Top 1200 Thirty Years Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Thirty Years quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
One January day, thirty years ago, the little town of Hanover, anchored on a windy Nebraska tableland, was trying not to be blown away.
My longtime friend Steven Steinbock, who has worked with me for more than thirty years, is a master at panfrying fish and seafood.
You're telling me Beyonce is a revolutionary? Thirty years ago, you had those guys who raised their fists at the Olympic games, and they paid 30 years of their lives because of that gesture. And you're telling me a superstar who put one fist in the air is a revolutionary? But that's the superficiality of this time.
He (Tiberius) was wont to mock at the arts of physicians, and at those who, after thirty years of age, needed counsel as to what was good or bad for their bodies. — © Tacitus
He (Tiberius) was wont to mock at the arts of physicians, and at those who, after thirty years of age, needed counsel as to what was good or bad for their bodies.
I spent thirty-two years in a paper mill in southern Ohio, and before that, I worked in a meatpacking plant and a shoe factory.
I think the Russians might do away with the terror in twenty or thirty or years, when they are richer, and when they don't need these repressive methods so much.
Barry, you're over thirty years old. You owe it to your mum and dad not to sing in a group called Sonic Death Monkey.
Every two years, one of the most hotly contested elections in Texas is the poll taken among members of the capitol press corps to determine who are actually the ten stupidest members of the Legislature. Two years ago, there were thirty-seven official nominees and several write-ins.
There was room for a Democrat to break with the interest groups and to vote for Roberts. (Hillary Clinton) could have because she has credentials of thirty-years standing.
After a long run of almost thirty years, you get to the point where you say, 'These are my concerns.' It's not so much this is what I set out to claim - it is a kind of refrain.
You know how women have this clock when they want to have a baby? I had this clock where I wanted to win a national award by thirty, be at a big press by thirty-five. I was always working with these self-driven goals.
I'd spent thirty years visiting the Dalai Lama, and twenty years as a journalist going to difficult places, war zones and revolutions from North Korea to Haiti and Beirut to Sri Lanka, and the question came up: What does this man have to offer to this world which seems so torn up and so attached to conflict?
I have often argued that a poet more than thirty years old is simply an overgrown child. I begin to suspect that there may be some truth in it.
The misery in war-torn Afghanistan is reminiscent of images from the Thirty Years' War. — © Jurgen Habermas
The misery in war-torn Afghanistan is reminiscent of images from the Thirty Years' War.
Christ's public life extended only over eighteen months, and for this he had silently been preparing himself for thirty - two years.
I've said for thirty years that capitalism is an exhausted system. But now you can see the handwriting everywhere. And one especially horrifying part is the fiscal crisis.
As a professional journalist, I've been interviewing people for almost thirty years. And the one thing I've learned from all those interviews is that I am always going to be surprised.
Thirty years ago, there was definitely a huge difference between men and women, and the man wanting to feel like the protector, and not scare the wife.
The past is good (as we all know), twenty, thirty years back everything was good, anyone can tell you that.
Working from nine till five every day at something that gives you no pleasure just so that, after thirty years, you can retire.
Thirty years ago, the Pandora's box of the Internet wasn't yet a fact of life, and celebrities inhabited a more remote, hard-to-reach plane.
It's very weird to succeed at thirty-nine years old and realize that in the midst of your failure, you were slowly building the life that you wanted anyway.
The story wrote quickly. I called it 'Where You're From,' and I sent it out, as I had numerous other stories over the years. Except this time I got a letter back saying that it would be published. Someone out there had liked the story. I was thirty-one years old.
In over thirty years working in TV and movies, I've never had an exit interview or contributed to a 360 assessment.
Paintings, like tombstones, will last a good five hundred years, well into twenty or thirty generations.
For the first time we have a weapon that nobody has used for thirty years. This gives me great hope for the human race.
I needed to justify my existence, and I had made an absolute of literature. It took me thirty years to get rid of this state of mind.
What do you think happens to a composer who is sincere and loves to write and has to wait thirty years to have someone play a piece of his music?
I feel now, that Arabia could easily be evangelized within the next thirty years if it were not for the wicked selfishness of Christians.
After all, the internet originated around 1960 and wasn't privatized until 1995. That's thirty five years in the public domain during the hard, creative development period.
Hey, single malt scotch, youre thirty years old. When are you going to settle down and get married to my stomach?
"God loves all his children" is somehow forgotten But we paraphrase a book written thirty-five hundred years ago.
Technology has advanced more in the last thirty years than in the previous two thousand. The exponential increase in advancement will only continue.
I never stopped writing. I started writing when I was twelve years of age. And I was writing all the time. But nothing was translated until thirty years after I started writing, when The Hidden Face of Eve was translated in 1980.
Hungary has a moral debt to the Jews that it helped send to death camps thirty years after the First World War.
War is the usual condition of Europe. A thirty years' supply of causes of war is always on hand.
Mark McGwire is thirty-four years old. I'm twenty-nine. He's probably a little bit tired and I'm just having some fun.
Thirty years people have been asking for a lawful system of immigration to end this lawlessness, and government on both parties have refused to give it to them.
Anything with the power to make you laugh over thirty years later isn’t a waste of time. I think something like that is very close to immortality. — © Stephen King
Anything with the power to make you laugh over thirty years later isn’t a waste of time. I think something like that is very close to immortality.
Thirty years ago, in 1976, the notion of organized activity to combat discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity was an extremely controversial one.
God blessed me by putting me here for thirty-one years at Michigan and Trumbull.
Thirty-two years after the legalization of abortion by the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade, the majority of Americans consider themselves pro-life.
Thirty-five years ago, being a cook was the same as being a used-car salesman.
The French are true romantics. They feel the only difference between a man of forty and one of seventy is thirty years of experience.
I don't think, in all the years I managed them, I ever spoke more than thirty words to Frank and Brooks Robinson.
I have lived some thirty years on this planet, and I have yet to hear the first syllable of valuable or even earnest advice from my seniors.
To me the biggest waste of time is commuting. First, there is no place that is less than a two-hour commute from New York. You can be half a mile outside of the city limits; you're two hours away by car. I don't care how close they tell you it is. "Oh, it's only thirty miles." Thirty miles? At 8:30 in the morning, thirty miles outside New York, you might as well be starting out in Omaha.
Middle age is when you realize that you'll never live long enough to try all the recipes you spent thirty years clipping out of newspapers and magazines.
I was raised as a Catholic and received the body and blood of Jesus Christ every Sunday at communion until I was thirty years of age, when I became a vegetarian. — © Joe Queenan
I was raised as a Catholic and received the body and blood of Jesus Christ every Sunday at communion until I was thirty years of age, when I became a vegetarian.
I spent thirty-two years in a paper mill in southern Ohio, and before that I worked in a meatpacking plant and a shoe factory.
Thirty years ago, there was definitely a huge difference between men and women, and the man wanting to feel like the protector, and not scare the wife
I've lived in Kansas for more than thirty years, and for half of those, I was part of a ranching family, so I'm writing about things I know and love.
And, over the last thirty years we have seen men's participation in both housework and childcare has increased and women's have stayed at about the same.
A life isn't measured in hours or minutes. Its the quality not the length. All things considered I've been luckier than most. Almost sixteen years on Earth, and I've already had eight good ones here. I expect to have eight more before all's good said and done. Nearly thirty-two years total, and that's not too shabby
As, however, the port in reality lies in thirty-two degrees thirty-four minutes, according to the observations that have been made, they went much beyond it, thus making the voyage much longer than was necessary.
To be very objective, I am here in this field for thirty five years, and I always knew that Shahid has an incredible capability as an actor.
What makes you walk past thirty-thousand people without a second glance, and then you look at the thirty-thousandth-and-first person and know you'll never take your eyes off her again?
Fifty years after we undertook to make the first synthetic polarizers we find them the essential layer in digital liquid-crystal. And thirty four years after we undertook to make the first instant camera and film, our kind of photography has become ubiquitous.
I'm a hard-nosed businessman, that if a company is paying its way, increasing profits for thirty-odd consecutive years, you don't put it into receivership.
I love Martha's Vineyard, where I have had a house for thirty years. I have loved visiting countries around the world. But I always come home to Washington.
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