Top 1200 Third Time Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Third Time quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
It is estimated that one-third of all reef-building corals, a third of all fresh-water mollusks, a third of sharks and rays, a quarter of all mammals, a fifth of all reptiles, and a sixth of all birds are headed toward oblivion. The losses are occurring all over: in the South Pacific and in the North Atlantic, in the Arctic and the Sahel, in lakes and on islands, on mountaintops and in valleys.
First time it's a stranger. Second time its just a coincidence. Third time it's a tail
Football is one-third offense, one-third defense, and one-third special teams. — © George Allen
Football is one-third offense, one-third defense, and one-third special teams.
I looked long and hard at third films in series to see if there were any good ones that I could learn from. And there weren't any that hadn't just gone off the train tracks by their third film. Until, that is, I got to the third 'Lord of the Rings' film.
The first time you quit, it's hard. The second time, it gets easier. The third time, you don't even have to think about it.
I'm a Benedictine Nun in outlook; I divide my time evenly so one third is spent in academe, another third on writing and the final third on television and radio.
The first time you meet someone, they're a new acquaintance, the second time you have a bit of an understanding, and the third time you meet them, you're old hats.
Most drugs work on only about a third of the population, they do no damage to another third, and the final third can have negative consequences.
Introduce your main characters and themes in the first third of your novel. If you are writing a plot-driven genre novel make sure all your major themes/plot elements are introduced in the first third, which you can call the introduction. Develop your themes and characters in your second third, the development. Resolve your themes, mysteries and so on in the final third, the resolution.
I enjoy a third act, and I like stories with ending. A lot of my frustration with serialized storytelling is a lot of shows don't have a third act. They have an endless second act, and then they find out it's their last year and often have to hustle to invent a third act, but they were never necessarily organically meaning to begin with.
And then for the first time in history a Cook County state's attorney was reelected for a third time.
He [Will Rogers] was America's most complete human document. One-third humor. One-third humanitarian. One-third heart.
I think it's clear to me that what - when I look at the tea party, it's about one-third Democrat, one-third Republican, one-third independents. But 100 percent of them are sure that the agenda that is taking place in Washington, D.C., is about extremism and is about bankrupting this country and every state within this country.
My big break was back in the third grade playing the third monkey in 'Horton Hears a Who.' — © Sebastian Arcelus
My big break was back in the third grade playing the third monkey in 'Horton Hears a Who.'
Gazzy: "What does that mean?" (points to metal plaque warning to stay off the third rail that said Stay off the third rail!) Fang: "It means the third rail has seven hundred volts of direct current running through it. Touch it and you're human popcorn.
To be honest, in 2012, I was against both candidates, and so I just picked any third party because I thought if more people voted for third parties then they'd have to take third parties seriously.
Every single figure on Mount Rushmore was a third party at one time or another, so third parties become major parties, and I think that the Libertarian Party may become my major party.
The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water-the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.
It's difficult to go out when there is a match every third day. There isn't that much time - it's either preparation or recovery - and I would rather spend my time with friends at home.
It was my third Second City review before I even got mentioned in the review. It was the third review where it finally was like, 'And Lauren Ash is here.' Thank God, it's about time!
You can remember the second and the third and the fourth time, but there's no time like the first. It's always there.
You're one third bad intentions,one third pure avarice,and one eighth sawdust.What's left,I'll credit,must be brains.
I got started in Oklahoma. That's where I was born. Population down there is one-third Indians, one-third Negroes and one-third white people.
I think one third of my work is with first-time directors because I think I should, you know? Really, the difference between a first-time director and a second- or third-time director - I mean there's no director who makes enough movies anyway - but if they're talented, they have it. And there is no movie that is perfect.
Most of my movies get about a third raves, a third vicious attacks, and a third in-between.
I like to say, 'I spend one-third of my time in Nigeria, one-third in Europe or America, and one-third on a plane.'
If a man loses one-third of his skin he dies; if a tree loses one-third of its bark, it too dies. If the Earth is a 'sentient being', would it not be reasonable to expect that if it loses one-third of its trees and vegetable covering, it will also die?
This is the third time that, in the course of six years, during which I have had the lead of the Opposition in the House of Commons, I have stormed the Treasury Benches: twice, fruitlessly, the third time with a tin kettle to my tail which rendered the race hopeless. You cannot, therefore, be surprised, that I am a little wearied of these barren victories, which like Alma, Inkerman, and Balaclava, may be glorious but are certainly nothing more.
I'm just giving you some spiel, the ludicrous plot of a novel, a story I invented to touch your heart—one-third bullshit, one-third booze, and one-third genuine tenderness, you know the kind of thing.
What are the purposes and priorities of teaching? . . . First, to inspire. Second, to challenge. Third, and only third, to impart information.
The first time you say something, it's heard. The second time, it's recognized, and the third time it's learned.
One-third of the world, it has been said, may be free- -but one-third is the victim of cruel repression--and the other one- third is rocked by the pangs of poverty, hunger and envy. More energy is released by the awakening of these new nations than by the fission of the atom itself.
The first time you do something, it's science. The second time, it's engineering. The third time, it's just being a technician. I'm a scientist. Once I do something, I want to do something else.
Some people are cowards... I think by and large a third of people are villains, a third are cowards, and a third are heroes. Now, a villain and a coward can choose to be a hero, but they've got to make that choice.
I have been waiting to win a world championship since 1985. I've had three cracks at a world title - in karting, I finished third at Le Mans; that hurt because it was very close, but then in Formula One there wasn't really an opportunity to finally crack it, so it's third time lucky.
My freshman year, I played third, and sophomore and junior, third.
When I used to perform weddings, the image I always had was the image of a triangle, in which there are two partners and then there is this third force, this third being, that emerges out of the interaction of these two. The third one is the one that is the shared awareness that lies behind the two of them.
Sometimes, you get things right the first time. Others, the second. But the third time, they say, is the charm. — © Sarah Dessen
Sometimes, you get things right the first time. Others, the second. But the third time, they say, is the charm.
If you got a hit every third time that you went up to bat in the major leagues, you'd be the greatest hitter of all time. I think my average is a little better than that.
I'm thrilled to be asked to host the Academy Awards for the second time because, as they say, the third time's a charm.
If there's three boxes that say 'Single', 'In a Relationship,' and the third one says 'Getting Money', I'd check the third one.
I move through the third world, my third eye's the guiding light / Invite the fight, we all die tonight
I'm interested in the moment when two objects collide and generate a third. The third object is where the interesting work is.
I have a rule now that I can only watch a movie twice. By the third time I was watching 'The Guest,' I was hating everything about it, but the first time, I loved it. The first time you watch it, you watch it as a whole. And the second time, I think you can learn a lot. By the third time, you are just picking everything apart.
You look at energy use in the U.S. and one-third of it is automotive or our transportation system, one-third of it is manufacturing and one-third of it is buildings. That means architects are responsible for one-third of energy by their designs. So not only is it dire, it's also something that we can do.
This is my third engagement. Third time's a charm!
Lands' End has undergone three major changes over the past couple of decades. The first was the introduction of an 800 number, in 1978; the second was express delivery, in 1994; and the third was the introduction of a Web site, in 1995. The first two innovations cut the average transaction time-the time between the moment of ordering and the moment the goods are received-from three weeks to four days. The third innovation has cut the transaction time from four days to, well, four days.
I really love my family and kid, but first of all, it's my hockey, my career. My family is second, and my fans go third. Sometimes my fans go second, and my family is third. It's turning all the time.
It is the third edition of 'Housefull,' I was there in the first and second, thank god, I'm in the third part. — © Chunky Pandey
It is the third edition of 'Housefull,' I was there in the first and second, thank god, I'm in the third part.
Save one-third, live on one-third, and give away one-third
What we ask of the developed countries is to let the Third World find a third way.
Fish must swim thrice--once is the water, a second time in the sauce, and a third time in wine in the stomach.
The thing I love about making movies is the peace of mind that I know I don't have to be perfect the first time. I can be perfect the second time or the third time.
Sometimes it's cool to play major third and minor third diads back-to-back, or a minor third followed by a root/fifth diad - whatever combo sounds good.
My big break was back in the third grade playing the third monkey in 'Horton Hears a Who.
When a teacher tries to teach something to the entire class at the same time, chances are, one-third of the kids already know it; one-third will get it; and the remaining third won’t. So two-thirds of the children are wasting their time.
I gave him a kick and he stepped back onto the third rail. Exploding, flaming eraser! This is why moms tell you to stay away from the third rail, but it sure came in handy this time.
At some point, you're going to be in third-and-13 or third-and-9 and you have to throw the ball down the field.
First time's a fluke; second time's a coincidence," said Velius. "Third time's tradition," finished Erik.
Since the 1970s, I have asked students if they would first try to save their drowning dog or a drowning stranger. And for 40 years I have received the same results: One third vote for their dog, one third for the stranger, and one third don't know what they would do.
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