Top 1200 Time Travel Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular Time Travel quotes.
Last updated on October 18, 2024.
I was very fortunate to grow up with parents who love to travel, so I traveled from a young age. My dad's a heart surgeon and goes to conferences all over the world. By the time I was seven, I traveled outside the country for the first time. We went to Paris. The next year, we went to London, and then Brussels.
I love it when people travel to see one of my works, and I always make time to meet and talk with them.
You don't have to travel, but I find extended travel to be a helpful tool for reexamining yourself and the constraints you've artificially placed on your life. It's easy to believe everything has to be done one way if you're always in one place around the same people.
For women, my best travel tip is to invest in two to three cashmere ponchos. I buy the brand Minnie Rose. They're good cover in three seasons, and they make wonderful travel blankets.
I am a passionate traveler, and from the time I was a child, travel formed me as much as my formal education. — © David Rockefeller
I am a passionate traveler, and from the time I was a child, travel formed me as much as my formal education.
When I travel I have a full-time physio that I pay for myself. He also handles strength and conditioning.
Gonna travel, gonna travel wild and free I'm gonna pack my bags because this great big world is calling me
I would advise everyone to have a travel drawer. Mine contains adaptors, ear plugs, blow-up pillows for the plane, travel health books, disposable cameras, a first aid kit and torches.
I'm passionate and I travel the world not just as a tourist but to understand cultures... I've lived with Masai tribe... I travel the world and bring it back in the form of a research book that would become the starting point for the collection.
Travel gives me the opportunity to walk through the sectors of cities where one can clearly see the passage of time.
In my time, the follies of the town crept slowly among us, but now they travel faster than a stagecoach.
While we celebrate our diversity, what surprises me time and time again as I travel around the constituency is that we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than things that divide us.
I make sure I travel with my girlfriends at least twice a year because that's the time I rejuvenate and disconnect from myself.
I've gotten to travel all over the world and meet all kinds of people and do all kinds of great things, so it's, like, surreal. It just lets you know how time flies, especially when you're having fun. It seems like time keeps going by faster as I get older.
I don't know where this thing about me being a travel writer comes from. It's nothing to do with me; I hate travel writing. I don't do it - I do it a little bit, but not much. I don't believe in it. I think it's over. The world is so saturated now that you don't need it.
Once confined to fantasy and science fiction, time travel is now simply an engineering problem. — © Michio Kaku
Once confined to fantasy and science fiction, time travel is now simply an engineering problem.
For me, poetry is the music of being human. And also a time machine by which we can travel to who we are and to who we will become.
Vagabonding is about not merely reallotting a portion of your life for travel but rediscovering the entire concept of time.
I was studying tourism at college and wanted to travel the world as a tour guide - that was my dream! But actually, sometimes modeling feels quite similar, because I travel so much - probably even more than tour guiding.
In Einstein's equation, time is a river. It speeds up, meanders, and slows down. The new wrinkle is that it can have whirlpools and fork into two rivers. So, if the river of time can be bent into a pretzel, create whirlpools and fork into two rivers, then time travel cannot be ruled out.
I see a lot of women who can't travel when they're young, and then their kids grow up and they become amazing adventurers. Travel is not only for the young. Sometimes it's wasted on the young.
People who think about time travel stories sometimes think that going back in time would be fun because you would have all the information you needed to be much more astute than the people there, when the truth is of course you wouldn't.
I used to wish I would be a painter or a violinist, where maybe I wouldn't need to travel as much. Or maybe if I were a writer, I wouldn't need to travel as much. It's the travel that kind of killed me. And the hours. I always pictured if I were a painter you could make your own hours maybe... work after the kids were asleep.
If your time is worth anything, travel by air. If not, you might just as well walk.
I believe that space travel will one day become as common as airline travel is today. I'm convinced, however, that the true future of space travel does not lie with government agencies -- NASA is still obsessed with the idea that the primary purpose of the space program is science -- but real progress will come from private companies competing to provide the ultimate adventure ride, and NASA will receive the trickle-down benefits.
When I travel, it makes me wish I looked completely polished all the time. I don't. I live in sweats.
Travel by air is not travel at all, but simply a change of location; so my wife and daughter and I went to San Francisco by train, leaving Boston on a Wednesday morning in June and, then after lunch in New York, boarding Amtrak's Broadway to Chicago.
The best evidence that time travel is impossible is the fact that we haven't been invaded by hordes of tourists from the future.
I am truly happy that I am able to travel from time to time to the USSR the country I love above all. I always have been, I am now and will always be a loyal friend of the Soviet Union.
Long-term travel isn’t about being a college student; it’s about being a student of daily life. Long-term travel isn’t an act of rebellion against society; it’s an act of common sense within society. Long-term travel doesn’t require a massive “bundle of cash”; it requires only that we walk through the world in a more deliberate way.
To this day, I still travel with scores. Every time I'm on a plane - it could be Stravinsky or Mozart or Ravel.
Wanderlust is not a passion for travel exactly, it’s something more animal and more fickle- more like lust. We don’t lust after very many things in life. We don’t need words like ‘worklust’ or ‘homemakinglust.’ But travel? The essayist Anatole Broyard put it perfectly: ‘Travel is like adultery: one is always tempted to be unfaithful to one’s own country. To have imagination is inevitably to be dissatisfied with where you live… in our wanderlust, we are lovers looking for consummation.’
Mexico is where I fell in love for the first time; it's where my family lives... so however much I travel, I inevitably return there.
I literally wear a mask. When I take it off, I'm a father. I'm a husband. I like to come home, and I like to spend time with family, and I like to travel, and I like to have a good time. And I like to be a kid every now and giggle and play with my kids.
Through my work as a nutritionist and trainer to celebrity clients, I've had amazing opportunities to travel the world. In my experience, I made what seemed to be a remarkable discovery: the farther I travel from the U.S., the easier it is to find foods that are both nourishing and slimming.
As a fiction writer, all I need is a laptop, and when I'm not teaching, I travel as much as I can, applying for every research grant and overseas gig I hear of, then trying to extend those trips as far as the stipends will go. I love to travel alone.
You and I, travel to the beat of a different drum, can't you tell by the way I run, every time you make eyes at me.
You think of travellers as bold, but our guilty secret is that travel is one of the laziest ways on earth of passing the time.
Not I, nor anyone else can travel that road for you. You must travel it by yourself. It is not far. It is within reach. Perhaps you have been on it since you were born, and did not know. Perhaps it is everywhere - on water and land.
Great ideas travel slowly, and for a time noiselessly, as the gods whose feet were shod with wool. — © James A. Garfield
Great ideas travel slowly, and for a time noiselessly, as the gods whose feet were shod with wool.
Eve-teasing used to happen almost on a daily basis in Delhi. I used to travel in DTC buses while going to college for the longest time. I got my car when I was 19. So for two years before getting a car, I used to travel in DTC buses. And eve-teasing used to happen almost daily.
I allude to Back to the Future in the 1985 story to let folks know it was an inspiration and because it literally was the most time-travelly bit of pop culture we had in the mid 80's. I can talk about their tools for considering change. First, the book is metafictive in a traditional sense where I'm showing and telling the reader that the act of writing and reading is a reflexive way to push boundaries of real and literal time travel. Writers and readers are time travellers. The question is what we do with that time we traveled when we leave a book, leave a page.
We are a boutique luxury travel company that caters to elite athletes and C-suite executives who feel the same pressures and time constraints as elite athletes. Having been one, I understand the pressures and the demands on your time.
Don't time travel into the past, roaming through the nuances as if they can change. Don't bookmark pages you've already read.
Time travel and teleportation will have to wait. It may take centuries to master these technology.
The only thing I like about air travel is it gives me time to read.
The only way for the market to accept this reality is if fares are advanced slowly and cautiously, and the very low fares do still appear from time-to-time in the market to allow those who will not travel without them to have access to our service.
Now, I have a kid, I have businesses to take care of, I have to travel. I have to sit down... and find a little time for me.
Russia's not too great about cooperating with us when there are criminals inside their borders, but all of then like to travel. And so if they travel grabbing them and locking and putting handcuffs on them to send a message that that's not a freebie.
It seems positively unnatural to travel without taking a camera along... The very activity of taking pictures is soothing and assuages general feelings of disorientation that are likely to be exacerbated by travel.
We travel, initially, to lose ourselves; and we travel, next to find ourselves. — © Pico Iyer
We travel, initially, to lose ourselves; and we travel, next to find ourselves.
Every day is intense and alive, whether it's travel, work, even down time, which there is so little of.
Travel in car, because you can stop. Air travel any more is a nightmare. I think it's the same for everyone. If I have a choice to stand in line to get x-rayed, or see scenery, I'll take scenery.
My team can be as big as 50 during the busiest days of Fashion Week. I can travel with up to 75 bags of products and materials. And between shows, I personally travel on motorbike to speed through traffic and get to the next venue.
For me, it has always been a dream to 'travel to work' and 'work to travel.'
That's part of the appeal of time-travel movies: The notion of going back and fixing something.
A travel book is a book that puts you in the shoes of the traveler, and it's usually a book about having a very bad time; having a miserable time, even better.
The secret to modern life is finding the measure in time management. I have two kids, career and I travel, and I don't think my life is any different than most couples. The most valuable commodity now for many people is time and how to parcel that out.
Once you discover Ladakh, I have never stopped discovering new things every time I travel there.
Although age has its normal limits, it may be extended by two things-the study of history and by travel. Reading history broadens one's perception of the creation of the world, while travel extends one's field of vision.
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