Top 189 Tuition Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Tuition quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I just want to be able to keep my house and pay for my son's school tuition in Los Angeles.
I learned more at The Second City than I did at Yale for all that high tuition.
I've never supported one penny of tuition increases. — © Larry Hogan
I've never supported one penny of tuition increases.
My NFL pension can barely pay my son's tuition. You know, it's very little money.
I have a plan to make tuition debt-free for public colleges and universities.
In Germany, college tuition is free. In America, college tuition is increasingly unaffordable. In a highly competitive global economy, which country do you think will have the best educated work force and a competitive advantage? We must make tuition free in public colleges and universities and substantially reduce interest rates on student loans.
I learned law so well, the day I graduated I sued the college, won the case, and got my tuition back.
I want all tuition to stop growing.
I strongly support extending current student loan interest rates and increasing the college tuition tax credit for students and their families.
When I was confronted with official tuition, the academic thing, I could see no relationship whatever between that and the music I'd been writing since I was 11.
If the Army helped towards my tuition fees I would then give them four years of my life.
If you don't believe in in-state tuition, you don't have a heart.
I have four kids in a private school who have not yet entered college. Their tuition is what keeps me motivated. Life is simple sometimes. — © Guy Kawasaki
I have four kids in a private school who have not yet entered college. Their tuition is what keeps me motivated. Life is simple sometimes.
Tuition fees have formed part of a full-frontal assault on the living standards of a generation battered by a housing crisis, stagnating wages and slashed services.
If the only motive was to help people who could not afford education, advocates of government involvement would have simply proposed tuition subsidies.
Though life's tuition is always ruinous, inexorably we learn.
That's how the Pell Grant system works, in that you get a flat dollar amount, and you can use it for tuition or room and board.
What the Bronx and Queens needs is Medicare for all, tuition-free public college, a federal jobs guarantee, and criminal-justice reform.
It's good news that he is proposing to restore budget cuts that he made, but the reality is that he is still proposing a 4.5 percent increase in tuition that's above inflation.
It's never too early to start thinking about tuition.
The Brigham Young University (BYU) campus was just a few blocks from my home and tuition was minimal.
I'm afraid you gave up the right to pontificate on social mobility when you abolished educational maintenance allowance [EMA], trebled tuition fees and betrayed a generation of young people.
The education of circumstances is superior to that of tuition.
Government's running the student loan program; what in the world could be wrong with it? If the government's running it, if Obama's taken it over, and he's got a lot of compassion, a big heart, loves people, what could possibly be wrong with it? And then the subject of tuition came up, and how come tuition never gets cut? Why does tuition always go up? Guarantee, folks, when you subsidize something, if you run a university and the government's gonna subsidize parts of your operation, why in the world should you cut anything?
I believe that if we have to pay 100 percent for our college tuition, and then we get into the workplace, and we're only given 70 percent of our counterparts' salaries, then we shouldn't have to pay but 70 percent of our college tuition. Maybe that'll stop the bullshit.
Before I was governor, tuition was skyrocketing, and we stopped that. We capped and then we froze college tuition.
Back in the '70s when my friends in California were at Berkeley, in-state tuition was around $700 a year.
No science is speedily learned by the noblest genius without tuition.
We have three cats. It's like having children, but there is no tuition involved.
I'm proud to be part of the Dr. Pepper Scholarship Giveaway. It's a great program that gives me the chance to brighten the day for some lucky college students with free tuition.
Giving tuition breaks to the children of illegal immigrants needs to stop.
The rocks will melt with the sun before tuition fees are introduced in Scotland.
The best math lesson we can teach college students this year is to subtract a tuition increase and benefit from the dividends of higher education.
Some people will pay their tuition, and then defy you to give them an education.
Studying is something I really love doing, and I just hope to have enough money for tuition.
The apprehension of... values is intuitive; but it is not a built-in intuition, not something with which one is born. Intuition in art is actually the result of... prolonged tuition.
You can check that box off. You want to make your parents proud for the tuition they paid at NYU.
When I was in college, I lost my scholarship one year. I had enough money for tuition, but not room and board. So I camped in the hills. — © Robert Hass
When I was in college, I lost my scholarship one year. I had enough money for tuition, but not room and board. So I camped in the hills.
As president, I will fight to make tuition in public colleges and universities free, as well as substantially lower interest rates on student loans.
I've come to the conclusion that the government needs to impose price controls on tuition increases - and so, I think, has President Obama.
Higher educating has so many challenges, and private higher education has a special challenge of ever rising tuition costs.
I now have two kids of my own in college, so I know how important it is that we keep the dream alive for every family and I share the concern about rising tuition costs.
ACID Kreationz was founded in 2008. I formed this business with the purpose of paying my university tuition because my teaching salary would not be able to cover school payments.
Students often approached me about state-paid tuition while I was out campaigning. After I explained to them that if the state pays their tuition now, they will pay higher taxes to pay other people's tuition for the rest of their lives, most of them ended up agreeing with me.
On the other hand, it is not fair to say that changes in federal policy have caused our tuition to rise faster. Every economic argument imaginable would indicate that we should raise tuition at a faster rate than we do.
How can the United States be competitive globally if higher education is unaffordable? Germany, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Scotland and Sweden have no tuition for college. Other countries have low tuition. We need the best educated workforce in the world. Instead of spending endless amounts on the military, we need to invest in our young people.
If there were no government-guaranteed student loans, college tuition would be much lower.
There is a much bigger issue with student loan rates, the cost of tuition; those are some huge problems that need to be resolved. — © Alexis Ohanian
There is a much bigger issue with student loan rates, the cost of tuition; those are some huge problems that need to be resolved.
We can have paid family and medical leave. We can make public colleges and universities tuition-free. These are not revolutionary, radical ideas. They're kind of common sense.
Love is the best school, but the tuition is high and the homework can be painful.
We have been restraining the growth of the cost of education-that is, tuition, room and board-to be within approximately one and a half percentage points of the consumer price index.
Students who have spent their childhood here in Florida deserve to qualify for the same in-state tuition rate at universities their peers and classmates do.
I'm going to work with the Senate and the House to make sure we have a bill that lowers tuition for all Floridians.
I did my undergraduate work at the University of California when it was still affordable. But tuition keeps on rising.
I want to make college tuition-free for the middle class and debt-free for everyone else.
It makes no difference how low tuition is if the student has no source of funds to pay that tuition.
I consider myself conscious of how women are treated, and sometimes I can be a feminist. Sometimes I'm a little Republican, sometimes I'm a little Democrat. Sometimes I'm angry, sometimes I'm not angry. I'm not a total feminist, but I believe in rights for females. I believe that if we have to pay 100 percent for our college tuition, and then we get into the workplace and we're only given 70 percent of our counterparts' salaries, then we shouldn't have to pay but 70 percent of our college tuition. Maybe that'll stop the bullshit.
I would certainly look at a proposal for tuition-free community college for two years if the students kept a certain high grade-point average.
You can't continue to have higher education tuition grow at a multiple of the rate of inflation.
We deserve quality jobs that pay a living wage, lower college tuition, action on climate change, and comprehensive immigration reform.
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