Top 1200 Terminally Ill Quotes & Sayings - Page 11

Explore popular Terminally Ill quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
Dans mon coeur, je vais toujours être un Canadiens./Ill always be a Hab at heart.
A woman moved is like a fountain troubled, Muddy, ill-seeming, thick, bereft of beauty.
The truth is, I hate to perform. I get such bad stage fright, it makes me physically ill. — © Rivers Cuomo
The truth is, I hate to perform. I get such bad stage fright, it makes me physically ill.
My aunt Marge has been so ill for so long that we've started to call her I can't believe she's not better
Never having been able to succeed in the world, he took his revenge by speaking ill of it.
The sight of a certain depressed-to-the-max head of seaweed has made me quite ill.
So much illness is self-induced - which I can't stand. And I'm not a good nursemaid. Don't call me if you're ill.
It is more difficult for a man to be faithful to his mistress when he is favored than when he is ill treated by her.
A doctor who keeps a person from becoming ill deserves more merit than one who cures him.
Do not be perturbed with by an ill-bred person; in most cases the one who is unsociable has a liver complaint and bad nerves.
& he ill, he real, he might gotta deal He pop bottles & he got the right kinda bill
My life divides into three parts. In the first I was wretched; in the second ill at ease; in the third hunting.
If there is anything that keeps the mind open to angel visits, and repels the ministry of ill, it is human love. — © Nathaniel Parker Willis
If there is anything that keeps the mind open to angel visits, and repels the ministry of ill, it is human love.
I'm sure that my father becoming seriously ill when I was 14 had a lot to do with my going from chubby to fat.
Ill-fitted T-shirts stretched over a gut are my pet hate. And if the colour's faded - ugh.
Ill health is also a blessing. The flesh and the ego are weakened and contemplation of God becomes easier.
I felt I came back rather quickly from being ill and didn't give myself the time to reflect.
I wish Stanley Baldwin no ill, but it would have been much better if he had never lived.
For in every ill-turn of fortune the most unhappy sort of unfortunate man is the one who has been happy
There comes always a moment when the desire to act, however ill the cause, is stronger than the wish to listen.
If family or friends are unwell or ill - it's perhaps the only thing that really can make one feel vulnerable.
As far as design theorists are concerned, theistic evolution is American evangelicalism's ill-conceived accommodation to Darwinism .
Let others seek safety. Nothing is safer than misfortune, Where there's no fear of greater ill to come.
Youth should stay away from all evil, especially things that produce wickedness and ill-will.
I would be loath to speak ill of any person who I do not know deserves it, but I am afraid he is an attorney.
I've never understood the 'things to do before you die' idea. If I was ill, I'd be in no mood to have a swim with a dolphin.
Covetousness, like a candle ill made, smothers the splendor of a happy fortune in its own grease.
In the past, before games, I would near enough make myself ill. Nerves and stuff.
Groundless superstition ill befits an army; valor is the only deity that rules in the warrior's breast.
Never speak ill of yourself, your friends will always say enough on that subject.
Above all, you must fight conceit, envy, and every kind of ill-feeling in your heart.
Ill never be, like, sippy cup country, or write about everything I do around the house.
To make wail and lament for one's ill fortune, when one will win a tear from the audience, is well worthwhile.
My daughter, unfortunately, is ill, because drug addiction is an illness. She's been fighting it for years.
It's ill-becoming for an old broad to sing about how bad she wants it. But occasionally we do.
When they are treated, the seriously mentally ill aren't more violent than the general population. If untreated, though, they are.
Wandering and confused, lost to myself, ill-assorted, contradictory, Pausing, gazing, bending, and stopping
There is probably an innate masochism in a lot of women that ends up disappointed if men don't ill-treat them. — © Fay Weldon
There is probably an innate masochism in a lot of women that ends up disappointed if men don't ill-treat them.
We [the U.S.] think nothing... of attempting to inflict upon other peoples forms of government ill-tailored to their needs.
Prisons are woefully ill-equipped for their current role as the nations primary mental health facilities.
love is just a history that they may prove and when your gone ill tell them my religion is you
I adore all Agatha Christie's books and turn to them whenever I'm ill or need cheering up.
However unchristian it may seem, I do not even bear any ill feeling towards myself.
There are some people that are trying to cure death, this tech immortality... That seems mentally ill.
I don't appreciate avant-garde, electronic music. It makes me feel quite ill.
Worry is evidence of an ill-controlled brain; it is merely a stupid waste of time in unpleasantness.
My father fell really chronically ill when I was 13 and that's when I phoned up an agent and started to act.
When the capital development of a country becomes a by-product of the activities of a casino, the job is likely to be ill-done — © John Maynard Keynes
When the capital development of a country becomes a by-product of the activities of a casino, the job is likely to be ill-done
All reality TV shows are a triumph of voyeurism. They choose contestants who are ill-suited and slightly freakish.
Democracy is the current industry standard political system, but unfortunately it is ill-suited for a libertarian state.
Other countries care for their mentally ill. Making them debate on TV is just cruel.
The second attention is the occult side of the being. It is the ability to manipulate others, be it for good or ill intent.
O, what a world of vile ill-favored faults, looks handsome in three hundred pounds a year!
Almost the first thing I did when I became ill was to buy a truly good television set.
I'm going to be 58, and I'm a woman. In this business, that seems to be a bigger crime than being mentally ill.
When men receive favours from someone they expected to do them ill, they are under a greater obligation to their benefactor.
Of no mortal say, 'That man is happy,' till vexed by no grievous ill he pass Life's goal.
We are all more or less ill till we find -Self-enquiry our Oneness with everyone else.
I'm going to be 58, and I'm a woman. In this business, that seems to be a bigger crime than being mentally ill
A man's own good breeding is the best security against other people's ill manners.
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