Top 1200 True Person Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular True Person quotes.
Last updated on September 29, 2024.
True victory does not come from defeating an enemy, true victory comes from giving love and changing an enemies heart.
People get married for a wide array of reasons and have all sorts of expectations of how marriage will change the relationship. And while it's true that turning the person you're dating into a legal partner does affect certain things, those who expect marriage to be a cure-all for all your relationship woes are sorely mistaken.
They may well say not only is this not true, but I will put in an injunction to prevent publication. No, stories don't go in unless I'm convinced by the people who write them that they're true. And if I'm wrong, then so be it.
True greatness, true leadership, is achieved not by reducing men to one's service but in giving oneself in selfless service to them. — © J. Oswald Sanders
True greatness, true leadership, is achieved not by reducing men to one's service but in giving oneself in selfless service to them.
I have been accused of having people design my image, tell me what to say in interviews, design my clothes, the way I look and talk, and, of course, my music. It's true I do work with people, but not to accomplish anything bad: just the basics that any person does in this business and with this opportunity to live out my dreams.
You may look through the streets of heaven, asking each how they came to b there, and you will look in vain everywhere for a person who is morally and spiritually strong, whose strength did not come to him in struggle. There is no exception anywhere. Every true strength is gained in struggle.
Christ was the first true democrat that ever breathed, as the old dramatist Dekkar said he was the first true gentleman.
While it is undeniably true that people love a surprise, it is equally true that they are seldom pleased to suddenly and without warning happen upon a series of prunes in what they took to be a normal loin of pork.
Without access to true chaos, we'll never have true peace. Unless everything can get worse, it won't get any better.
I'm seeing a guy now who has nothing to do with films. It's so much nicer with somebody who isn't an actor. Two crazy people in one house would be too much. It's better there's one crazy person, and one nice person who looks after that crazy person.
You have to be true to yourself, but you have to be true to your best self, not to the self that secretly thinks you are better than other people.
When I think back on it, I have a sense of relaxation, as if in the seventies no one had to try to be anyone other than who they were. I'm sure that's not really true, but that's how I remember it, and I suppose it might be relatively true.
Our belief in God is not blind faith. Belief is having a firm conviction something is true, not hoping it's true.
This world is not the sum total of God's resources -- on the contrary, it is only the 'dream,' the probation, the prelude of the true world, the true life. — © Janet Erskine Stuart
This world is not the sum total of God's resources -- on the contrary, it is only the 'dream,' the probation, the prelude of the true world, the true life.
Will something else. Have dreams and believe in them. They don't have to come true. They are just as true as a dream is. Life itself is a dream.
If you are a woman, if you're a person of color, if you are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, if you are a person of size, if you are a person of intelligence, if you are a person of integrity, then you are considered a minority in this world. And it's going to be really hard to find messages of self-love and support anywhere. Especially women's and gay men's culture. It's all about how you have to look a certain way, or else you're worthless... For us to have self-esteem is truly an act of revolution, and our revolution is long overdue.
In the end you regret less the things you believed that weren't true than the things that never came true because you didn't believe.
I always had plenty of ideas. I didn’t exactly have them. They grew—little by little, a half an idea at a time. First, part of a phrase and then a person to go with it. After a person, then a little corner of a place for the person to be in.
A hypothesis is something which looks as if it might be true and were true, and which is capable of verification or refutation by comparison with facts.
I think the big lesson I've learned is that it's very hard to write satire in America because almost immediately, whatever you've thought of turns out to come true, or sometimes it already was true.
Possessing material comforts in no way guarantees happiness. Only spiritual wealth can bring true true happiness.
Dogs have more love than integrity. They've been true to us, yes, but they haven't been true to themselves.
Thus, it was to seek true civilization and true justice for all the peoples of the world, and to view this as the destruction of personal freedom and respect is to be assailed by the hatred and emotion of war, and to make hasty judgments.
Sorry is the Kool-Aid of human emotions. It's what you say when you spill a cup of coffee or throw a gutter ball when you're bowling with the girls in the league. True sorrow is as rare as true love.
[John Larroquette] is one of the smartest men I've ever met. He's very cerebral and book-smart. He would say things and I'd have to go look them up, thinking, "That can't be true!" And they'd be true.
Every true faith is infallible. It performs what the believing person hopes to find in it. But it does not offer the least support for the establishing of an objective truth. Here the ways of men divide. If you want to achieve peace of mind and happiness, have faith. If you want to be a disciple of truth, then search.
One of the embarrassing facts from social psychology is that most stereotypes are true, in the only sense that stereotypes are ever true: on average.
People say, "I have heart disease," not "I am heart disease." Somehow the presumption of a person's individuality is not compromised by those diagnostic labels. All the labels tell us is that the person has a specific challenge with which he or she struggles in a highly diverse life. But call someone "a schizophrenic" or "a borderline" and the shorthand has a way of closing the chapter on the person. It reduces a multifaceted human being to a diagnosis and lulls us into a false sense that those words tell us who the person is, rather than only telling us how the person suffers.
She couldn't steal herself back from Randa only to give herself away again - belong to another person, be answerable to another person, build her very being around another person.
You know a man can play the part of a saint just so long for a day comes when his true, his true self unfolds.
I got a certain type of respect in the streets, that's why they call me Tha Truth. And I gotta speak the truth. I gotta stand up for what's right. Every great person and true soldier has a great story to tell and this is a part of my story.
There are dimensions to me that are not just the thinking person, but the person who is much richer, the person who has other emotional experiences, psychological experiences, these experiences also enrich me.
I think it's true about people now being closer to their parents, since the '60s, really. The parents are no longer from a different planet, the 1950s ideas of American family. We could be friends with our parents. After the '60s, it wasn't like a person smoking pot was what the parents would be appalled at.
True perfection is a bold quest to seek. Only the willing and true of heart will seek the betterment of many.
Many other artists who sing about hope think that it is something every single person carries within himself. I'm not so sure if that's true. For me, hope is the little light guiding you the way, which reminds you that life does have a sense, that you have goals. To believe in that is often more easily said than done.
True love exists in business. It's when Employee and Employer are amazingly grateful to have each other. We should all have true love at work.
But if the Vision was true and mighty, as I know, it is true and mighty yet;for such things are of Spirit, and it is in the darkness of their eyes that men get lost.
True delicacy, as true generosity, is more wounded by an offence from itself--if I may be allowed the expression--than to itself.
A true teacher does not terrorize ignorant students, because a true teacher knows that it is his job to cure ignorance. — © Miriam Defensor Santiago
A true teacher does not terrorize ignorant students, because a true teacher knows that it is his job to cure ignorance.
The Work: 1. Is it true? 2. Can you absolutely know that it’s true? 3. How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought? 4. Who would you be without the thought?
I don't want to be a Hollywood star. I just want to do my job and enjoy it. My aim is to find my true identity and to remain true to myself.
True freedom is the capacity for acting according to one's true character, to be altogether one's self, to be self-determined and not subject to outside coercion.
I think that you can fall into bad habits with comedy... It's a tightrope to stay true to the character, true to the irony, and allow the irony to happen.
True love blooms when we care more about another person than we care about ourselves. That is Christ's great atoning example for us, and it ought to be more evident in the kindness we show, the respect we give, and the selflessness and courtesy we employ in our personal relationships.
Tr...ooooo...luv...' Fezzik grabbed onto Inigo in panic and they both pivoted, staring at the man in black, who was silent again. '"True love," he said,' Inigo cried. 'You heard him - true love is what he wants to come back for. That's certainly worthwhile.' 'Sonny, don't you tell me what's worthwhile - true love is the best thing in the world, except for cough drops. Everybody knows that.
It's not true that voting doesn't make a difference. To check out is political suicide. This is especially true for our young black artists. You don't want to inadvertently end up doing someone's bidding.
True ambition is not what we thought it was. True ambition is the profound desire to live usefully and walk humbly under the grace of God.
Let's say for instance people say, "He's a really totalitarian, strict guy, he's hard to work with or whatever." I don't think it's true, but people's perception of me leads that direction, like I'm a fundamentalist person. I end up having to spend extra time saying, "I'm not a fundamentalist." I have other stuff to do.
Sometimes people think that that you are going softer, or you are going mainstream, but that's not true. It's way more true to change your style. — © Neige
Sometimes people think that that you are going softer, or you are going mainstream, but that's not true. It's way more true to change your style.
What was new was the fact that, despite my heart doing its fight-or-flight, help-we're-prey-and-HEY-STUPID-THAT'S-A-VAMPIRE number, I was glad to see him. Ridiculous but true. Scary but true.
Dreams do come true. They definitely do come true. It just takes a while, I guess. Sometimes it doesn't, but for me it did, anyway.
I studied a truckload of true crime, praying for illumination, but most true crime relies on luridness and voyeurism for effect.
Stay true to your brand and true to your voice and audiences will respond to that authenticity with enthusiasm and passion.
What is true of the individual will be tomorrow true of the whole nation if individuals will but refuse to lose heart and hope.
The medieval mystics say the true image and the true real met once and for all on the cross: once and for all: and yet they still meet daily.
I think the success of a talk show depends on how true it is to the personality of the person hosting it. The shows I really admire, like 'Oprah' and 'Ellen,' are distinctively like their hosts, so I think my show will be successful only if we try to stay consistent to my own sense of myself.
The rap on me on the street is the opposite - I'm impractical, I'm more expensive, it's too complicated and I run over budgets, which isn't true. None of that's true and there's plenty of documentation if anybody needs it.
The history of drawing is a history of 'realities'. Every age has its own conceptions, held to be true at that time, believed to be true for all times.
I covered Halsey's song once at a concert in Japan, and she's commented on a few of my Instagram posts and it like, shocked me. So maybe one day we could get together, and that would be a dream come true because I love her voice; and she seems like the sweetest person ever.
I've done a number of things based on real people or true stories or based on books, and I'm a great believer that you have to be true to the script.
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