Top 1132 Tolerance Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Tolerance quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
The Devil deserves zero tolerance.
Wisdom is tolerance of cognitive dissonance.
Tolerance exists. — © Julien Baker
Tolerance exists.
Humor brings insight and tolerance.
The heart of wisdom is tolerance.
Tolerance has been a very important feature of Christianity from its very roots, despite all the other things that have gone on since. And that, I think, must be the global perspective. Tolerance implies more than saying, "Well, let the Muslims go on with what they are doing." It also means trying to learn something from them and adding that to your own tradition. That is the attitude I think needs to inform the global citizen of the future.
Tolerance is another word for indifference.
Deep attention, the cognitive style traditionally associated with the humanities, is characterized by concentrating on a single object for long periods (say, a novel by Dickens), ignoring outside stimuli while so engaged, preferring a single information stream, and having a high tolerance for long focus times. Hyper attention is characterized by switching focus rapidly among different tasks, preferring multiple information streams, seeking a high level of stimulation, and having a low tolerance for boredom.
Tolerance is the virtue of people who do not believe in anything.
Canada is the homeland of equality, justice and tolerance.
Government doesn't have a high tolerance for failure.
I believe with all my heart that civilization has produced nothing finer than a man or woman who thinks and practices true tolerance. Some one has said that most of us don't think, we just occasionally rearrange our prejudices. And I suspect that even today, with all the progress we have made in liberal thought, the quality of true tolerance is as rare as the quality of mercy. That men of all creeds have fundamental common objectives is a fact one must learn by the process of education. How to work jointly toward these objectives must be learned by experience.
No emergency excuses you from exercising tolerance. — © Phyllis Bottome
No emergency excuses you from exercising tolerance.
The world can be better if there's love, tolerance and humility.
Tolerance is a virtue that depends upon peace and strength.
What is tolerance? It is the consequence of humanity.
You can't reduce a country to its tolerance or intolerance.
Elections are not a beauty contest. It is all about tolerance.
A bit of tolerance is worth a megabyte of flamming.
Tolerance is a placid contempt.
Tolerance cannot seduce the young.
Tolerance is a sign of growth on the spiritual path
There is no other subject on which the average mind is so much confused as the subject of tolerance and intolerance... Tolerance applies only to persons, but never to principles. Intolerance applies only to principles, but never to persons.
When one becomes a liberal, he or she pretends to advocate tolerance, equality and peace, but hilariously, they’re doing so for purely selfish reasons. It’s the human equivalent of a puppy dog’s face: an evolutionary tool designed to enhance survival, reproductive value and status. In short, liberalism is based on one central desire: to look cool in front of others in order to get love. Preaching tolerance makes you look cooler, than saying something like, 'please lower my taxes.'
Tolerance is a good cornerstone on which to build human relationships. When one views the slaughter and suffering caused by religious intolerance throughout all the history of man and into modern times, one can see that intolerance is a very nonsurvival activity. Religious tolerance does not mean one cannot express his own beliefs. It does mean that seeking to undermine or attack the religious faith and beliefs of another has always been a short road to trouble .
The more people come together, the more borders will be opened and people and opinions get together, the more unrenouncable tolerance will be a fundamental part of our social life. Without tolerance there is no religious liberty, no freedom of conscience and no freedom of thought.
The highest result of education is tolerance.
Tolerance is the assumption of superiority
Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice.
Tolerance and compassion are qualities of fearless people.
I have a high tolerance for discomfort.
Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.
But tolerance by itself can be a cover for moral laziness.
The key to happiness ... is tolerance of those who do not do as you do.
Tolerance is an important virtue of bodhisattvas .
Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.
I have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to bullies.
Arrogance - I have very little tolerance for that. — © Rita Moreno
Arrogance - I have very little tolerance for that.
We should not permit tolerance to degenerate into indifference.
There should be no tolerance for cheaters, especially in fighting.
In the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the best teacher.
I'm very tough and I have a high tolerance for pain.
Tolerance enlarges the circle of our acquaintances.
I think there is nothing wrong with instituting policies that say that harassment of any form, whether it comes through the Internet or whether it happens to you face to face, is unacceptable; that we've got zero tolerance when it comes to sexual harassment, we have zero tolerance when it comes to harassing people because of their sexual orientation, because of their race, because of their ethnicity.
The real issue of dealing with proliferation of weapons of mass destruction: nuclear, chemical or biological is: What is your tolerance for risk? And my tolerance for risk for WMD proliferation is pretty close to zero. Because otherwise, we and our allies are at the mercy of regimes like Ahmadinejad and the mullahs in Tehran, or Kim Jong Il and the Hitler-in-the-bunker mentality in Pyongyang, or others who don't share our calculus on the value of human life.
One of the paradoxes of liberal societies arises from the commitment to tolerance. A society committed to respecting the viewpoints and customs of diverse people within a pluralistic society inevitably encounters this challenge: will you tolerate those who themselves do not agree to respect the viewpoints or customs of others? Paradoxically, the liberal commitment to tolerance requires, at some point, intolerance for those who would reject that very commitment.
Tolerance can lead to learning something.
I think I've advanced my views with compassion and tolerance. — © Jack Kemp
I think I've advanced my views with compassion and tolerance.
Tolerance is the virtue of those who don't believe anything.
I have a high tolerance for pain.
Tolerance is something you don't like, but put up with.
Travelers are the greatest ambassadors of tolerance.
Tolerance for uncertainty is the prerequisite to succeeding.
Go beyond tolerance to acceptance.
What's most important in a friendship? Tolerance and loyalty.
Tolerance can be exercised only by those who have well-grounded convictions (although it will not always be exercised even by them). For such people tolerance is an act of self-abnegation; although they are convinced that those who differ from them must be wrong, they nevertheless will protect their rights.
I'd like to have more tolerance.
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.
Tolerance is forced on people in London.
Tolerance actually does exist on Broadway.
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