Top 1200 Time Travel Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Time Travel quotes.
Last updated on October 18, 2024.
Whenever I have time off, I love to travel and explore.
I don't travel light with my beauty box when I travel.
Time travel may be possible, but it is not practical. — © Stephen Hawking
Time travel may be possible, but it is not practical.
I think the idea of time travel is very seductive.
However, we still have the problem of free travel and movement, since the Travel Documents issued by UNMIK as the substitute to passports, are not fully recognized yet by all countries.
I travel internationally a lot and I have a hard time sleeping and staying awake normally after crossing multiple time zones, especially going east. I've tried light therapy but not found it too helpful.
I love to travel. This is the time for me. When will I do it if not now?
I travel all the time, and I have two small children.
I like to engage the public because when I was in high school, I had all these questions about anti-matter, higher dimensions and time travel. Every time I went to the library, every time I asked people these questions, I would get some strange looks. Nobody could answer any of these questions.
I'm the only candidate that will fund time-travel research.
Travel, in the superficial sense at least, is a good cure for loneliness. When you travel, especially in the third world, you quickly find that you get more friends than you know what to do with.
For years, I had no time for exploratory travel.
I hired a full-time chef, so I wasn't taking that time to order pizzas or eat Wild Wings or stuff like that. I travel somewhere, I'm gone for a long period, I have a chef. I think that elevated my game.
I am very happily employed as a full-time software engineer; I travel a lot, and I write books along with this here weekly TechCrunch column; and I still find the time to work on my own software side projects.
Let me tell you about the travel ban. We had a very smooth rollout of the travel ban. But we had a bad court. Got a bad decision. We had a court that's been overturned. Again, may be wrong, but I think it's 80 percent of the time, a lot. We're going to keep going with that decision. We're going to put in a new executive order.
On my YouTube channel, I put up 3-4 videos a week, and I spend a lot of money to maintain that content. When I travel, I travel with a videographer and a photographer no matter what.
In my free time, I do travel, watch films and learn on the go. — © Vaani Kapoor
In my free time, I do travel, watch films and learn on the go.
A good story can travel in time and borders; it hits you no matter where you are.
I love to travel and go to dance classes whenever I get time.
If time travel is possible, where are the tourists from the future?
When you are shooting a movie in a week, there's not much time to travel.
If you could travel back in time to the present moment, what would you do differently?
With air travel there is no distance, there is only time.
I like to take writing retreats within a day's drive of home. Less travel time means more time for writing, which is the name of the game here.
You travel here and you travel there, trying to get out from under the cloud, and nothing works, and then one day you realize you've been carrying the weather around with you.
There's a lot of different things that make me want to take photos. A lot of it is, for a long time I've been obsessed with the thought of time travel with my camera.
Time travel is possible. Will explain later
Time is not a line but a dimension, like the dimensions of space. If you can bend space you can bend time also, and if you knew enough and could move faster than light you could travel backwards in time and exist in two places at once.
If I could time-travel, I would either go to the '70s and watch the first 'Star Wars' film the day it opened, or to 1880s London, during the Jack the Ripper era, and experience the true grossness of that time.
We travel so much, I never adjust to time zones any more.
I was very excited when I first started to travel so much. In fact, I was amazed that people were paying me to travel to play the game I loved.
Prague is not, strictly speaking, travel writing but it is, among other things, an excellent example of what travel writing is becoming, if indeed it hasn't already done so. . . . People are no longer so easily satisfied by the mere travel impressions of some outsider much like themselves. Instead they gravitate towards writers who actually have lived not simply in, but inside, a location for an extended period, as one lives inside one's clothes.
The bottom line is that time travel is allowed by the laws of physics.
With 'Back to the Future', time-traveling lets you go back to a better, more comfortable life where your parents are happy and you have a lot of money - the capitalistic version of time travel.
I research, write, travel and teach. I rarely arrange for spare time. If we do not fill our days with high priority actions they will fill with low priority actions. I would prefer to live my life according to my highest priorities and do what I love, which again is research, write, travel and teach. It is my mission and calling. It is what inspires me. It is my destiny.
One must stand stiller than still. On reverse time travel.
My normal life is I love to travel, and I travel as often as I can. I don't stay in one place too long. But I'm an avid reader, I guess you could say: I'm a bit of a bookworm.
My normal life is, I love to travel and I travel as often as I can. I don't stay in one place too long. But I'm an avid reader; I guess you could say I'm a bit of a bookworm. — © Alexa Davalos
My normal life is, I love to travel and I travel as often as I can. I don't stay in one place too long. But I'm an avid reader; I guess you could say I'm a bit of a bookworm.
I have every magazine known to mankind. I just love home decor and travel magazines, and I'm inspired to go visit places I've never been. That's what I really want to do - travel.
Travel books are all sorts - some are autobiographies, some are about falling in love. Some are about having great meals, some are about suffering. There are as many different kinds of travel books as there are novels. People think a travel book is one thing. It's many things.
Time travel, by its very nature, was invented in all periods of history simultaneously.
I love to travel, it doesn't matter where I am in the world, usually there's a good time to be had.
When you ghost hunt, you kind of time travel: you get that residue of the past.
Football is one side of me. Art is another. Travel is another. As I mature, I can organize it so that when I'm done with football, whether it be travel, or becoming a doctor, or going off on a farm and raising chickens, which I'd also like to do, or climbing ten of the most difficult peaks in the world, or spending time backpacking in a flannel shirt and big boots, I'll know how to take off into the world.
When we see the shadow on our images, are we seeing the time 11 minutes ago on Mars? Or are we seeing the time on Mars as observed from Earth now? It's like time travel problems in science fiction. When is now; when was then?
I realized that, for me, travel for work - I'm not speaking so much about travel for pleasure - had actually become a way of avoiding life.
People in science fiction flicks always seemed to know useful things about the places time travel took them. But what if the time traveler had been only an average history student? What then?
If I have the chance to time travel, might as well go all out.
If you travel as much as we do, you appreciate the improvements in aircraft design of less noise and more comfort - provided you don't travel in something called economy class, which sounds ghastly.
I travel all the time. I'm very restless you know.
The emotional build-up and anticipation if you travel at Christmas can make it harder to enjoy a trip. I think sometimes it is better to travel outside of conventional holiday times for that reason.
When I travel, there are no rules with my diet. I eat whatever looks good, but in small portions. Food is such a rich part of the travel experience. There is no way I would cut that out!
It's like time travel only, you know, slower. — © Christopher Moore
It's like time travel only, you know, slower.
From a tourist's point of view, you finally have time to travel, but you need to spend your time looking after your child. Club Med takes care of the entire family.
No one can travel your own road for you; you must travel it for yourself. My faith in this stems from my childhood. I grew up in a family with a system of religious beliefs handed down to me.
I'd love to travel more. I really look forward to traveling with my kids. I'm just waiting for them to want to travel with me.
I have experimental evidence that time travel is not possible.
I fear that I can no longer travel without technology. Twenty years ago, I loved getting on a bus in West Africa and taking off for a city I'd never been to before, relying on advice from out-of-date travel books and fellow passengers on the bus. Now, I end up using TripAdvisor, Yelp, and Google Maps. I probably eat and sleep better when I'm on the road, but I miss the mystery of travel when it was more random and unpredictable.
I want everybody to travel, to travel and not be afraid.
That is the magic of travel. You leave your home secure in your own knowledge and identity. But as you travel, the world in all it's richness intervenes. You meet people you could not invent; you see scenes you could not imagine. Your own world, which was so large as to consume your whole life, becomes smaller and smaller until it is only one tiny dot in time and space. You return a different person.
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