Top 1200 Tend Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Tend quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Many women tend toward the interdependent end of things, we tend to see ourselves in relationship to others to a far greater degree than men.
Round pegs in square holes tend to have dangerous thoughts about the social system and tend to infect others with their discontents.
The fact is, when you are young, if you are mingling with wrong people, you tend to be misguided. You tend to be brainwashed easily. — © Prateik Babbar
The fact is, when you are young, if you are mingling with wrong people, you tend to be misguided. You tend to be brainwashed easily.
A lot of influencers who have made the pivot to publishing, they tend to be ghostwritten, they tend to be younger. It's a little bit of an uphill battle by nature of coming from YouTube.
My books tend to have a lot of questions in them, and they tend to avoid black and white, for lack of a better metaphor.
I don't really have a strict diet. I tend to keep the junk food out, but I tend to follow my cravings as well. I love the chips, the hot wings, fries. I tend to eat it all, to be honest.
Tend to the people, and they will tend to the business.
Movies that tend to be converted or tend to be 3D in a late decision are not effective.
Human beings tend not to spend money on health preventionally. We tend to spend it on top treatment.
I think writers tend to be experience junkies, and I think they also tend to want to be on the outside looking in.
There are two different forms of storytelling: Novels tend to come from the inside of a character, and movies tend to look at them from the outside in relation to others in their world.
I tend not to write on guitar very often. I tend to start off with keyboards.
Former soldiers will almost always gravitate to the anti-war party. This happens for obvious reasons. The men who have been in battle tend not to romanticize it and tend not to take it flippantly.
You always tend to learn whenever you fail. Even when you do good, you tend to learn a lot. — © Shreyas Iyer
You always tend to learn whenever you fail. Even when you do good, you tend to learn a lot.
I have friends who are writers, but we don't tend to talk about literature very much. It's just not part of my process; I tend to be pretty secretive about what I'm working on.
I tend to be the one that breaks the mold most often, and thus, I tend to be the one with a lot of outtakes, songs that don't make the record.
When you are young you tend to do so many things that are not needed. When you get experience, you know what exactly what works for you and you tend to do things that you want.
When we try and blend the two together, the songwriting and the touring like we did before, it doesn't really work. We tend to become very focused on what we are doing. And we tend to be a little bit one-track-minded.
Clergymen tend to be unreliable and pompous figures. Seldom Jewish rabbis, less often Catholic priests, but Protestant ministers tend to be... not really very admirable. Not necessarily evil, but silly. And wrong, of course.
I tend to put my foot in my mouth. I'm not good at being diplomatic. I tend to piss people off.
Lawyers tend to be bright people. They tend to be-much more than many journalists I've encountered-sticklers for detail and accuracy, and they have a logical way of arguing.
I'm a really anxious person, so I tend not to keep secrets. I tend not to even want to hear them. It's too nerve-wracking for me to try and keep things from people.
I'm always attracted to lower budget, not because it's lower budget, but because they tend to be better scripts. It's the scripts that tend to be the small arthouse film that tend to be more actor-led and character driven.
Traditionally, skaters tend to tie their skates very tightly. I tend to just tie my foot down, then in the ankle area, I tend to keep it loose. It gives me better mobility. But also, you're relying on your own strength as opposed to resting on the boot.
Just as a gardener must tend his or her plot, keeping out the weeds, you must tend the garden of your mind, weeding out the thoughts of lack, limitation, and negativity. You must nurture and tend the thoughts of happiness, success, and purpose.
Women tend to have a better track record in investing - when they invest - than men do, because they tend to take a longer-term perspective. They tend to trade less. They tend to shift in and out of stocks or mutual funds less often.
I tend to sort of dive into things without worrying about risk or anything. Like, when I get an idea, I tend to just go for it and see what happens.
When you've got a lot of slaves at your command, you tend to get a little bit fat. You tend to get a little bit lazy. You tend to get a little incompetent because there's not much that you do for yourself anymore.
When people 'succeed' they tend to party, when they 'fail' they tend to ponder.
There's no doubt that many of the mainstream white institutions tend to be cosmetic and symbolic when it comes to including African-Americans, whereas we black folk tend to be much more sensitive about embracing others, and we have a long history of that.
I tend to see - socially, I don't tend to be myself in a male role. I don't know any other way to put it.
My weak spot is that I don't like analyzing so I tend to be a bit lazy; I tend to get bored quickly, which means I must be boring.
People tend to eat through the cello. They tend to take out the things that make it beautifully cello-y sometimes.
Changes like the telephone and telegraphy, which tend to reduce the cost of organizing spatially, will tend to increase the size of the firm.
I tend to have an odd split in my mind: I tend to look at it as a writer and when the writing thing is OK and I'm happy with it, then I put on my actor's hat.
Conservatives have a deeper intellect and tend to have occupations of the brain in fields like engineering, science, and economics. Liberals, on the other hand, tend to flock to occupations of the heart.
A couple of things are missing from Indigenous affairs. We tend to go and process, we tend to spend a lot of money for very limited outcomes, and we have got to change that.
Most child welfare agencies tend to embrace secrecy because the people who lead them tend to be mediocre and don't want you to see how poor a job they are doing. — © Richard Wexler
Most child welfare agencies tend to embrace secrecy because the people who lead them tend to be mediocre and don't want you to see how poor a job they are doing.
I think interventions tend to be wrong. That doesn't mean to say that every intervention has been a disaster, but it does mean that generally they tend to screw up.
I only tend to use YouTube for learning difficult guitar things or music videos. I tend to just walk around London and take it all in; there are so many fashionable people.
If you look at the role models that are out there, the women that tend to be photographed tend to be actresses and models, whereas the men are often in the media because of what they do in terms of business and sport.
Millennials tend to appreciate regular feedback because they want to feel that their work matters and that they are making a difference in the workplace. As the youngest generation at most organizations, they also tend to be hungry for growth and development opportunities.
In every particular state of the world, those nations which are strongest tend to prevail over the others; and in certain marked peculiarities the strongest tend to be the best.
How does one know if she has forgiven? You tend to feel sorrow over the circumstance instead of rage, you tend to feel sorry for the person rather than angry with him. You tend to have nothing left to say about it all.
I think I was always writing books that had very clear scenic structures. I do tend to write in scenes. I do tend to have a fair amount of dialogue. And I do tend to use stories that don't sprawl all over the place, that have a very sharp focus in terms of how they unfold in time.
The fact remains that books that really put gay people in the center, and especially books that do so in a way that is sexually explicit, tend not to get a great deal of mainstream attention: they don't tend to sell well, and they don't tend to win major awards. This makes the occasional exception, like Alan Hollinghurst, all the more remarkable.
I guess I would say first of all that we tend to go back to the 60s and we tend to see these struggles and these goals in a relatively static way.
The Japanese tend to communicate via nuance and euphemism, often leaving important things unsaid; whereas Americans tend to think they're being subtle when they refrain from grabbing the listener by the shirt.
A lot of members of Congress are isolated. They tend to be affluent. They tend to have a lot of people doing things for them. So sometimes they don't understand what their constituents are feeling.
My views tend to be centrist. I'm not a big fan of George W., but my politics tend to be more Republican than not. — © Jeffrey Skoll
My views tend to be centrist. I'm not a big fan of George W., but my politics tend to be more Republican than not.
Formula 1 is the sort of place where people tend to have an opinion about everything, and usually, they tend to believe their own opinion is the right one, even if it relates to someone else.
There is a subset of Democrats who tend to mis-fill out ballots. The way you mark the ballot is like an S.A.T. - you fill in the circle. And the subset of people who tend to, like, put a check there instead, or an X, or fill it out wrong, tend to be people who didn't take S.A.T.s, or first-time voters, or people with English as a second language.
Audiences tend to dig the earlier stuff by any given musician, and the artists themselves always tend to prefer the thing that they're doing now.
For lunch, I tend to eat leftovers. I'm always recipe testing, so I tend to enjoy whatever is left in the fridge. I'm a big snacker, too.
I tend to sit around with my friends a lot and rant and rave about things I think are ridiculous in the world, and I tend to make fun of myself a lot.
But successful investors tend to be not too self-destructive. They tend to be patient, they tend not to follow the crowd, and they tend not to be too guilty about winning.
Heist movies tend to be a bit superficial, glamorous, and fun. They don't tend to be emotionally engaging.
We tend to think of America's days of frontier exploration as being behind us, but that's because we tend not to think of the other 71% of our blue planet.
By the very nature of being a clergyman's son, people tend to put you slightly apart, which is - you tend to live a life, at some stages, as being - people being suspicious of you and puts you rather on a - I don't mean lonely, particularly. But it does tend to put you apart.
People who start habitually exercising tend on average to eat better. They also tend to use their credit cards less and procrastinate less.
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