Top 1200 Trade Offs Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Trade Offs quotes.
Last updated on October 12, 2024.
Trade on the Internet is becoming very widespread. The problem is our laws have not caught up with electronic commerce.
The wise treat self-respect as non-negotiable, and will not trade it for health or wealth or anything else.
I've learned, after my first trade in San Antonio, that you don't put all your eggs in one basket in a place. — © George Hill
I've learned, after my first trade in San Antonio, that you don't put all your eggs in one basket in a place.
Trade, tourism, cultural exchange, and participation in international institutions all serve to erode the legitimacy of repressive regimes.
The Scottish Labour Party, while I have breath in my body, will listen to the views of trade unionists.
Once you hit 40, you start reexamining the math of it all. I'll trade wisdom for youth any day.
Anytime that your name is up in a trade, I'm sure it can affect you mentally, and that obviously carries over to the court.
The voters in both parties understand our trade policy really has betrayed the middle class.
To foment grievance and to set men at variance is the trade by which agitators thrive and journalists make money.
I look on everything with a very optimistic eye. Because I'm a body builder by trade, you know, that was my intent all my life.
When I came back to India after Harvard Business School, I started as a lawyer and as a trade union leader.
Mama gives you money for Sunday school, you trade yours for candy after church is through.
We will see a different trade policy coming out of here, and I'm convinced of it. I wouldn't be supporting Hillary Clinton if I didn't believe that. — © Sherrod Brown
We will see a different trade policy coming out of here, and I'm convinced of it. I wouldn't be supporting Hillary Clinton if I didn't believe that.
Even in Britain, the trade unions tell me that employment contracts have less protection than in the past.
I'd done an Edinburgh show before, in 1981, called 'The Importance of Being Varnished' - I was in the pun trade at the time.
In developing countries, lack of infrastructure is a far more serious barrier to trade than tariffs.
I wouldn't trade anything no matter how good or bad or difficult. I'm the luckiest girl in the world as far as I'm concerned.
We don't take a macro view... We'd look at every company to figure out if trade sanctions are helpful or hurtful.
We're going to renegotiate our disastrous trade deals and illegal immigration. Stop the massive inflow of refugees.
To hear the Japanese plead for free trade is like hearing the word love on the lips of a harlot.
I believe in removing barriers in international trade. Part of the reason is that this creates huge markets for all of our products.
CONVICTIONS are lessons learned from experiences we’d never want to go through again, but wouldn’t trade for anything in the world.
I wouldn't trade my life with anybody else. I played during the golden day of baseball, back when it was a game and when it was fun.
You just have to know that the more successful you get as an artist, the less of a normal life you have. It's a trade-off.
Pop flies, in a sense, are just a diversion for a second baseman. Grounders are his stock trade.
Without the presence of class warfare, trade unions would be hard put to justfy their existence.
I would never, ever trade any campaign donation - that's absurd - for some type of favor to anyone.
Globalization and free trade do spur economic growth, and they lead to lower prices on many goods.
Every nation has to follow a certain policy: Commercial, trade, various other types of policies.
I'm suggesting that criminalizing chemically fertilized grass in favor of unnaturally-fed corn is not a rational trade off.
Sanctions are not diplomacy. They are a precursor to war and an embarrassment to a country that pays lip service to free trade.
We are committed to doing trade, tax reform, infrastructure. All we need is someone that wants to work with us.
Getting political representation is important, but change comes through using direct action, campaigning, and trade unions.
The capitalist system of coordination by trade seems to be largely populated by indigestible lumps of socialism called corporations
There's still nearly the same amount of slavery, if not more, in the world today, as there was at the height of the slave trade.
Argentina is my country, my family, my way of expressing myself. I would trade all of my records for the World Cup trophy.
It just occurred to me that there are some beautiful shots [in Rent Control] with the World Trade Center in the background.
While some are as loathe to trade a Bishop for a Knight as a Cadillac for a Chevrolet, others are prepared to do so without hesitation. — © Larry Evans
While some are as loathe to trade a Bishop for a Knight as a Cadillac for a Chevrolet, others are prepared to do so without hesitation.
Dhamra Port is a model of modern maritime trade in Odisha and a successful example of public-private partnership.
The food industry, its trade associations, and research foundations, is well financed and highly organized to pressure the FDA.
Capitalism has given people both the liberty and the incentive to create, produce, and trade, thereby generating prosperity.
You're asking the wrong girl about fame. I'm hardly famous. I wouldn't want to trade places with anyone else.
Money is only a human invention. I get paid for my work, it's a system of trade, but it's not my purpose and reason for living.
Our relations - the United States and Canada, that trade relationship is vitally important. There's a long history.
We understand U.S. position, but we have to find a way to make trade translate into better jobs in North America.
A pretty little collection of weaknesses and a terror of spiders are our indispensable stock-in-trade with the men...
It's been years, decades, since a president has lost a major trade initiative. That would be bad headlines.
If we lose a couple in a row this season, it will be like the World Trade [Center] is coming down again. — © Dwyane Wade
If we lose a couple in a row this season, it will be like the World Trade [Center] is coming down again.
There is no better form of trade a developing nation can engage in than to sell services provided by an educated population.
I would not change my career to be a pro athlete. A team could trade me and my band cannot!
The office of U.S. Trade Representative was created in order to permit corporations to write law that serves only their interests.
The worst thing that can happen to an investor is to make money on his first trade; he thinks investing is easy
I think it is important that we should be on the side of keeping borders open with respect to trade and movement of factors of production.
The lens of contract focuses predominantly on gains from trade whereas orthodoxy is focused on resource allocation.
I don't want to stop and build protectionism out there, but I certainly don't mind tough negotiation with our trade partners.
Britain and the United States are, and will remain, strong and close partners on trade, security and defence.
I call the Lancashire trade immoral, because it was raised and is sustained on the ruin of millions of India's peasants.
Editing might be a bloody trade. But knives aren't the exclusive property of butchers. Surgeons use them too.
People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.
Many a good poetic vein is buried under a trade, and never produces any thing for want of improvement.
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