Top 133 Trim Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Trim quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
I don't normally try to stay trim over the festive period - a nice little shift dress and some tights always hides the Christmas bulge.
When I was 15, if Stephen Fry had advised me to trim my eyebrows with a Flymo, I would have given it serious consideration.
Constant exercise can keep the body trim and taut, but the face is another thing. — © Nell Scovell
Constant exercise can keep the body trim and taut, but the face is another thing.
Maybe it's genetics, I've been lucky enough to grow some facial hair. A bit of oil here and there and a trim up, but there's not a lot to it.
He was bare chested and in good trim. I said that just looking at him I knew there would always be an England
I trim my opponents to fit my arrows.
I do need a bit of a trim but I'm a bit nervous about getting it cut
I'm still very professional about my fitness. I stay in trim as I always did.
Fair laughs the morn, and soft the zephyr blows, While proudly rising o'er the azure realm In gallant trim the gilded vessel goes, Youth on the prow, and Pleasure at the helm.
From the season I did the butterfly faux tattoos on the models on the runway, every collection we do has to have a butterfly t-shirt or trim or print. People come to me for butterflies!
What we seek we do not find - that would be too trim and tidy for so reckless and opulent a thing as life. It is something else we find.
I've always liked to keep trim, and fortunately, I don't put on weight easily.
The Brazilian bikini wax is torture. To show a little appreciation, you could trim your nose hair. And your nut sack. — © Kathryn Hahn
The Brazilian bikini wax is torture. To show a little appreciation, you could trim your nose hair. And your nut sack.
I usually only get a blunt trim. No layers, nothing special, just the dead ends cut off very, very bluntly. For me, that feels safe and fashion at the same time.
The next time someone tells you we can trim the budget by cutting aid, I hope you will ask whether it will come at the cost of more people dying.
Virtue, thou in rags, may challenge more than vice set off with all the trim of greatness.
At the age of twelve I was finding the world too small: it appeared to me like a dull, trim back garden, in which only trivial games could be played.
A satyagrahi may not ride two horses, truth and untruth, at the same time, nor, to change the metaphor, trim his sail to catch every breeze as you do in the name of communism.
We need smarter, 21st-century budget guardrails that would gradually trim the size of Washington in order to spur private investment, create jobs, and boost the income of hard-working Americans on Main Street.
Manhood is melted into courtesies, valor into compliment, and men are only turned into tongue, and trim ones, too.
Once I graduated that's when I grew my 'infamous' beard. I trim it every once in awhile but that's about it.
Here's my tip: Have your production hire the best hair stylists on the planet to do your films and commercials, then casually hint about how great it would be to get a trim during lunch break.
And add to these retired Leisure, That in trim gardens take his pleasure.
It's amazing how stress keeps you trim.
Tend your own garden: savor the blossoms, trim the weeds.
My eyebrows could do with a trim.
Not eating meat really keeps me trim....meat, and what's usually served with it, is a big calorie packer.
Many people cycle or swim to keep trim. But if swimming is so good for the figure, how do you explain whales?
If I don't trim the upper lip, my wife wouldn't kiss me. You have to take into account her needs as well.
Trimming is tricky. If you trim the eyebrow too much, you ruin the arch. Eyebrow hair has a curl and when you brush and cut it, it's easy to snip it too short.
I don't do much to keep in trim - I try to walk places instead of driving whenever I can, but I really ought to do more.
In addition to intense workouts, you need to be mindful of what you are feeding your body in order to keep it looking trim and tight.
To keep the body in good health is a duty, for otherwise we shall not be able to trim the lamp of wisdom, and keep our mind strong and clear.
When [Republicans] say they can reduce taxes and trim deficits at the same time, they are either deluded or deceptive, and they are playing voters for fools.
The heart with letters on it shining like a light bulb through the trim hole painted in the chest, art history.
I haven't had any bad jobs. I was a hairdresser before and that's it. I still cut my family and mates' hair when they want a trim. If I go up to Scotland to see my mum, I know she'll say, 'Bring your scissors!'
Wake the power within thee slumbering, trim the plot that's in thy keeping, thou wilt bless the task when reaping sweet labour's prize.
Work continuously to trim the White House staff from your first day to your last. All the pressures are to the contrary. — © Donald Rumsfeld
Work continuously to trim the White House staff from your first day to your last. All the pressures are to the contrary.
Why does Medicare have such difficulty accommodating a cut - no, wait, a trim to its annual spending increase - of two measly percentage points? Two words: baby boom.
I absolutely hate waxing and any kinda manscaping, although I love it when I'm cutting a man's hair, and his eyebrows are really insane, and I get to trim them.
When cats scratch the furniture, it's only because they're trying to sharpen their claws, which means they get so long that they want to grind them down. So if you trim their claws routinely, it helps tremendously.
One of the things I do to stay healthy and fit is to make sure I exercise every single day. Aside from eating right and getting enough sleep, exercise keeps me trim and boosts my energy.
Once you have the first draft it's living, and you can coax it to grow and trim it and reshape it and so on. But get that first draft.
I'm not slim and trim like Johnny Carson.
I won't rewrite on set, but I'll just trim the fat.
I have a tree man coming to trim the jacaranda in my front garden.
And that heart which was a wild garden was given to him who only loved trim lawns. And the imbecile carried the princess into slavery.
Pressed by the Obama administration and consumers, Kraft, Nestle, Pepsi, Campbell and General Mills, among others, have begun to trim the loads of salt, sugar and fat in many products.
But on the big things, I'm not going to trim in order to win public opinion. Because I really don't want to serve in the Senate if I arrive there without permission to do the things I think need to be done.
Nor is it wiser to weep a true occasion lost, but trim our sails, and let old bygones be. — © Alfred Lord Tennyson
Nor is it wiser to weep a true occasion lost, but trim our sails, and let old bygones be.
My mother…was perfectly horrified when I began shooting and tried to keep me in school, but I would run away and go quail shooting in the woods or trim my dresses with wreaths of wildflowers.
You can skip inside if the weather is bad, it's an all-weather exercise that really gets your circulation going, it wakes you up, and it keeps you trim.
From you have I been absent in the spring, When proud pied April, dressed in all his trim, Hath put a spirit of youth in every thing.
Nurses nurse and teachers teach and tailors mend and preachers preach and barbers trim and chauffeurs haul and parents get to do it all.
You can eat sensibly, exercise and stay trim. You don't have to starve yourself and risk damaging your health irrevocably. We need to make young girls aware of this. We need to drive it home.
Even if you buy a fur glove with the little trim, and you think 'Oh, my God, it's just a little trim,' that animal got clubbed.
Young Adam Cupid, he that shot so trim, When King Cophetua loved the beggar-maid!
The DVD does make it a little easier for myself to trim things that are otherwise very difficult to let loose of - knowing that they'll make it on the DVD.
Public opinion is the pennant on a nation's mast which shows the politician and the editor how to trim the sails.
Meadows trim with daisies pied, Shallow brooks and rivers wide Towers and battlements it sees Bosom'd high in tufted trees, Where perhaps some beauty lies, The cynosure of neighboring eyes.
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