Top 249 Truer Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Truer quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
A friend is someone who inspires, who challenges, who sends you in search of some truer sense of yourself.
A happy memory is perhaps on this earth truer than happiness itself.
There is no truer truth obtainable by Man than comes of music — © Robert Browning
There is no truer truth obtainable by Man than comes of music
You look too pretty to be useful." "Truer words were never spoken.
Where shall we see a better daughter, or a kinder sister, or a truer friend?
I have been scientifically studying the traits and dispositions of the "lower animals" (so-called,) and contrasting them with the traits and dispositions of man. I find the result profoundly humiliating to me. For it obliges me to renounce my allegiance to the Darwinian theory of the Ascent of Man from the Lower Animals; since it now seems plain to me that that theory ought to be vacated in favor of a new and truer one, this new and truer one to be named the Descent of Man from the Higher Animals.
For man is not the creature and product of Mechanism; but, in a far truer sense, its creator and producer.
Assuming the worst was always safer. And usually truer.
Homosexual advocates try to argue that businesses are leery of locating in towns that aren't friendly to homosexuals. I believe the opposite is truer.
I do not know at first what it is that harms me. The men and things of to-day are wont to be fairer and truer in to-morrow's memory.
Once an absurdity is accepted as truth, it will seem truer the more absurd it is shown to be.
We hide the truer part of ourselves when we love.
When an old truth ceases to be applicable, it does not become any truer by being stood on its head. — © Hannah Arendt
When an old truth ceases to be applicable, it does not become any truer by being stood on its head.
Consciousness succumbs all too easily to unconscious influences, and these are often truer and wiser than our conscious thinking.
I think there's no truer and more pure purpose than to be able to refine your art to a point where you feel it's as possible as it can be.
There is nothing truer in this world than the love of a good dog.
No truer word, save God's, was ever spoken, Than that the largest heart is soonest broken.
Have you ever heard of the expression, ladies first" "Yes" "Well, it's truer in bed than it is anywhere else.
Suffering isn't a moral endowment. People don't always do well under duress, and it seemed to me to be truer to a fellow in that situation to make him angry.
Some sorts of truth are truer than others.
Exmoor and Dartmoor are sacred, magical places. You find a truer side of yourself there.
Not only a truer knowledge, but a greater power comes to one in the quietude and silence of a mind that, instead of bubbling on the surface, can go to its own depths and listen.
We are always pregnant with a truer version of ourselves.
Today you are you! That is truer than true!
What is truer than truth? Answer: the story.
Lore is my favorite kind of story. Because it's not only historical, it's a lie everyone knows is a lie but tells anyway. I love that. Of course every story I tell is true. Completely true. Completely and utterly at least five-eighths of the way to being true, which is truer than any piece of lore and truer than most truths you'll hear.
All good books have one thing in common - they are truer than if they had really happened.
There is nothing truer than physiognomy, taken in connection with manner.
The judgment of posterity is truer, because it is free from envy and malevolence.
Life is very nice, but it has no shape. The object of art is actually to give it some and to do it by every artifice possible-truer than the truth.
Was anything in the world truer than that intuitive leap of the heart?
Maidens hearts are always soft: Would that men's were truer!
Nothing is truer in a sense than a funeral oration: It tells precisely what the dead man should have been.
There is something truer and more real, than what we can see with the eyes, and touch with the finger.
If there be any truer measure of a man than by what he does, it must be by what he gives.
The role of dissident is not, and should not be, a claim of membership in a communion of saints. In other words, the more fallible the mammal, the truer the example.
It is one of the best traits of good people that they love where they pity. And this is truer of women than of men.
A lie, sometimes, can be truer than the truth, which is why fiction gets written. — © Tim O'Brien
A lie, sometimes, can be truer than the truth, which is why fiction gets written.
It is ill changing the creed to meet each rising temptation. The soul is truer than it seems, and refuses to be trifled with.
A woman's intuition has often proved truer than a man's arrogant assumption of knowledge.
Manifold subsequent experience has led to a truer appreciation and a more moderate estimate of the importance of the dependence of one living being upon another.
I've always thought that the level of homelessness in society is likely to be a truer measure of how civilised we are then almost any other factor.
It now seems plain to me that that theory ought to be vacated in favor of a new and truer one...the Descent of Man from the Higher Animals.
When love is true there is no truer occupation.
The truer the facts the better the fiction.
There can be no truer faith than the one you might have in yourself.
You cannot please all of the people all of the time, and that is truer in the arts than anywhere else.
Our view of reality is like a chart of the sea - the truer it is, the less likely we will become lost. — © Alan Watts
Our view of reality is like a chart of the sea - the truer it is, the less likely we will become lost.
Never imitate the eccentricities of genius, but toil after it in its truer flights. They are not so easy to follow, but they lead to higher regions.
People's weaker side is not necessarily their truer self.
The concept of conservation is a far truer sign of civilization than that spoilation of a continent which we once confused with progress.
I don't know anything!' Tim(Caleb) wailed. He'd never spoken a truer word in his life.
Maybe other people's ideas of us are truer than our own.
I didn't say that wearing a glamorization of the rock artist was any truer from the other thing.
I'm becoming more of a novelist as I get older. The novel just seems the truer form. There's less artifice involved.
I think fiction can help us find everything. You know, I think that in fiction you can say things and in a way be truer than you can be in real life and truer than you can be in non-fiction. There's an accuracy to fiction that people don't really talk about - an emotional accuracy.
Experience is a truer guide than the words of others.
There is no truer cause of unhappiness amongst men than, where naturally expecting charity and benevolence, they receive harm and vexation.
The thing we call romance is a diversion from something truer, which is life.
It seems the deeper, truer personality of the artist only emerges in the making of decisions... in refusing and accepting, changing and revising.
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