Top 1200 True Lovers Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular True Lovers quotes.
Last updated on October 28, 2024.
It is undoubtedly true that some people mistake sycophancy for good nature, but it is equally true that many more mistake impertinence for sincerity.
The movies saved my life. I grew up in the great depression, the only child of a pair of star crossed lovers. My father lost his job. My mother drank. They fought. The movies were my escape.
Dogs have more love than integrity. They've been true to us, yes, but they haven't been true to themselves. — © Clarence Day
Dogs have more love than integrity. They've been true to us, yes, but they haven't been true to themselves.
In true, narcissistic fashion, when my father was diagnosed as a narcissist, he called us all up individually to tell us, and he did it with true pride.
Just as in earthly life lovers long for the moment when they are able to breathe forth their love for each other, to let their souls blend in a soft whisper, so the mystic longs for the moment when in prayer he can, as it were, creep into God.
imagining anything is the first step toward creating it. Believing in a true self is what allows a true self to be born.
True compassion is undirected & holds no conceptual focus. That kind of genuine, true compassion is only possible after realizing emptiness.
I think we're a little bit more astray, more far afield from true integration and true acceptance.
True salvation always produces an abiding change of nature in a true convert. Therefore, whenever holiness of life does not accompany a confession of conversion, it must be understood that this individual is not a Christian.
"True science has no belief," says Dr. Fenwick, in Bulwer-Lytton's 'Strange Story;' "true science knows but three states of mind: denial, conviction, and the vast interval between the two, which is not belief, but the suspension of judgment." Such, perhaps, was true science in Dr. Fenwick's days. But the true science of our modern times proceeds otherwise; it either denies point-blank, without any preliminary investigation, or sits in the interim, between denial and conviction, and, dictionary in hand, invents new Graeco-Latin appellations for non-existing kinds of hysteria!
Silly ideas, worth the admission price in smiles, but they're true. Is high-energy physics interesting because it's true or because it's crazy?
True morality consists not in following the beaten track, but in finding the true path for ourselves, and fearlessly following it.
In fiction there can be no appeal to any authority outside the book itself. . . . the thing has to look true, and that is all. It is not made to look true by simple statement.
And what do you say of lovers of wine... they are glad of any pretext of drinking any wine — © Plato
And what do you say of lovers of wine... they are glad of any pretext of drinking any wine
If you believe that every life has equal value, it’s revolting to learn that some lives are seen as worth saving and others are not. We said to ourselves: “This can’t be true. But if it is true, it deserves to be the priority of our giving.”
Just as our taste in lovers is far more revealing than our choice of friends, the object of an artist's obsession can open up doors to their soul that might otherwise remain shut tight.
If you stay true to yourself and true to your vision and your own values, you can power through and make an impact on modern life.
The mantra that you're given in Transcendental Meditation you keep to yourself. The reason being, true happiness is not out there, true happiness lies within.
The market is fast-moving, fast-growing. Things that are true today may not be true tomorrow.
And I think that's what our world is desperately in need of - lovers, people who are building deep, genuine relationships with fellow strugglers along the way, and who actually know the faces of the people behind the issues they are concerned about.
The promise, made when I am in love, to be true to the beloved as long as I live, commits me to being true even if I cease to be in love.
While it may be true – and probably is – that not all Muslims are terrorists, it also happens to be true that nearly all terrorists are Muslim.
Be it or be it not true that Man is shapen in iniquity and conceived in sin, it is unquestionably true that Government is begotten of aggression, and by aggression.
It is in numberless instances happier to have a false opinion which we believe true, than a true one of which we doubt.
Loyalty to the true, core values and roots of democracy is what makes a true patriot, not loyalty to a symbol of the country.
True love is unconditional. And if it is a 'Conditions Apply' scenari, then it isn't true love. It is as good as a mutual fund.
To me, the most interesting part of 'True Blood' is that the entire crux of the show is based on identity and finding your true identity.
That subtle knot which makes us man So must pure lovers souls descend T affections, and to faculties, Which sense may reach and apprehend, Else a great Prince in prison lies.
Both of my parents were super music lovers when I was growing up - they had a massive record and tape collection. I think my dad even had a couple of laser discs, but that was a short-lived thing.
He, who knows how to distinguish between true and false, must have an adequate idea of true and false.
It was sexually a very different thing when [the models] worked with men. They felt a charge... I caught them when they were relaxed, natural, and I spent a lot of time talking to them about their husbands, their lovers, their babies.
Painters paint outdoors, or in rooms full of people; they paint their lovers, alone, naked; they paint and eat; they paint and listen to the radio. It is a soothing way of doing your job.
Always with me was the inner twin: my true nature, my true self. It is timeless, free, compassionate and in love with whatever is natural to me
It doesn't matter what is true; it only matters what people believe is true... You are what the media define you to be. [Greenpeace] became a myth and a myth-generating machine.
Let all Americans - let all lovers of liberty everywhere - join in the great and good work. If we do this, we shall not only have saved the Union; but we shall have so saved it, as to make, and to keep it, forever worthy of the saving.
If something must be true for us, as humans, to exist, than it is true simply because we exist.
We went for the best overall feel on each song. There are no musical overdubs at all. It's a true live record; it's one of the few true live records out there.
Growing up, there were not many people I trusted. There are stories for days about how my attitude was. A lot of it's true. A lot of it's not true. — © Kyle Lowry
Growing up, there were not many people I trusted. There are stories for days about how my attitude was. A lot of it's true. A lot of it's not true.
The challenge is to stay true to the characters while also having them be entertaining every day, because it turns out that just watching someone be true to themselves isn't that rad to watch.
Queen Victoria was loyal and true to the Pope; that is what I was told, and so is Edward the Seventh loyal and true, but he has got something contrary in his body.
There is no true word that is not at the same time a praxis. Thus, to speak a true word is to transform the world.
A lot of dreams don't come true in life. If you can make somebody's dream come true, you should.
I'm just stayin' humble, and true. It's good right now baby - staying' true baby.
one reason why I like writing poetry - you can say so many things in it that are true in poetry but wouldn't be true in prose.
I still haven't found the place where I can be my true self. But maybe you never get to be your true self, either.
The true story is vicious and multiple and untrue after all. Why do you need it? Don’t ever ask for the true story.
If you have an anecdote from one source, you file it away. If you hear it again, it may be true. Then the more times you hear it the less likely it is to be true.
'Instagram' can engage generations of people that may not be on Facebook yet. I think that's true with 'WhatsApp,' and I think that will be true with things like Oculus.
I mean, the fight for a health care bill to cover all Americans and leave none behind is attacked as being a race appeal, which is not true, but then it's put out in the media as true.
Well morning came, and it dressed the sky in a lovely yellow gown. Shopping malls are opening in that narrow hallway of downtown, filled with people who are shopping for their lovers and their friends, singing "I won't ever be lonely again
It's true that virtually all new technologies do trigger what sociologists would call 'moral panics,' that there are a lot of people who are concerned with the possible political and social consequences, and that this has been true throughout the ages.
To recognize that some of the things our culture believes are not true imposes on us the duty of finding out which are true and which are not. — © Allan Bloom
To recognize that some of the things our culture believes are not true imposes on us the duty of finding out which are true and which are not.
Everyone always says the middle child is the worst or whatever - what do they say? That everyone forgets about them? But that's not true. That's not true in my family.
We know nothing. And just because you know something to be true at this moment in your life or you feel that it is true, you can never be sure of yourself.
I am assuming my father learned at an early age that there is nothing more dangerous than showing your true self. I think a lot of us learn that, and it actually may be true.
I'm aware of my songs. I'm aware of them because they're about true emotions, true feelings, things that matter.
If we let our friend become cold and selfish and exacting without a remonstrance, we are no true lover, no true friend.
Children learn much more from how you act than from what you tell them. There are times this worries me - we parents are rarely the role models we want to be. True for life. True for driving.
No one I interact with - except maybe for family and strangers at the Russian baths and other weird places I may go to - is just friends or lovers with me: they also know something of my writing and this distorts their take on me.
Thou mayest rule over sin,' Lee. That's it. I do not believe all men are destroyed. I can name you a dozen who were not, and they are the ones the world lives by. It is true of the spirit as it is true of battles — only the winners are remembered.
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