Top 1200 Trophy Wife Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Trophy Wife quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
My favorite thing is when we lift a trophy. Afterward, we can have a picture of us lifting a trophy. And that picture shows a lot of work, a lot of difficulty and a lot of sacrifice together.
In my time at Kilmarnock, I'm sorry I didn't win you a trophy but I stand here in front of three stands of Kilmarnock supporters - that is my trophy.
What is the point of competing for a trophy if everyone gets a trophy? — © Glenn Beck
What is the point of competing for a trophy if everyone gets a trophy?
I can't be No. 1 with an MVP trophy. I could be No. 1 with the championship ring and the championship trophy on my fireplace.
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?” (…) A sigh of longing. “To be honest, I wanted to be ruler of the entire world. Or the ruler’s trophy wife.
To be a trophy wife, you have to be a trophy. I am more of a commemorative plaque.
I'd rather be in a good position in the playoffs and holding up a World Series trophy than holding up an MVP trophy.
Our country craves for the trophy of the African Cup of Nations. I am craving for such a trophy in my career.
Amy Poehler did a really cute thing, [] [her son] said his prayers before he went to sleep that she was going to win [a Golden Globe] and when she got home she put [the trophy] in his bedroom. So when he woke up, he was like “Yes I did it, I did it”. He was so excited, he felt like he had somehow engendered the trophy into existence, which is so cute.
My whole life is classical now. Except my wife. I don't have a classical wife. I have a classy wife, but I don't have a classical wife.
I had turned into a trophy wife - and I sucked at it. I wasn't detail-oriented enough to maintain a perfect house or be a perfect hostess. I could no longer hide my boredom when the men talked and the women smiled and listened. I wasn't interested in Botox or makeup or reducing the appearance of the scars from my C-sections.
We are in the trophy generation.Give them a trophy for 23rd place.That makes the parents happy
A final is a final, a trophy is a trophy, a cup is a cup. Whatever cup you play, you want to win it, especially when you are a player.
I have a trophy case at home.
When I met my wife, I was 24. Obviously, she wasn't my wife. She was just a girl. I made her my wife later on.
I wanted to be a trophy wife, and I was fine with that. I thought I had my life written out - what it was going to be, what kind of woman I was going to be - and none of it happened.
I've never felt like a trophy wife. I have been able to learn a lot in my role. The fact that you do not have any formal powers does not mean that one does not have a good starting point to give their opinion on important value questions. I really feel that I can put the spotlight on many issues that are important in Norwegian society. And I am very happy.
It's so childish, "greatest country in the world." It's like saying, "I have the greatest wife in the world. Not just the one best suited for me, the greatest wife in the world. And if you could have my wife, you'd kill your wife."
I do have a trophy room. It's in my attic in boxes. — © Troy Polamalu
I do have a trophy room. It's in my attic in boxes.
Being a winner is more than getting a first place trophy, it is acting like the effort was an honour and the trophy is just a decoration.
My dad brought me up not to accept second place. I lost a karate tournament once and got a trophy for fourth place. My dad tossed that trophy out the window on the way home.
I've never been a trophy guy.
For Manchest United, every cup is very important. A trophy is a trophy.
Somehow I think Trophy Wives wear more makeup and less cutlery. But hey, I haven't ever met a Trophy Wife, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they know what I know, that the true way to a man's heart is six inches of metal between his ribs.
I married my husband who is thirteen years older, so I will always be a trophy wife for him.
I had no desire to be an upward-mobile-rising yuppie with a trophy wife, a trophy house, a trophy car. I wasn't looking for any of those things. I already had what I wanted.
I've become really good at turning down the boring, pretty girl roles, the trophy wife, supermodel, beautiful girlfriend roles. I mean, playing somebody who's perfect holds no allure for me, whatsoever. It's just boring.
When I got Trophy Wife, the first fear is, This could go away; the second is, Its here and I love it; I hope it gets a second season.
When I got 'Trophy Wife', the first fear is, 'This could go away;' the second is, 'It's here and I love it; I hope it gets a second season.'
There is no trophy for the team that sails the most.
I would say 90 percent of the scripts that show up on my door are women who have had lots of plastic surgery that are married to rich men - sort of a trophy wife.
We are raising a generation of kids where everyone gets a trophy. But in real life, everyone don't get a trophy.
I always wondered if you clone your wife and have the cloned wife on the moon and the real wife down here, would that be considered cheating?
Winning a trophy would be a good way to finish a bad season in a positive way. But I'm not obsessed by the fact I have to win a trophy every year - it's a nice thing, but I know it's sometimes impossible.
Newman and I were friends. We were great teammates, and he needs to check his trophy case on that Daytona 500 trophy I helped him get years ago.
It's important for a player to win a trophy.
I'm hearing in youth sports where you're not allowed to post scores of games online; everybody's gotta get a trophy. I mean, that's ridiculous. If you're a winner, you're a winner and you get a trophy. If you got second place, you don't get anything.
I will be the one lifting that trophy, not Paolo Maldini. Imagine me hoisting the trophy. It is an image I have in my mind and I want to make it a reality. We have world-class players and, believe me, they are in the mood to do it. The atmosphere around the club at the moment is just top-class.
What you have is Mitt Romney running around the country saying 'Well, you know, my wife tells me that what women really care about are economic issues, and when I listen to my wife, that's what I'm hearing.' Guess what? His wife has actually never worked a day in her life.
It's named the Lombardi Trophy for a reason, because we play and live in Titledown. We've got the best fans, and I can't wait to go home and see those fans and bring home the Lombardi Trophy.
Some think that people come to a ball to do nothing but dance; whereas everyone knows that the real business of a ball is to look out for a wife, to look after a wife, or to look after someone else's wife.
The Heisman Trophy is such a special award. — © Marcus Mariota
The Heisman Trophy is such a special award.
Do you ask why I am unwilling to marry a rich wife? It is because I am unwilling to be taken to husband by my wife. The mistress of the house should be subordinate to her husband, for in no other way, Priscus, will the wife and husband be on an equality.
The one that sticks out in my mind and has all along was the New York Times piece on Melania Trump.Calling her a mannequin and a trophy wife, which if anybody had ever said that about any - Michelle Obama was a lawyer. But Melania Trump has been a successful businesswoman. She speaks several languages. A mannequin and a trophy wife and it was just - fine, they were allowed to say that about her.
The mother of a trophy wife is not automatically a trophy mother-in-law.
I just can't see myself as a trophy wife. I can't imagine not having my own life.
Anyone would love to have the medal and a major trophy on their CV. When you reach Wembley, you think of the amount of hours you have put in training throughout your life, all the games you have played up to that point, and if you win a trophy, it is there forever as a reward.
All Anne Lister wanted was a wife, and the other liaisons couldn't commit, but Ann Walker did. She took sacrament with her, and they became wife and wife. That shows extraordinary strength.
When a man opens a car door for his wife, it's either a new car or a new wife. My wife dresses to kill. She cooks the same way.
McCain was introduced at the convention last night by his wife -- I won't say 'trophy wife' -- but she did $300,000 worth of clothes and jewelry on, no matter to the party of the little guy. But Cindy McCain talked about how his character, honor and integrity made him the exact kind of married man she was looking to pick up at a bar.
My wife doesn't want to go. She says, 'I am your wife, I will do as a wife should.' But she is worried about what she will do in Chicago, all by herself.
If you tell Canadians that you want to interview them for a critical piece on the Canadian healthcare system, they'll put on their best trophy-wife smile for the camera and list its many accolades. Catch them on a day with their guard down in need of actual care, however, and the truth comes out.
It took me five years to get my first trophy with Ajax but it feels like you have to win a trophy to win more and then they follow. It's just the belief you can win it.
We have never seen a sport as a business, and we have this great passion for football. QPR are not a trophy asset. If we had wanted a trophy asset, there were more glamorous clubs we could have bought.
We like to say 'husband' and 'wife' a lot. I say, 'husband, where are you?' He says, 'where is my wife? How is my wife doing?' — © Hilaria Baldwin
We like to say 'husband' and 'wife' a lot. I say, 'husband, where are you?' He says, 'where is my wife? How is my wife doing?'
The trophy wife must be in her 20s to earn the title 'trophy wife.'
I never wanted to be a trophy wife. I wanted to make it on my own. I didn't want to depend on a man.
She thought about how marvelous is would be to have a wife keeping the house in order, the meals on the table. At the same time it seemed ridiculously unfair that she could never have a wife. In fact, if she married, she would be expected to be the wife.
Please stop teaching my children that everyone gets a trophy just for participating. What is this, the Nobel Prize? Not everybody gets a trophy.
Unfortunately, everyone thought that Teri Hatcher was my wife. Matter of fact, I would be with my wife, holding my wife's hand at a football game, and someone would come up to me and say, 'Hey, I love those commercials you do with your wife.' My kids almost had shirts made up that said, 'Teri Hatcher is not my mom.'
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