Top 320 Tranquility Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Tranquility quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
We prefer self-government with danger to servitude in tranquility.
Tranquility, allied to loneliness, possessed no charms.
I am a glutton for tranquility. — © Wole Soyinka
I am a glutton for tranquility.
Tolerance and tranquility are two characteristics of true love.
Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility.
Mooooon!” said the Ogre. “Tranquility …” Then he pointed at the full moon. “Neil Armstrong walked in a sea of Tranquility.” Then he added, “It’s made of cheese. But you have to take off the plastic before you put it on a burger.” Mickey sighed. “What’s his story?” the wraith asked. “He’s chocolate,” Mikey said.
I am sustained by the tranquility of an upright and loyal heart.
Concealment is the foe of tranquility.
A late summer garden has a tranquility found no other time of the year.
I learnt in the jungle that there is a great tranquility associated with having nothing of value
In life, we like tranquility; in books, we love tension.
Peace is freedom in tranquility.
If you want great tranquility/ It's hard work and a long walk — © Charles Wright
If you want great tranquility/ It's hard work and a long walk
You owe it to everyone you love to find pockets of tranquility in your busy world.
Yoga is the golden key that unlocks the door to peace, tranquility and joy.
Tranquility is the old man's milk.
A paradise of inward tranquility seems to be faith's usual result.
Sleep, nature's rest, divine tranquility, That brings peace to the mind.
Periods of tranquility are seldom prolific of creative achievement. Mankind has to be stirred up.
The ideal of beauty is simplicity and tranquility.
Good humor is one of the preservatives of our peace and tranquility.
It is neither wealth nor splendor; but tranquility and occupation which give you happiness.
Motion is tranquility.
Practice in tranquility.
Movement is tranquility.
For nowhere either with more quiet or more freedom from trouble does a man retire than into his own soul, particularly when he has within him such thoughts that by looking into them he is immediately in perfect tranquility; and I affirm that tranquility is nothing else than the good ordering of the mind.
There is no such thing as perpetual tranquility of mind while we live here.
Learning is experience understood in tranquility.
Sorrow is tranquility remembered in emotion.
Tea is also a sort of spiritual refreshment, an elixir of clarity and wakeful tranquility.
A happy marriage has the tranquility of a lovely sunset.
Acquire knowledge, and learn tranquility and dignity.
The tranquility of my room partakes too much of Forest Lawn.
Poetry is the outcome of emotions recollected in tranquility.
I don't believe that happiness is possible, but I think tranquility is.
Beneath a mask of selfish tranquility nothing exists except bitterness and boredom.
Now painting is different. It's something recollected in tranquility.
Invite Tranquility 
 The sea,-- 
 Something to look at 
 When we are angry. — © Reiko Chiba
Invite Tranquility The sea,-- Something to look at When we are angry.
Should you desire the great tranquility prepare to sweat white beads.
Tranquility is nothing else than the good ordering of the mind.
Peace is the simplicity of heart, serenity of mind, tranquility of soul, the bond of love.
Great tranquility of heart is his who cares for neither praise nor blame.
The beauty of Zen is found in simplicity and tranquility, in a sense of the all-embracing harmony of things.
Neil and Buzz, I am talking to you by telephone from the Oval Office at the White House, and this certainly has to be the most historic telephone call ever made. . . . Because of what you have done, the heavens have become a part of man's world. As you talk to us from the Sea of Tranquility, it inspires us to redouble our efforts to bring peace and tranquility to Earth.
What we are told of the inhabitants of Brazil, that they never die but of old age, is attributed to the tranquility and serenity of their climate; I rather attribute it to the tranquility and serenity of their souls, which are free from all passion, thought, or any absorbing and unpleasant labors. Those people spend their lives in an admirable simplicity and ignorance, without letters, without law, without king, without any manner of religion.
There is no tranquility in ideas.
When we meditate, what we actually do is enter into a vacant, calm, still, silent mind. We go deep within and approach our true existence, which is our soul. When we live in the soul, we feel that we are actually meditating spontaneously. On the surface of the sea are multitudes of waves, but the sea is not affected below. In the deepest depths, at the bottom of the sea is all tranquility. So when you start meditating, try to feel your own inner existence first. That is to say, the bottom of the sea: calm and quiet. Feel that your whole being is surcharged with peace and tranquility.
Braving obstacles and hardships is braver than retreat to tranquility. — © Khalil Gibran
Braving obstacles and hardships is braver than retreat to tranquility.
A talent can be cultivated in tranquility; a character only in the rushing stream of life.
Methodology is intuition reconstructed in tranquility.
But what if all the tranquility, all the comfort, all the contentment were now to come to a horrifying end?
Virture offers the only path in this life that leads to tranquility.
God bless you all with peace, tranquility and good will.
A happy life consists in tranquility of mind.
When we are unable to find tranquility within ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere.
Because all existence is founded upon the ever-present state of union, everything already exists in a state of tranquility. However, this state of tranquility is masked from us by our assumption that there is a separation, that there is a problem.
Fame and tranquility can never be bedfellows.
Tranquility is like quicksilver. The harder you grab for it, the less likely you will grasp it.
Roger, we copy. It was beautiful from here, Tranquility. Over.
That which is false troubles the heart, but truth brings joyous tranquility.
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