Top 91 Transgression Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Transgression quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
There is also an age-old excuse: “The devil made me do it.” Not so! He can deceive you and mislead you, but he does not have the power to force you or anyone else to transgress or to keep you in transgression.
Without a knowledge of the gospel plan, transgression seems natural, innocent, even justified.
Who after his transgression doth repent, Is halfe, or altogether, innocent. — © Robert Herrick
Who after his transgression doth repent, Is halfe, or altogether, innocent.
Try not to make every eating transgression at once. When I go out, I won't ever do both dessert and drinks. Just pick one.
The ultimate cause of human disease is the consequence of our transgression of the universal laws of life.
No degree of prosperity could justify the accumulation of large amounts of highly toxic substances which nobody knows how to make safe and which remain an incalculable danger to the whole of creation for historical or even geological ages. To do such a thing is a transgression against life itself, a transgression infinitely more serious than any crime perpetrated by man. The idea that a civilization could sustain itself on such a transgression is an ethical, spiritual, and metaphysical monstrosity. It means conducting the economical affairs of man as if people did not matter at all.
Any pain entailed in repentance will always be far less than the suffering required to satisfy justice for unresolved transgression.
Justice prevails over transgression when she comes to the end of the race.
The weakness of modern tragedy[is that] transgression against the social code is made to bring destruction, as though the social code worked our irrevocable fate.
Cinema is all about going back from shadow to light and back and forth: cinema is a place of transgression.
In revenge a man is but even with his enemy; for it is a princely thing to pardon, and Solomon saith it is the glory of a man to pass over a transgression.
There is no transgression blacker than to do or think alone.
Polanski is a great example of a person whose personal life clearly has been just fraught with scandal and transgression and criminal acts. And yet, in 'Rosemary's Baby,' I think he's made one of the crowning feminist statements in film.
Unfortunately, some of our greatest tribulations are the result of our own foolishness and weakness and occur because of our own carelessness or transgression.
Prayer can solve more problems, alleviate more suffering, prevent more transgression, and bring about greater peace and contentment in the human soul than can be obtained in any other way.
It's very hard to transgress; we have the furniture of transgression without the imagery and iconography to actually do it.
When I went to England, to Saint Martins, I was traumatized, in a positive way. It was that British sense of transgression and the dark. Then when I went to Paris, I was doing couture, which everyone was saying was finished. Bullshit! For me, in the end, it was all a mixing of ingredients.
That which of all things unfits man for the reception of Christ as a Savior, is not gross profligacy and outward, vehement transgression, but it is self-complacency, fatal self-righteousness and self-sufficiency.
Would we codify the laws that should reign in households, and whose daily transgression annoys and mortifies us, and degrades our household life, we must adorn every day with sacrifices. Good manners are made up of petty sacrifices.
Transgression of any kind is always accompanied by a loss of self-esteem. — © Brian Tracy
Transgression of any kind is always accompanied by a loss of self-esteem.
In our culture, futility plays the role of transgression and fashion is condemned for having within it the force of the pure sign which signifies nothing.
Because sexual intimacy is so sacred, the Lord requires self-control and purity before marriage, as well as full fidelity after marriage... Tears inevitably follow transgression. Men, take care not to make women weep, for God counts their tears.
He who is not angry at transgression becomes a partaker in it.
Transgression is a quest for solitude
If God causes man to be sick, sickness must be good, and its opposite, health, must be evil, for all that He makes is good and will stand forever. If the transgression of God's law produces sickness, it is right to be sick; and we cannot if we would, and should not if we could, annul the decrees of wisdom. It is the transgression of a belief of mortal mind, not of a law of matter nor of divine Mind, which causes the belief of sickness. The remedy is Truth, not matter,--the truth that disease is unreal.
I know that every difficulty we face in life, even those that come from our own negligence or even transgression, can be turned by the Lord into growth experiences, a virtual ladder upward. I certainly do not recommend transgression as a path to growth. It is painful, difficult, and so totally unnecessary. It is far wiser and so much easier to move forward in righteousness. But through proper repentance, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and obedience to His commandments, even the disappointment that comes from transgression can be converted into a return to happiness.
I like to play with transgression and upending conventions, and I like the idea of rooting genre films in character.
Every major work of art is a transgression, but the artist is not necessarily, by nature, a transgressor.
The old should be explorers, be curious, risk transgression, explore oldness itself.
I believe that any form of art is a species of exploration and transgression. ... Art by its nature is a transgressive act, and artists must accept being punished for it. The more original and unsettling their art, the more devastating the punishment.
When people help one another in sin and transgression, they finish by hating each other.
There is no sin or transgression, pain or sorrow, which is outside of the healing power of His Atonement.
Repentance is a thing that cannot be trifled with every day. Daily transgression and daily repentance is not that which is pleasing in the sight of God.
Is word, sound, and powa dat break down de barriers of oppression an drive away transgression an rule equality.
Yes, one can repent of moral transgression. The miracle of forgiveness is real, and true repentance is accepted of the Lord.
Pornography is about images that are repeated, saturated. Images of the human body, not nature. What I find in pornography is precisely the repetition of the same: the clichés of pornography. There can be no real transgression, just an image that repeats itself.
Young women should realize that young men they date will not honor and respect them if they have been involved in moral transgression.
The members of such a society consider that the transgression of a religious ordinance should be punished by civil penalties, and that the violation of a civil duty exposes the delinquent to divine correction.
Let us learn how the love of Christ, received into the heart, triumphs gradually but surely over all sin, transforms character, turning even its weakness into strength, and so, from the depths of transgression and the very gates of hell, raises men to God.
Where no paths exist, a man strays only when he misses his destination. There is no crime, no transgression, no sin save foolishness or incompetence, and no obscenity save the tyranny of custom.
Christlike love is the greatest need we have on this planet... So if love is to be our watchword, as it must be, them by the word of Him who is love personified, we must forsake transgression and any hint of advocacy for it in others.
Persons who have cleansed themselves of any transgression and who have shown their ability to deal with homosexual inclinations and put them in the background, and feel a great attraction for a daughter of God and therefore desire to enter marriage and have children and enjoy the blessings of eternity - that's a situation when marriage would be appropriate.
Sin is a thing of time, but mercy is from everlasting. Transgression is but of yesterday, but mercy was ever of old. Before you and I sought the Lord, the Lord sought us.
The power of transgression is the archetypal, foundational story of the Bible. We want to break our own codes - sometimes of morality, sometimes of ethics, sometimes of the power structure, sometimes of the institution of marriage - because there is freedom and power in transgression.
Is not all creation a transgression? — © Gilbert Simondon
Is not all creation a transgression?
Is your transgression forgiven?
There are times when even the most potent governor must wink at transgression, in order to preserve the laws inviolate for the future.
That you were once unkind befriends me now, And for that sorrow, which I then did feel, Needs must I under my transgression bow, Unless my nerves were brass or hammered steel.
I'd never been religious, but I'd always obeyed my elders. My decision to become an omnivore was fraught, not because it was a religious transgression but because it was my first act of self-assertion as a young adult.
I've always written about adultery because it raises the question of transgression and trouble.
A woman who becomes famous through her work reduces her erotic value. A woman is permitted to chat or babble, but speaking in public with authority is still the greatest transgression.
You have to have your own internal barometer of what is too far. I try and consider feelings of people in the audience. What you have to try and do is that when there is something that could be seen as a transgression, you actually have a reason to justify the joke.
Just as chalk can be removed from a chalkboard, with sincere repentance, the effects of our transgression can be erased through the atonement of Jesus Christ.
Jah come to break downpression, rule equality, wipe away transgression, set the captives free.
The poetry and transgression that was so much of surrealism's anarchic force has been recruited into mainstream culture. It has been made commonplace by television and magazine merchandising, by computer games and Internet visuals, by film and MTV, by the fashion shoot.
Pain involves the violation or transgression of the border between inside and outside, and it is through this transgression that I feel the border in the first place — © Sara Ahmed
Pain involves the violation or transgression of the border between inside and outside, and it is through this transgression that I feel the border in the first place
If you break a discipline once, the next transgression becomes much easier.
I hate to express political ideas directly in a book. I don't want my books to be seen as an expression of this or that political idea. At the same time I want to show a kind of rebellion and transgression, something further.
All lovers unconsciously establish their own rules of the game, which from the outset admit of no transgression.
The world, Govinda my friend, is not imperfect, not to be seen as on a slow path toward perfection: No, it is perfect in every moment, all transgression already bears grace within itself, all little children already have the aged in themselves, all the sucklings death, all the dying eternal life.
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