Top 280 Thatcher Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Thatcher quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Harveys opened against the backdrop of Thatcher's greed culture.
Scotland never voted for Margaret Thatcher.
By the time I came of age and, indeed, Margaret Thatcher became prime minister, I had seen the entire William Shakespeare canon, which, in those days, you were quite able to do. Now, it's a much harder thing. Mrs. Thatcher was really axing public subsidy for the arts.
By and large, the artistic establishment disapproved of Margaret Thatcher. — © Craig Brown
By and large, the artistic establishment disapproved of Margaret Thatcher.
David Cameron is no Margaret Thatcher.
Liberals in the US don't have great passions about Margaret Thatcher. Conservatives do. For all the worship that Ronald Reagan elicits in conservative circles in the US, I would venture that Thatcher did far more to reshape British society than Reagan did here. When I moved to Britain, the utilities were state-run. By the time I left, most of that was privatized. Thatcher had broken the miners' union, all but crushed the Labour Party, cut back the welfare state, even flirted with a poll tax. In the circles I ran in, Reagan was mocked as a childish dolt. Thatcher was despised.
The women's movement in England was totally against Margaret Thatcher.
Any criticism of Thatcher throws a dangerously absurd light on the entire machinery of British politics. Thatcher's name must be protected, not because of all the wrong that she had done, but because the people around her allowed her to do it.
I never was a great Thatcher fan, and it wasn't a sad day in my life when she resigned.
In order to successfully impersonate men, the woman [Margaret Thatcher] launched a war.
John Redwood is a young man but, let's face it, so was Margaret Thatcher in 1975.
Everyone wants to be immortal. Few are. Margaret Thatcher is. Why? Because her values are timeless, eternal. Tap anyone on the shoulder anywhere in the world, and ask what Mrs Thatcher believed in, and they will tell you. They can give a clear answer to what she 'stood for.'
I want to be America's Margaret Thatcher. I will be the next Iron Lady.
Geoffrey [Howe] and I were mates, and he disagreed with [ Margaret Thatcher] position. So, we cooperated surreptitiously. — © Bob Hawke
Geoffrey [Howe] and I were mates, and he disagreed with [ Margaret Thatcher] position. So, we cooperated surreptitiously.
Margaret Thatcher and John Major knew that bluff and bravado doesn't work in Brussels.
I was doing an interview with Charlie Rose and he said, "What do you think about Margaret Thatcher?" - and I had not heard she had died at this point - and he said, "Is there any kind of Shakespearian overtone here?" I said, "Well, actually, Julius Caesar, because ever if a politician was stabbed in the back, it was Mrs. Thatcher, by all her conspiratorial cabinet, which really did just stab her in the back." It's a rather interesting resonance.
Margaret Thatcher always felt like an outsider in her party.
The women can always choose the patriarchal models, and you end up with a Margaret Thatcher.
Since the start of the Thatcher economic and fiscal reforms the U.K. economy has expanded five-fold.
Watching the Commons tribute to Margaret Thatcher was like being suffocated inside a gigantic sticky toffee pudding, but one with nasty bogeys planted inside. There was much of the 'Margaret Thatcher who was lucky enough to know me,' especially from her own side of the House.
The sorrow of the IRA Brighton bombing is that Thatcher escaped unscathed.
Mrs. Thatcher was a powerful figure at the time I was a student in London. And I admire her versatility and strength.
Everyone wants to be immortal. Few are. Margaret Thatcher is. Why? Because her values are timeless, eternal. Tap anyone on the shoulder anywhere in the world, and ask what Mrs Thatcher believed in, and they will tell you. They can give a clear answer to what she 'stood for.
Dennis Thatcher, husband of Margaret Thatcher, when asked who wore the pants in his house, said "I do, and I also wash and iron them." I only like two kinds of men; domestic and foreign.
Thatcher had broken the miners' union, all but crushed the Labour Party, dramatically cut back the welfare state, even flirted with a poll tax. In the circles I ran in, Reagan was mocked as a childish dolt. Thatcher was despised.
I think they (Thatcher protesters) ought to be grateful for the fact that the people who hold our (pro-Thatcher) views, and who are not mindless bigots, won't allow their behaviour to provoke us into words or behaviour which would could be seen as a breach of the peace. Hopefully, those of us who admire Margaret Thatcher are too well-mannered to fall for the bait.
Margaret Thatcher was Britain's most controversial modern politician.
If Margaret Thatcher were running for president today we wouldn't have focus groups and we wouldn't have one day focusing on 'change' and the next day focusing on likability. If Margaret Thatcher were campaigning, we would be treated to a smorgasbord of great ideas, proposals for the future of the country. Nobody would even be thinking about that.
One of the things I've learned from 'Borgen' is that it's very easy to criticise people; 'I hate this politician, I hate what they do.' You are doing this right now with Margaret Thatcher, but sometimes it's hard to be a politician. I'm not defending Margaret Thatcher, but we believe our statesmen are also human beings.
In the time of Mrs Thatcher the church, to give it its due, spoke out and was an enemy of the Conservative government.
I'm from the north, so I'm anti-Thatcher.
Thatcher was the best politician I have ever witnessed.
Margaret Thatcher was a pioneer, willingly or unwillingly, for the role of women in politics.
I think Churchill would be appalled at the Thatcher government.
I believe Mrs. Thatcher's emphasis on enterprise was right.
When I was asked to read a screenplay about Margaret Thatcher, I think I felt immediate apprehension.
I grew up in London under Thatcher and that really was disgusting. A feeding frenzy.
She ( Margaret Thatcher )is democratic enough to talk down to anyone
Margaret Thatcher was as viscerally hated at home as she was warmly respected abroad. — © A. A. Gill
Margaret Thatcher was as viscerally hated at home as she was warmly respected abroad.
[Margaret Thatcher] was the invisible hand behind it. Without that, there'd be no Trainspotting and no Filth.
I cherish the accomplishments of Margaret Thatcher and will always count her as one of my role models.
The only thing that could possibly save British politics would be Margaret Thatcher's assassin.
If there is a better singer in England than Craig David, then I am Margaret Thatcher.
Media hosts just talk about Golda Meir and Margaret Thatcher and again miss the point. I was talking about AMERICAN culture, ladies and gentlemen. As I pointed out, if Margaret Thatcher or Golda Meir, by the way, she didn't care, and Margaret Thatcher didn't care how she look like. If Margaret Thatcher were running for president today, as she was when she was the Iron Lady, we wouldn't have her mom doing television commercials telling us how wonderful she was when she was a kid and how nice she is.
They didn't even like Margaret Thatcher but at least there was Margaret Thatcher. There have been women, you know, Sonia Gandhi for heaven's sakes in India.
The scumbags are taking over the streets. I don't know what David Cameron and Gordon Brown are going to do about it. It all goes back to the Thatcher (Margaret Thatcher) years. It sounds like a cliché but that's when the rot set in.
The fact is that Margaret Thatcher was never really a Conservative.
I respected [Margaret Thatcher] enormously. She had great integrity in that respect.
I never watch any movies or mini series regarding the Thatcher Years. — © Carol Thatcher
I never watch any movies or mini series regarding the Thatcher Years.
We have a number of very powerful women in the world now - Mrs. [Angela] Merkel, who the Germans call Mutti. What did we call Mrs. [Margaret] Thatcher? When she was minister of education, she stopped the children's free school milk. This may sound quaint, but after the war we were such a malnourished nation that part of the founding of the welfare state were public health initiatives. Every little schoolchild got milk. Mrs. Thatcher stopped it. They called her "Maggie Thatcher, milk snatcher."
Thatcher was prepared to destroy the world rather than give in on something she believed in.
I don't want to be an old man in a pub singing about Margaret Thatcher.
I'm quoting Margaret Thatcher. I quote her frequently.
Mrs Thatcher requires devotion as well as obedience.
[Margaret Thatcher] aroused such strong loathing in so many people. That's the fact that interests me.
I certainly wasn't a fan of Thatcher's politics. People liked to label us as children of Thatcher. What nonsense. The real children of Thatcher came in the 1990s, and had no interest in politics. The Oasis, Britpop scene.
While Labour Party orators readily remember the 1980s for Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's free-booting variety of entrepreneurial meritocracy, what gets forgotten is that Thatcher also gave the heave-ho to the old establishment's notion of merit - good breeding, a posh school, and so on.
As we all know there have been fabulous women chief executives: Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meir.
Mrs Thatcher was not lightly bullied.
Thatcher was the motivation for my entire political career. I hated everything she stood for.
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