Top 633 Tip Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Tip quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Whats in the movie compared to what we shot is the tip of the iceberg.
I wish I had the nerve not to tip.
Understand tipping culture. Whereas Americans tip 15-20% when dining out, most European countries don't tip, as a service charge is typically included in the bill. Make sure you're not over-tipping by doing research before traveling.
I didn't realize people tip for take-out. — © Curtis Granderson
I didn't realize people tip for take-out.
This unlikely story begins on a sea that was a blue dream, as colorful as blue-silk stockings, and beneath a sky as blue as the irises of children's eyes. From the western half of the sky the sun was shying little golden disks at the sea--if you gazed intently enough you could see them skip from wave tip to wave tip until they joined a broad collar of golden coin that was collecting half a mile out and would eventually be a dazzling sunset.
They always lost but he didn't blame me because to a gambler, a bad tip is better than no tip at all.
One felt as if there was an enormous well behind them. Filled up with ages of memory and long, slow, steady thinking; but their surface was sparkling with the present : like sun shimmering on the outer leaves of a vast tree, or on the ripples of a very deep lake. I don’t know, but I t felt as if something that grew in the ground—asleep, you might say, or just feeling itself as something between roof-tip and leaf-tip, between deep earth and sky had suddenly waked up, and was considering you with the same slow care that it had given to its own inside affairs for endless years.
The tip no jewel needs to wear: The tip is jewel of the ear.
Tonight is not the end of the world. This is our hot tip of the evening.
The only tip I have for an artist is perseverance... Never give up.
Hi, I'm Nadine Velazquez, and my green tip is: recycle.
If I could give one tip for people, it's not an exercise tip or a nutrition regimen. It's to WALK YOUR TALK and BELIEVE in YOURSELF, because at the end of the day the dumbbell and diet don't get you in shape. It's your accountability to your word.
Best beauty tip is forgiveness for yourself and others
It's hard to keep your balance standing tip-toe. — © Laozi
It's hard to keep your balance standing tip-toe.
No Taxes. Let's just tip the government 15% if they do a good job.
When you're first learning how to do eyeliner, it's really hard to get both lids the same. A good tip for when you're putting it on, is to make sure your elbow is on a table. Make sure your arm's really stable. And make sure you have an eye makeup q-tip to get that really sharp line.
Tip the world over and everything loose falls into L.A.
What we do and accomplish is only the tip of the iceberg of what's possible for us.
My top tip is to go for makeup that suits you, not what you want to look like.
"If I buy stocks on Smith's tip I must sell those same stocks on Smith's tip. I am depending on him. Suppose Smith is away on a holiday when the selling time comes around?
Just tip my cap and call the Yankees my daddy.
That artists are called to be more responsible and 'true' is a tip of hat to their power.
Driving a cab is not really a nurturing type of relationship. You take people and they tip you, they may not tip you, you don't know their names, they don't care about you, you don't care about them.
Broadway! Broad-way! I don't aspire to the middle. I aspire to the tip-tip-top of it all.
See, I don't like places where people can't dance - don't like clubs or theatres where a bunch of bourgeois people sit around tip, tip, tipping their fingers.
I hate it in America where the protocol seems to be you are expected to tip regardless of the quality of service. I like to tip when it's not being demanded of me, and if the service has been good, I tip quite generously.
Resentments are the rocket fuel that lives in the tip of my saber.
We're going to lose Social Security and Medicare if Republicans and Democrats do not come together and find a solution like Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill. I will be the Ronald Reagan if I can find a Tip O'Neill.
When I was a kid, we went to St. Augustine, Fla., and I was lying on the couch one night with a Q-tip, cleaning my ear out after I'd taken a shower. I hit my arm on something, jabbed the Q-tip through my ear drum, busted my ear drum and couldn't get back in the water the rest of the time we were there.
Talking out loud to fictional characters is just the tip of the iceberg.
I must be cheaper now than I was ten years ago in order to get a laugh. It's not funny now if I leave the table and give the waiter a nickel tip, which was a laugh years ago. Today I must maneuver it so that somehow I get the waiter to give me a nickel tip.
We used to have MTV and all these ways we can show our videos, and it was these rap shows, and it was everything. And then it became not cool to be conscious; it became cool to just hang out. Escapism rap became the norm. And, when I say "escapism rap", I mean getting high, get your cars, get your money, get your jewelry, go to the club, have your women, and it just became all about escaping your reality and not making your reality better on a real tip; not just on the have fun tip.
When I see an Alfa Romeo go by, I tip my hat.
What's in the movie compared to what we shot is the tip of the iceberg.
Top of mind means tip of tongue.
If I want to achieve the goals I've set, I've got to be in tip-top shape.
What is powerful is when what you say is just the tip of the iceberg of what you know
My number one tip is if you do not need to wear makeup for something, don't.
I don't like live television, the only tip I have is just pray. — © Lana Del Rey
I don't like live television, the only tip I have is just pray.
Admit to your contentment so it can tip over into joy.
He who walks on tip-toe does not walk on solid ground.
I still have to count on my hands! I'll be in a restaurant doing a tip and I'll be like, 'What's 20% of this?'
Important safety tip - never look a vampire in the eye.
I think we should just tip the government if it does a good job. Fifteen percent is the standard tip, isn't it?
My mother always taught me a lot of important life lessons, and she would always tell me how important it was to tip. We didn't have much money, so we would tip what we could. Now, it's at the point I'm financially stable. When I'm out eating, I hope I have the cash, but if I write it on the receipt, I'll leave a big tip.
What is peace? Balance three iron skewers tip to tip, one upon the other; at the summit, emplace and egg, so that it too poises static in mid-air, and there you have the condition of peace in this world of men.
My tip is to work hard, be diligent and dedicated.
You have to be brave and ask the questions on the tip of your tongue.
Here's a hot tip: Most girls don't like being stalked. — © Cassandra Clare
Here's a hot tip: Most girls don't like being stalked.
Sound is ephemeral, fleeting, but some sort of a physical manifestation can help you hold on to it longer in time. I'm sure of this; I've always thought the sound that you make is just the tip of the iceberg, like the person that you see physically is just the tip of the iceberg as well.
Expediency may tip the scales when arguments are nicely balanced.
What I'm doing on stage now is just the tip of the iceberg.
My husband says I look like a Q-tip.
Tip of the day- Don't smash your face!
I attempt to channel my anger into the tip of my forefinger as I press the shutter.
In New York, we tip everyone. We tip doormen, we tip cab drivers, and we tip bartenders at the bar. You'll get quite an evil eye if you don't leave a tip at the bar.
My songs are always on the tip of my tongue. It's always bubbling and brewing and about to come out. I can't really put it into words, but the best way to explain it is feeling like you constantly have some things on the tip of your tongue.
I tip like crazy. They'll remember me. Celebrity can be expensive.
The bestseller list is the tip of the iceberg.
It's unbelievable what one squadron of twelve aircraft did to tip the balance.
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