Top 1200 Ten Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Ten quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Personally, I have invested in around ten U.S. companies and will continue to do so. That doesn't give me a strong experience in the American market. But I have an understanding of the public.
At 15, I was a tape-ball 'professional' and would take ten rupees per game to win matches for different teams.
With 'Under the Pressure,' I just found two chords I liked, and built it up, did like a ten-minute drum pattern. — © Adam Granduciel
With 'Under the Pressure,' I just found two chords I liked, and built it up, did like a ten-minute drum pattern.
By the apostle Paul, shadows tonight Have struck more terror to the soul of Richard Than can the substance of ten thousand soldiers.
If I go to a reunion in east Texas, my mother's side or my father's, one out of ten is a preacher or a teacher. That's just the way it is in my family.
I want to make the audience laugh and cry within ten seconds, to show just how close those emotions are.
Miss X has always been a ditherer -- she was a ten month baby and has not improved in any material way since then.
Frankly, despite my horror of the press, I'd love to rise from the grave every ten years or so and go buy a few newspapers.
My mom was a ventriloquist and she always was throwing her voice. For ten years I thought the dog was telling me to kill my father.
I'm a bit of an alchemist sorceress. I've collected probably 1500 oils from around the planet over the last ten years. I'm kind of obsessed with the sensuality of it.
I mean, I think it's hard enough to find somebody you can stand for more than ten minutes, so, like, you shouldn't narrow your options.
British Forces should be in a position to give back in a ten fold measure any attack that the Germans may attempt.
Don't forget that you are the product of a culture that went stark raving mad about ten thousand years ago. Adjust your thinking accordingly.
Congress should pass legislation to remove from the federal courts their jurisdiction to hear these outrageous challenges to the Ten Commandments and the Pledge of Allegiance.
A safe rule where Jewish propaganda is concerned is to multiply or divide their figures by ten, at least, before accepting them as the basis for discussion. — © Arnold Leese
A safe rule where Jewish propaganda is concerned is to multiply or divide their figures by ten, at least, before accepting them as the basis for discussion.
Selfishness is much more than an ordinary problem because it activates all the cardinal sins! It is the detonator in the breaking of the Ten Commandments.
I visited my father for the full ten years that he was in prison, so we already had a deep and loving relationship, and remembered our mother at those times.
...(that) any general system of conveying passengers would ... go at a velocity exceeding ten miles an hour, or thereabouts, is extremely improbable.
Your brain has a trillion neurons and every neuron has ten thousand little dendrites. The system of inter-communication is awe-inspiring.
Hollywood is ten million dollars worth of intricate and high ingenious machinery functioning elaborately to put skin on baloney.
The tour bus was supposed to be here ten minutes ago. Would it be possible to give them a ring to check they've not forgotten us?
If you want to be a top player you have to play well for the whole season and then ten more seasons, not just three or four games.
Nine times out of ten you take the first step in creating your own universe by picking up the phone.
The same ten dollars you spend on lunch is all it costs for City Harvest to feed 37 kids who are hungry. That's pretty astounding.
That's the nature of this business. Something that took ten years to make can crumble in an instant. It could be snatched away from you at any moment.
I've noticed that if you spend ten years without shooting dope, people consider you an ex-junkie, but one never is considered an 'ex-woman-beater.'
Democrats lead in all the polls by at least ten points, except one.. Fox News. That is with a margin of error of plus or minus the facts.
Myleene Klass is just the bomb. Her boyfriend is very lucky. She is a definite ten in every sense of the word.
My only dream was to wear the number ten shirt of Flamengo. Since then I have just taken things as they have come to me.
Can't we sleep ten minutes more? I was having a lovely dream about sneezing without covering my mouth, and giving everybody germs.
In truth, I barely knew my father at all. He was 53 when I was born, and when I was ten he contracted cancer. Eight years later, in 1979, he died.
If you simply try to tell the truth you will, nine times out of ten, be original without ever having noticed it.
You can tell if you're going to be into a script within the first five or ten pages - if I'm not completely engaged by page 20, I just have to give up on it.
I feel bad for people who die on Valentine's Day. How much would flowers cost then, ten grand?
Grief hath two tongues; and never woman yet Could rule them both without ten women's wit.
When I was ten, I had a weird cinema party where I invited everyone from my street to come. I pretended I was an usher and tried to sell them all popcorn.
I was one of the first actors in London to be seen for Frodo ten years ago. I didn't get it, obviously. The right size, but too handsome, apparently.
America is the strongest empire ever, with the largest military. We spend ten times what the Russians do. And they have equal nuclear ability as we do, because they're precise.
I'm only waiting for Lindsay Lohan's fashion collection to come out. Ten years from now, there may be no real designers left. — © Vera Wang
I'm only waiting for Lindsay Lohan's fashion collection to come out. Ten years from now, there may be no real designers left.
With each investment you make, you should have the courage and the conviction to place at least ten per cent of your net worth in that stock
[The wall will be] ten feet taller. And every time they [Mexicans] protest, it`s going to go up a little bit higher.
Oh-do be careful with that! That's my Buddha hand grenade. Twist the head twice and throw it and anyone within ten yards can say their prayers.
Oh, dreams! In one night, lying with one's eyes shut, one may sometimes live through more than ten years of happiness.
Both candidates for president talk about balancing the budget ten years from now. Even if they win, they won't be in office then.
Vanilla Ice sold ten million records. For him to be on MTV, it made me feel like it could be done.
I love doing Pilates and dance. It's fun to mix things up and change your program every ten days.
When we were kids, I know when I saw 'Pinocchio' it had a huge impact. I was ten years old, and I went home, and I was drawing the characters.
I should have been dead ten times over. I've thought about that a lot. I believe in miracles. It's an absolute miracle that I'm still around.
By itself, practice does not make perfect. Those of us with a ten-year-old son practicing the trumpet may understand that.
A big part of reporting is just being present. You have to show up ten days in a row to get the one telling detail. — © Adrian Nicole LeBlanc
A big part of reporting is just being present. You have to show up ten days in a row to get the one telling detail.
If I do take the time to do yoga, even just ten minutes in the morning or last thing at night before bed, I feel better.
When you are at the Olympic Games, it comes down to a ten thousandth of a hair between making the next round or winning a race or getting second or third.
From the first day we opened Wynkoop, my brewpub in Denver, I knew I'd be ten times better running a restaurant than I was a geologist.
I have wondered at times what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the US Congress.
There are so many people in pain because of the Syrian conflict. Ten million trying to live in camps that are barely set up for three.
I believe if more American children read the Ten Commandments and are taught what they mean, they will predictably engage in less crime.
Given one well-trained physician of the highest type he will do better work for a thousand people than ten specialists.
I've often said to young songwriters when they want to write with me, 'Let's take a stab at ten songs, and we might get one really good one.'
Depending on the situation, sometimes you can know a person better in ten minutes than someone you have crossed paths with all your life.
During these last ten thousand years, we have made massive, unprecedented changes to the environment, creating problems for ourselves that we may not be able to solve.
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