forever in a passion.
Myself--a prince by fortune of my birth, Near to the king in blood, and near in love Till you did make him misinterpret me-- Have stooped my neck under your injuries And sighed my English breath in foreign clouds, Eating the bitter bread of banishment, Whilst you have fed upon my signories, Disparked my parks and felled my forest woods, From my own windows torn my household coat, Rased out my imprese, leaving me no sign, Save men's opinions and my living blood, To show the world I am a gentleman.
Heaven is a place where God will personally wipe away our tears.
The dews of the evening most carefully shun; Those tears of the sky for the loss of the sun.
And there's no one there to dry your tears. I could hold you for a million years. To make you feel my love. — © Bob Dylan
And there's no one there to dry your tears. I could hold you for a million years. To make you feel my love.
There's nothing like your mother's sympathetic voice to make you want to burst into tears.
Let no one pay me honor with tears, nor celebrate my funeral rites with weeping.
The truth is that there are such things as Christian tears, and too few of us ever weep them.
And I watered it in fears, Night and morning with my tears; And I sunned it with smiles, And with soft deceitful wiles.
I wipe away my tears and nod, because the pain in my leg is nothing compare to the one in my heart.
i want to look at all my tears, she said. which made me shiver
And we are a people without tears. The things that moved our parents do not move us at all.
When I think of you it's with tears, because no one else has such delicate hands that can reach into my soul and calm my fears.
The true comic muse is the one with tears running down under her laughing mask.
A longing to wander tears my heart when I hear trees rustling in the wind at evening...
Let there be wealth without tears; enough for the wise man who will ask no further.
I recorded the song live in front of an orchestra, and yes, I was very moved, I was in tears.
It literally brings me to tears when Sara Ramirez sings. She's unbelievable.
The writer is someone who tears himself to pieces in order to liberate his neighbor.
But grief is also a tonic. It is a healing elixir, made of tears that lubricate the heart.
Too much of water hast thou, poor Ophelia, And therefore I forbid my tears.
The pit of a theatre is the one place where the tears of virtuous and wicked men alike are mingled.
He read it for the same reason an animal tears at a wounded foot: to hurt the pain.
If you ever managed to make me cry, my tears would sear your face.
I'm not scared of animals, except for rats. I'll break down in tears if I see a rat!
I boil my tears in a twisted spoon And dance like an angel on the point of a needle.
Some tears have to be cried no matter what the hour- until they are, they simply rave and burn inside.
Glory is a shroud that posterity often tears from the shoulders of those who wore it when living.
If all other risk factors are normal, and you exercise moderately, your risk of having high CRP is one in 2000, .. A person who is a little overweight, with blood fats and cholesterol a little elevated, maybe with a little bit of high blood pressure -- we didn't used to think that having several of these little risk factors were a big deal. But it is. These little risk factors add up in a way that is worse for you than one big risk factor.
I'm often very relaxed when I'm on the wire. There may be some tears because this is a dream of mine. — © Nik Wallenda
I'm often very relaxed when I'm on the wire. There may be some tears because this is a dream of mine.
A first attempt to recover the right of self government may fail, so may a second, a third, etc. But as a younger and more instructed race comes on, the sentiment becomes more and more intuitive, and a fourth, a fifth, or some subsequent one of the ever renewed attempts will ultimately succeed... To attain all this, however, rivers of blood must yet flow, and years of desolation pass over; yet the object is worth rivers of blood and years of desolation. For what inheritance so valuable can man leave to his posterity?
Love cries victory when the tears of a woman become the sole defence of her virtue.
No one but Night, with tears on her dark face, watches beside me in this windy place.
In any really good subject, one has only to probe deep enough to come to tears.
I would desire for a friend the son who never resisted the tears of his mother.
A couple of girls I've signed autographs for have just cried or broken out into tears.
Short swallow-flights of song, that dip Their wings in tears, and skim away.
Disney has the best casting. If he doesn't like an actor he just tears him up.
Many shed tears merely for show, and have dry eyes when no one's around to observe them.
There's an old Sysan saying that the soup of life is salty enough without adding tears to it. — © Iain Banks
There's an old Sysan saying that the soup of life is salty enough without adding tears to it.
My heart is empty & my life has no value anymore. Each moment a thousand tears.
The tears of the young who go their way, last a day; But the grief is long of the old who stay.
That same night, I wrote my first short story. It took me thirty minutes. It was a dark little tale about a man who found a magic cup and learned that if he wept into the cup, his tears turned into pearls. But even though he had always been poor, he was a happy man and rarely shed a tear. So he found ways to make himself sad so that his tears could make him rich. As the pearls piled up, so did his greed grow. The story ended with the man sitting on a mountain of pearls, knife in hand, weeping helplessly into the cup with his beloved wife's slain body in his arms.
it seems that tears and laughter, love and hate, make up the sum of life!
When I see sentimental scenes, I get emotional and tears start flowing from my eyes.
When you read the history of the human family, it slowly comes to you that all the world's oceans once fell as tears.
It is little men know of women; their smiles and their tears alike are seldom what they seem.
The sorrow which has no vent in tears may make other organs weep.
In film, there's always this looking for the 'If you lay down and burst into tears, you did a good job.'
God, I felt like hell tonight, tears of rage I cannot fight.
Racism tears down your insides so that no matter what you achieve, you're not quite up to snuff.
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