Top 1200 Terminally Ill Quotes & Sayings - Page 15

Explore popular Terminally Ill quotes.
Last updated on October 19, 2024.
One of the things about incarceration is that you're deprived. You lose all of your identity, and then its given back one day, and you're ill-equipped to actually embrace it and work it.
Give up smoking. Don't get so fat. So much illness is self-induced - which I can't stand. And I'm not a good nursemaid. Don't call me if you're ill.
And I think the almost undeviating support by Great Britain for the ill-advised policies of President Bush in Iraq have been a major tragedy for the world. — © Jimmy Carter
And I think the almost undeviating support by Great Britain for the ill-advised policies of President Bush in Iraq have been a major tragedy for the world.
The world rolls round forever like a mill; it grinds out death and life and good and ill; it has no purpose, heart or mind or will.
I think going in a boxing ring with Conor would be great, or in MMA... No ill will towards the guy but I actually believe I'm a better boxer.
I am extremely lucky; I've never been ill - although about 20 years ago I broke my right arm hang gliding.
The event of the landing of these brethren upon our shores is to be, not without its beneficial effect, as well to the colored population of this country, as it promises to be to ill-fated Africa.
Arjun Reddy's fits of rage, his ill-tempered responses towards the girl he loves... I think we all have these dark areas in our personality.
We would rather speak ill of ourselves than not talk about ourselves at all.
Heaven prepares good men with crosses; but no ill can happen to a good man.
I hold it true that thoughts are things Endowed with bodies, breath, and wings, And that we send them forth to fill The world with good results--or ill.
There is no vice or folly that requires so much nicety and skill to manage as vanity; nor any which by ill management makes so contemptible a figure.
Prose may carry a load of ill-defined matters like a ship. But poetry is the machine which drives it, pruned to a perfect economy.
It is the mind that maketh good or ill, That maketh wretch or happy, rich or poor. — © Michel de Montaigne
It is the mind that maketh good or ill, That maketh wretch or happy, rich or poor.
I'm not ill-informed about movies. I like movies that take it to that next step.
The economy needs thriving, job-creating small businesses, but excessive and ill-considered regulations too often get in the way of growth.
There is no waste in the world that equals the waste from needless, ill-directed, and ineffective motions...
For a while she considered being ill, but she changed her mind.
Ill fortune never crushed that man whom good fortune deceived not.
When every word is parsed for ill intention, regardless of who is speaking or why, we become so afraid we'll offend that we stop trying to communicate with people we don't understand.
Cricket is a game full or forlorn hopes and sudden dramatic changes of fortune and its rules are so ill-defined that their interpretation is partly an ethical business.
I am 23, the year of the iron birthday, the gate of darkness. I am ill.
Do not be awed by giant predecessors. Be ill-tempered with their renown. Point out flaws. Frighten interviewers from Time. Appear in Playboy. Sell to the movies.
stop spying on the lawful citizenry. Democracy and dossiers go ill together. It is all right for God but all wrong for the State to keep its eye on sparrows.
No, In fairy tales When to the ill-starred Prince the lady says 'I love you!' all his ugliness fades fast But I remain the same, up to the last!
I've worn some particularly baggy jeans and cowboys boot combinations after coming back from Austin, Texas. This was ill-advised.
My father would have been spectacularly ill-suited to working for an institution of any kind, and I suspect that, to a lesser degree, that's true of me, too.
As a matter of fact, there is no trace of ill-health in Me. I am always healthy. Not only today, till 96 years I will be like this.
You're not supposed to speak ill of the dead, but Earl Blackwell finally died, and I was on his blacklist every year for being the worst dressed person.
All people have had ill luck, but Jairus's daughter and Lazarus had the worst.
A man who fears ridicule will never go far, for good or ill: he remains on this side of this talents, and even if he has genius, he is doomed to mediocrity.
I support common-sense measures like universal background checks to prevent guns from falling into the hands of criminals and the dangerously mentally ill.
Who doth right deeds Is twice born, and who doeth ill deeds vile.
I willingly confess that it likes me better when I find virtue in a fair lodging than when I am bound to seek it in an ill-favored creature.
Spanish children are too often ill-cared for, but despite the abuses of ignorant motherhood and fatherhood, such vivid, vivacious, bewitching little people as they are!
If any man thinks ill of you, do not be angry with him, for you are worse than he thinks you to be.
It is a certain sign of an ill heart to be inclined to defamation. They who are harmless and innocent can have no gratification that way; but it ever arises from a neglect of what is laudable in a man's self.
A temperate Diet frees from Diseases; such are seldom ill, but if they are surprised with Sickness, they bear it better, and recover sooner; for most Distempers have their Original from Repletion.
PHYSICIAN, n. One upon whom we set our hopes when ill and our dogs when well. — © Ambrose Bierce
PHYSICIAN, n. One upon whom we set our hopes when ill and our dogs when well.
Becoming a writer wasn't a choice (there would have been far more worthwhile things to do); it was the best, most fruitful way of being a bit ill.
Fire and people do in this agree,They both good servants, both ill masters be.
It is the mind that maketh good of ill, that maketh wretch or happy, rich or poor.
I will follow my instincts, be myself for good or ill, and see what will be the upshot.
Golf is a game whose aim is to hit a very small ball into an ever smaller hole, with weapons singularly ill-designed for the purpose
Animal cruelty is one of the most unfortunate and barbaric demonstrations of human beings manipulating ill conceived notions of ‘power’ over other species.
How narrow our souls become when absorbed in any present good or ill! It is only the thought of the future that makes them great.
If, when stung by slander or ill-nature, we wax proud and swell with anger, it is a proof that our gentleness and humility are unreal, and mere artificial show.
Of all the anti-social vested interests the worst is the vested interest in ill-health.
Whenever we are ill, we need to search our hearts to see what we need to forgive. — © Louise Hay
Whenever we are ill, we need to search our hearts to see what we need to forgive.
I want to be in a better position than what I was yesterday. The only way that can happen is by eliminating any negative ill will or feelings toward anyone.
The lighter I am going into a fight, the more likely I am to get ill.
He burst into one of his rare fits of laughter as he turned away from the picture. I have not heard him laugh often, and it has always boded ill to somebody.
Now is the dramatic moment of fate, Watson, when you hear a step upon the stair which is walking into your life, and you know not whether for good or ill.
Im hopeless at telling lies. I can attempt strategic ones in order not to hurt peoples feelings, but then Ill blow it 10 minutes later.
It is not because men's desires are strong that they act ill; it is because their consciences are weak.
But have you wine and music still,And statues and a bright-eyed love,And foolish thoughts of good and ill,And prayers to them who sit above?
When I was a toddler, I fell ill with diphtheritic croup and was taken to an isolation unit. One of my earliest memories is of being on my own in a tent surrounded by steaming kettles.
Do not wish evil for others. Do not speak ill of others. Do not obstruct anyones activities.
For all my love little monsters i am your mom you are my child in my hand i protect you like my eyes but dont worry ill cacth you if you fall.
Being jealous of a friend doesn't mean you hate her or wish her ill.
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