Top 428 Texts Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Texts quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
To me, movies are books. They are texts to be consulted.
When I talk of primordial innocence, I hear it in Sufi music with the nay flute. I see it in Coptic icons, in most traditional art, particularly art of the American Indian. I find the texts extraordinarily beautiful and very childlike and very simple. I've been particularly interested in American Indian texts.
Through its appropriation of "texts of terror" and especially through the application of those texts to the Jews, the Christian religion created the conditions for the oppression of Palestinians.
In the beginning, I want to say something about human greatness. Some time ago, I was reading texts of Kungtse. When I read these texts, I understood something about human greatness. What I understood from his writings was: What is greatest in human beings is what makes them equal to everybody else. Everything else that deviates higher or lower from what is common to all human beings makes us less. If we know this, we can develop a deep respect for every human being.
You must test your own religious claims and texts by the same standards you apply to other religions. If your religion's claims and texts fair no better, then your religion is just as false as theirs is.
In reality, the monotheist texts preach neither peace, love nor tolerance. They are texts of hate. — © Michel Houellebecq
In reality, the monotheist texts preach neither peace, love nor tolerance. They are texts of hate.
A picture is worth a thousand texts.
I try to look at the texts and say: Is there a way that I can find history in the texts and separate it from what may be the mythological elements, and I don't find any rules for that.
Imagine the wisdom to be passed down from the classical Buddhist texts.
Mine is to chew on the appropriate texts and make them delectable.
I've always been a composer dependent on texts.
Islam is based on naql (texts) and ‘aql (intellect). Some people just have the texts – we call them naql-heads.
I cannot understate the ability to handle classical texts such as Shakespeare.
I have written many works to accompany Old Church Slavonic texts.
I still put punctuation in my texts. If it's an 'I', I make sure it's a capital.
People listened to Farsi texts, and to the great texts of our Baba Bulleh Shah, Khwaja Ghulam Farid, Mian Mohammad Bakhsh Jehlmi. People do listen to it these days, but much less than in those days.
I'm not deaf and the Commission isn't operating in a parallel world of legal texts. — © Jean-Claude Juncker
I'm not deaf and the Commission isn't operating in a parallel world of legal texts.
The world's holy texts are built on ancient oral traditions.
You get a buzz when getting texts: 'Oh, someone's thinking about me.'
I'm only a novelist on occasion. Many of my books are made up of brief texts collected together, short stories, or else they are books that have an overall structure but are composed of various texts.
Exile is a series of photographs without texts.
He should discard the texts altogether, as the man who seeks rice discards the husk.
The intelligent student, after studying vedic texts, is solely intent on acquiring wisdom and realization. He should discard the texts altogether, as the man who seeks rice discards the husk.
I'm not a naturally social-media inclined person. I still prefer phone calls to texts/emails. I... hate texts.
I have a friend - I send her one text and I get 20 texts back. Guys don't want a million texts. It's exhausting.
I think evangelicals would do better if they concentrated less on bolstering the formal authority of the Scripture - which I certainly would want to affirm - and more on displaying how biblical texts can shape lives in salutary ways, how they are fruitful texts, how they are texts one can live according to.
Sacred texts always offend reason.
We must begin to understand the nature of intertextuality . . . the manner by which texts poems and novels respond to other texts. After all, all cats may be black at night, but not to other cats.
The important thing for me as an educator is how to - how do we unsettle the minds and touch the souls of significant numbers of young people who don't read texts or don't read my texts.
Zen is a special transmission outside the Canonical Scriptures; it does not depend upon texts.
V'lane: Are you busy tomorrow MacKayla ? Barrons: She's working on old texts with me. V'lane: Ah. Old texts. A banner day at the bookstore. Barrons: We're translating Kama Sutra...with interactive aids.
I think Gmail chats are different than IRL conversations because Gmail chats are saved by Gmail exactly as they occurred. I like texts and emails. Seems like I don't have anything to say that isn't obvious about texts, emails, and Gmail chats.
To me, the most important elements in a theatre are the actors and the texts.
Contemporary fantasists all bow politely to Lord Tennyson and Papa Tolkien, then step around them to go back to the original texts for inspiration--and there are a lot of those texts. We have King Arthur and his gang in English; we've got Siegfried and Brunhild in German; Charlemagne and Roland in French; El Cid in Spanish; Sigurd the Volsung in Icelandic; and assorted 'myghtiest Knights on lyfe' in a half-dozen other cultures. Without shame, we pillage medieval romance for all we're worth.
There are hard texts in each tradition which we must confront and ask ourselves, 'Can we reinterpret those texts to allow us to live peaceably, and respectfully, with people of other faiths?' That is a job only Jews can do for Judaism, only Christians can do for Christianity, and only Muslims can do for Islam. But sometimes the sight of someone in one faith wrestling with that faith can empower you to wrestle with another faith.
The easy way to make your texts sexier? Lose the question marks.
Twitter? No, I'd rather use phone and texts.
Beckett's 'Stories and Texts for Nothing' is probably my favorite book.
A religion is not just a set of texts but the living beliefs and practices of its adherents.
Objects let you tell a narrative that encompasses everybody. Texts don't.
First-hand acquaintance with the actual texts is always the best way. — © N. T. Wright
First-hand acquaintance with the actual texts is always the best way.
Nobody can take away from you those texts from the Bible which you have learned by heart.
Like the Bible, Stanislavsky's basic texts on acting can be quoted to any purpose.
I like to be challenged with language, so I start to do texts for my blogs that people can download, can spread. There is no commercial interest behind it. It's only for fun, like doing something that you really enjoy to do. I have texts that I write specifically for the internet and I put them there. I am interested in how readers also respond to the texts that I write to them.
I hate writing texts to girlfriends because you can't really see emotions in texts. You can get confused on what she says.
The bases for historical knowledge are not empirical facts but written texts, even if these texts masquerade in the guise of wars or revolutions.
How many times have you struggled with the interpretation of certain Biblical texts related to the time of Jesus' return because they did not fit with a preconceived system of eschatology? Russell's Parousia takes the Bible seriously when it tells us of the nearness of Christ's return. Those who claim to interpret the Bible literally, trip over the obvious meaning of these time texts by making Scripture mean the opposite of what it unequivocally declares. Reading Russell is a breath of fresh air in a room filled with smoke and mirror hermeneutics.
Some clergymen make a motto, instead of a theme, of their texts.
I think a man turns into a writer by editing his own texts.
Increasingly, those who used to teach and write critical or theoretical texts are writing fiction, poetry and so on; and kinds of texts are being produced that call for budding readers rather different from those who studied literature in the past.
It is a form of generational narcissism to change texts to suit one's own needs.
My ribs ache from all the texts I'll never make time for. — © Anthony Doerr
My ribs ache from all the texts I'll never make time for.
Texts are always in flux.
In the black-and-white world of a girl in her late teens, I thought of things like Internet etiquette as obvious, rule-bound institutions. Facebook was Facebook, texts were texts, emails were emails, chats were chats, webcamming was webcamming, phone calls were phone calls.
I began to see that the short texts I was writing were poster material.
I think that writing texts, publishing texts, selling texts in a physical book store is one of the important tools for breeding this new generation.
I studied scriptural interpretation, which is more about how people get meaning out of texts, looking at stuff in the Old Testament - Muslims, Christians, Jews, different interpretations of the same texts.
For man may pious texts repeat, And yet religion have no inward seat
Those who would assail the Book of Mormon should bear in mind that its veracity is no more dubious than the veracity of the Bible, say, or the Qur'an, or the sacred texts of most other religions. The latter texts simply enjoy the considerable advantage of having made their public debut in the shadowy recesses of the ancient past, and are thus much harder to refute.
The way to learn about a writer is to read the text. Or texts.
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