Top 1200 Themselves Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Themselves quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Paraphrasing Plato's Republic: "Only people who have allowed themselves to be reformed by reality have it in themselves to reform their polis for the better."
I encourage young people to refrain from putting themselves in dangerous situations in the name of validating themselves sexually.
People are not considerate of others. They tend not to consider themselves as all living together, but see themselves only as individuals. — © Helen McCrory
People are not considerate of others. They tend not to consider themselves as all living together, but see themselves only as individuals.
ISIL is inspiring groups that already exist to rebrand themselves, but in rebranding themselves into a more radical ideology. That's what makes it dangerous.
And some cease feeling Even themselves or for themselves. Dullness best solves The tease and doubt of shelling
I like women who are really strong and were brought up to be comfortable with themselves and respect themselves.
Very often there's this misapprehension about actors being people that need to display themselves, to reveal themselves in public.
The Netherlands have great strikers... but they are only playing one. They are depriving themselves of their best qualities and shooting themselves in the foot.
We are helping women express themselves and feel awesome about themselves, and I think that does change the course of your day.
I find that most books that I don't like are those in which the authors have indulged themselves. I can almost sense when they're writing something for themselves.
People who succeed speak well of themselves to themselves.
I don't think people should do things that they're not comfortable with, unless they want to stretch themselves in that way and challenge themselves.
What is happening in the Sahel for the past several months is that terrorists have structured themselves, have installed themselves. It's not simply a menace for west Africa.
My hope is that Unbreakable will inspire women to believe in themselves, to value themselves and to know that asking for help does not mean you are weak. — © Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters
My hope is that Unbreakable will inspire women to believe in themselves, to value themselves and to know that asking for help does not mean you are weak.
Too many women don't see themselves in senior leadership and so don't push themselves to advance their careers as their male peer group do.
I like people who are able to keep pushing themselves and challenging themselves even after great success.
In fact, most artists want to make things a bit more difficult for themselves as they go along, to challenge themselves.
People who laugh so heartily at what they themselves have said, when it is not funny, dispense us accordingly, by taking upon themselves the responsibility for the mirth, from joining in it.
It also seems that the Afghans themselves want to avail themselves of this opportunity and all recognize that the UN is uniquely qualified to help bring them together.
I think it's important for people to be themselves and express themselves through their makeup or their hair or their perfume or whatever it may be.
For all the best teachers pride themselves on having a large number of pupils and think themselves worthy of a bigger audience.
If you're a progressive, you can find lots of people who call themselves conservatives, but who agree with you on lots of things. There are people who call themselves conservatives, but who love the land as much as any environmentalist. Progressives share a number of common values with people who call themselves conservatives. Barack Obama has understood that very well. What he calls bipartisanship is not adopting conservative views, but finding where people who consider themselves conservatives share with him and other progressives these fundamental American values.
If the investors themselves are not sophisticated, if they themselves are not putting a lot of their own money to work, if they themselves don't understand the continuum of capital and how different parts of the capital structures react differently, then they're basically worthless. They're not going to give great advice to these entrepreneurs who then need it. So that is unfortunately the cycle we're in and we have to break the cycle.
There are people who are trying to advance themselves by wrapping themselves in Reagan.
I think people deny themselves by putting themselves into categories.
Peoples which bastardize themselves, or let themselves be bastardized, sin against the will of eternal Providence.
If people are telling you a story about themselves, they gradually map their own local territories and know themselves by them.
Writing is a great comfort to people like me, who are unsure of themselves and have trouble expressing themselves properly.
Men on their side must force themselves for a while to lay their notions by and begin to familiarize themselves with facts.
The masculine imagination lives in a state of perpetual revolt against the limitations of human life. In theological terms, one might say that all men, left to themselves, become gnostics. They may swagger like peacocks, but in their heart of hearts they all think sex an indignity and wish they could beget themselves on themselves. Hence the aggressive hostility toward women so manifest in most club-car stories.
The blacks are tired of standing at the touchlines to witness a game that they should be playing. They want to do things for themselves and all by themselves.
There are some lawyers who think of themselves as basically instruments of whoever their clients are, and they pride themselves on their professional craft.
In an unmoored life like mine, sleep and hunger and work arrange themselves to suit themselves, without consulting me.
None so little enjoy themselves, and are such burdens to themselves, as those who have nothing to do. Only the active have the true relish of life.
My characters are turned upside down and trying to reinvent themselves but don't need a white knight. They can save themselves in a crisis.
It is my experience that no one, in the course of conversation, can fail to give themselves away sooner or later. Everyone has an irresistible urge to talk about themselves.
While many in the social enterprise space often qualify themselves as 'non-profit,' these organizations should instead treat themselves as 'for-purpose.' These organizations should focus on their mission to create social good, while still treating themselves with the same commitment to rigor and discipline as the best for-profits.
I'm always trying to tell fans to love themselves. I see them going through a ton of hardships on Twitter and being bullied. It's really important and easier said than done to take care of yourself. A lot of people put themselves out for others and don't really think about mending themselves. Sometimes, they get a little lost that way.
You see it all the time, in all divisions, that teams raise themselves and apply themselves that little bit more when they play a 'bigger team.' — © Adebayo Akinfenwa
You see it all the time, in all divisions, that teams raise themselves and apply themselves that little bit more when they play a 'bigger team.'
I think some people are not interesting to themselves. They're the sad, resigned folk. When people call themselves ordinary - "I'm just an ordinary person" - you do wonder what they mean, because people who call themselves ordinary occasionally turn out to be serial killers. Beware of those who say they're ordinary.
Because bankers measure their self-worth in money, and pay themselves a lot of it, they think they're fine fellows and don't need to explain themselves.
The most radical division that it is possible to make of humanity is that which splits it into two classes of creatures: Those who make great demands on themselves, piling up difficulties and duties; and those who demand nothing special of themselves, but for whom to live is to be every moment what they already are, without imposing on themselves any effort towards perfection, mere buoys that float on the waves.
Western countries in particular can today no longer be separated from Muslim societies, because they have them within themselves. They are themselves internally globalized.
Some actors can distance themselves from the parts they play, but I fall into the category who use bits of themselves.
I love how people in this business push themselves to know themselves, the world, and their creativity better.
Teenagers today are more free to be themselves and to accept themselves.
I have learned that neither kindness or cruelty by themselves, or independent of each other, create any effect beyond themselves.
Some people have a perverse talent; they're capable of shooting themselves in the foot and stabbing themselves in the back at the exact same time.
I don't think anyone should try to put themselves in a situation or push themselves out of the zone that they don't feel comfortable and safe in. — © Liz Carmouche
I don't think anyone should try to put themselves in a situation or push themselves out of the zone that they don't feel comfortable and safe in.
People tethered to God by faith can let themselves go because they know they will get themselves back.
People who don't know how to keep themselves healthy ought to have the decency to get themselves buried, and not waste time about it.
Governments unaccountable to law are tyrannies, whatever they might call themselves, no matter how exceptional and indispensable they declare themselves to be.
It takes years for average persons in the nagual's world to remove themselves from their involvement with themselves and be capable of seeing the wonder of it all.
Some people are more fluid than others at just being themselves and recognizing what's good about themselves.
I've never played anyone who didn't like themselves. I don't care if they're unattractive, but it's important that they think of themselves as attractive. And I guess that's part of their charm.
When you're playing someone who has a strong ego about themselves, you can't play them when you have the opposite opinion of the one they have of themselves.
It's just what people do when they're getting old, when they're sick of themselves and their life; they think of money and take care of themselves.
Too many jazz pianists limit themselves to a personal style, a trademark, so to speak. They confine themselves to one type of playing.
There are some lawyers who think of themselves as basically instruments of whoever their clients are, and they pride themselves on their professional craft
Those who, relying upon themselves only, not looking for assistance to anyone besides themselves, it is they who will reach the top-most height.
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