Top 1200 Tripping Over Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular Tripping Over quotes.
Last updated on October 27, 2024.
For most of 2016 and 2017, I would say probably 90% of my Twitter feed was automated bots sending repetitive messages at me. Someone would basically pay bots to send me messages over and over and over again. It made Twitter nearly unusable.
I don't get my bliss by listening over and over to people in the street thinking, "Boy, is it that good?" Even though every time I hear it that's what I think. But I get it in human situations. There is this little voice that is going, "The reason you're able to enjoy your life now is that you made it in rock'n'roll and people are giving you free visas all over the place. Dude, you are being spoiled".
I remember when I did Little Women, I didn't watch the Katharine Hepburn one over and over, which I thought I would do. Heathers, I was completely obsessed with. — © Winona Ryder
I remember when I did Little Women, I didn't watch the Katharine Hepburn one over and over, which I thought I would do. Heathers, I was completely obsessed with.
No peace was ever won from fate by subterfuge or argument; no peace is ever in store for any of us, but that which we shall win by victory over shame or sin--victory over the sin that oppresses, as well as over that which corrupts.
Over the course of my career in law enforcement, I have witnessed over and over again the selflessness and sacrifice of law enforcement who lay their lives on the line every day to protect people who they will never meet and people who will never know their names.
Over a half-century has passed since the hell of the Holocaust, but its spectre still hangs over the world and doesn't allow us to forget.
High in the air rises the forest of oaks, high over the oaks soar the eagle, high over the eagle sweep the clouds, high over the clouds gleam the stars... high over the stars sweep the angels.
It is a disturbing conundrum that true free will cannot exist without the possibility of suicide. Then again, it ain't over 'til it's over!
I get over a hundred letters a day from all over the world, from children and parents, and it's a wonder I ever have time to write books, let alone speak!
The sad truth for American actors is that they really have no control whatsoever over the material that they get, or can do, particularly actresses. And if you're over 40 and you're an actress, forget it.
No matter how revolutionary something is, if you keep doing it over and over and over then it does loses it's excitement and it's high dynamics and people get used to ... get used to it like anything else you know um and then it just becomes a normal deal and then it becomes not very interesting at all.
Ask anybody who has ever sent over a contract over to my team and they'll tell you that we get back to people with a response very quickly.
Journalism has become a sort of competitive screeching: what is trivial but noisy and immediate takes precedence over important matters that develop over time.
It is much easier to organize control over one industry serving many markets than over one market served by the products of several industries. — © Joan Robinson
It is much easier to organize control over one industry serving many markets than over one market served by the products of several industries.
Dynamic change is always my favorite thing. As soon as I feel like I'm doing all of the same stuff over and over again, I'm bored and sad.
Government remains the paramount area of folly because it is there that men seek power over others - only to lose it over themselves.
I'm confident when I perform but going into a horrible, boring studio and playing the same thing over and over again is really different to being on stage!
You have to start over. That's what they say. But life is not a board game, and losing a loved one is never really "starting over." More like "continuing without.
I drink tons of water. It always sounds like the lamest thing, but there's a reason you keep hearing this over and over again. It really works.
As ever with modern Britain, we are let down by a vast, over-manned, over-funded, hidebound, obstructive, box-ticking and incompetent bureaucracy.
There is Another who is over us all, over us and over Him.
And if you say a word about this over the radio, the next wings you see will belong to the flies buzzing over your rotting corpse.
Even If you're doing the same thing over & over, U need to discover something new, fantastic & unbelievable that went unnoticed the time before.
I don't dwell in the past; I don't wallow in old events and emotions. I don't waste time on regret. No use going over and over the details of what already happened.
The problem with romantic comedies is you know the ending by the poster. So they're not movies you can keep doing over and over again expect satisfaction somehow.
You see, some kids, the college coaches are calling them at all hours of the night, saying the same thing over and over again.
I can't sing, but I'll sing over this chord progression, like, over and over, for however long it takes - sometimes it's, like, two minutes, sometimes it's 20 minutes - until I've found like a hook or something that I'm really happy with. And then, basically, it just like that's my melody, and that's where I start from.
Are we gonna just make movies about trying to get laid over and over again or focus on something that's more relevant?
There have been people I've warmed to over the years but, as the situation I'm in is so fleeting and transient, I've always known it's going to be over kind of real quick.
In the realm of fakery, I would choose 'Rock Band' over 'American Idol' or over any of the other flimsy truths masquerading as music.
I don't think Othello is a jealous man - he is a man who has been deceived by another person, just as everybody in the play is deceived by that person... The playwright uses the word 'jealousy' over and over and over again, but I don't think it has anything to do with being jealous.
I'm this overachiever type, I'll just work and work and I'll just do it over and over and over again.
I am walking over hot coals suspended over a deep pit at the bottom of which are a large number of vipers baring their fangs.
We are individualized aspects of that oversoul, and the individualized soul - yours and mine and everyone else's on the planet - incarnates over and over and over again in a physical body, emotional astral body and mental body. These three bodies are temporary bodies that the soul creates and uses for a given time, long or short.
I was once involved in a same-sex marriage. There was the same sex over and over and over.
I finally understand that it’s okay to be a little afraid of things but that obsessing over them does not mean you have any more control over what you fear.
Learn from your mistakes. The number one reason I see entrepreneurs failing isn’t because they make mistakes, but they keep on making the same ones over and over again. Learn from them and avoid making the same ones over again.
Thus at every step we are reminded that we by no means rule over nature like a conqueror over a foreign people, like someone standing outside nature - but that we, with flesh, blood and brain, belong to nature, and exist in its midst, and that all our mastery of it consists in the fact that we have the advantage over all other creatures of being able to learn its laws and apply them correctly.
We stuck the record head so it kept on recording over and over on top of itself and played keyboard notes into it to create this ghost repetition melody. — © Colin Greenwood
We stuck the record head so it kept on recording over and over on top of itself and played keyboard notes into it to create this ghost repetition melody.
I can't wait to get over to the U.K. for my first time ever. I've always heard how amazing the fans are over there - looking forward to experiencing it for myself.
If conversation was the lyrics, laughter was the music, making time spent together a melody that could be replayed over and over without getting stale.
I am nice, yeah. I'm cool. But I'm no push-over. And if someone gets one over on me, they've done it when my eyes were closed, and it doesn't happen twice.
One of the significant things that's happened, which shouldn't be looked at as lightly as it might sound, is that women over 45, over 50, are now allowed to be sexy.
If you were to try and pick him out of a group of boys, you’d be wrong. He’d be the other one. Over at the side. The one your eye slipped over.
Republicans let this happen over and over, and there is never anyone to stick up for them. They spend too much time defending themselves.
There was no one clear point of loss. It happened over and over again in a thousand small ways and the only truth there was to learn was that there was no getting used to it.
In my mind, I see a line. And over that line, I see green fields and lovely flowers and beautiful, white women with their arms stretched out to me over that line, but I can't seem to get there no how. I can't seem to get over that line.
I couldn’t bear to think about the proper future, so I just tried to make things better for the next twenty minutes or so, over and over again.
One thing I have seen over and over again in life is that there is virtually no correlation between intelligence and common sense. IQ doesn't seem to translate that way. — © Vincent Bugliosi
One thing I have seen over and over again in life is that there is virtually no correlation between intelligence and common sense. IQ doesn't seem to translate that way.
There's been essentially the same analysis over and over again and very little allowance made for different views and interpretations and reflections.
Unfortunately, most college kids these days aren't coming from any place-they seem to ask the same kind of questions over and over again.
...But listen, there will be more joy in heaven over the tears of a repentant sinner than over the white robes of a hundred just men.
I always listen to music when I write! I basically make a playlist for every essay; sometimes it's just one song, or three songs, over and over and over. I sort of find the emotional pitch of the piece, and then match music to it, and then the music becomes a shortcut to the feeling, so I can enter it and work anywhere: on planes, cafes, at work, the train.
When I got in trouble, my mom would make me read or write - I would have to write my name over and over and over again. It gave me great penmanship, but I also just liked to write. Every time I would go to the store, I would buy a notebook. I had thousands of them.
Optimism is an essential ingredient of innovation. How else can the individual welcome change over security, adventure over staying in safe places?
Most people put money in their piggy bank. I buy a goose that lays golden eggs over and over again. That's what an asset is.
That's a weird way to torture yourself. Just watch a movie, over and over, that you hate. That's really funny - that's probably exactly what hell is like.
Over the years, CBO has been all over the board on healthcare. The only consistent point is they've missed the mark on different pieces. That's the nature of a scorekeeper.
I spent almost two years working on this book ['March'] before we ever had a publisher, before we ever had a title. And when you're reading it, and you're writing it, and you're ingesting it, sometimes a single word just comes up over and over and over again. And if you're trying to capture the essence of what it is you're trying to tell, you don't have a whole lot of space.
There are things that I value now that I didn't when I first went over there, like Zen Buddhism, which has become part of my life over the last couple years.
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