Top 1200 Twice A Day Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Twice A Day quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
My only advice is don't tattoo some guy's name on yourself. Ever. I've done it twice. Twice! I'm in the process of getting both removed. It's the most painful thing imaginable.
Nothing in the world is ever completely wrong. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
I need to look like an idiot at least twice a day to keep myself humble. — © Janet Evanovich
I need to look like an idiot at least twice a day to keep myself humble.
A month's intelligent instruction in the theory of numbes ought to be twice as instructive, twice as useful, and at least 10 times as entertaining as the same amount of 'calculus for engineers'.
I'm an e-mail junkie though I'm trying to read my in-box only twice a day and to answer all at once.
If his IQ slips any lower, we'll have to water him twice a day
I tell you, it's funny because the only time I think about HIV is when I have to take my medicine twice a day.
I clean my face twice a day with cold water and don't go to sleep with make-up on.
I have been proposed to four times. Twice at the beginning of a relationship and twice at the end of a relationship. I've never said no. I just didn't give an answer!
Even a stopped clock is right twice every day. After some years, it can boast of a long series of successes.
On the day it launched, Warby Barker received more than twice as many visits as our regular site.
Review your goals twice every day in order to be focused on achieving them.
As the saying goes, even a broken clock is right twice a day; that doesn't mean you should run out and buy one. — © Euny Hong
As the saying goes, even a broken clock is right twice a day; that doesn't mean you should run out and buy one.
There twice a day the Severn fills; The salt sea-water passes by, And hushes half the babbling Wye, And makes a silence in the hills.
Thinking about starting a small business? Assume everything will cost twice as much and take twice as long as you think it will.
I can knit. I knit all year, day in, day out. It is my passion, and I rarely knit the same thing twice the same way.
Here's to responsibility," he toasted. "Twice a week." "And recklessness every day in between," I emphasized. He grinned and touched his can to mine.
In my retirement I go for a short swim at least once or twice every day. It's either that or buy a new golf ball.
I think taking vacations and turning off the phone and only doing emails or social media for a specific short amount of time helps with work/life balance. If I'm checking it all day I start to feel cuckoo-bird. So I just do it once or twice a day instead of a thousand. And then remembering that it doesn't matter. It just doesn't matter.
The best reason I can think of for not running for President of the United States is that you have to shave twice a day.
I have a routine for a day I'm in the office and not really physically active. Or a day when I'm in the gym once or in the gym twice. Then I've got a road course routine and an oval routine because they're different physically.
If I exercise once or twice a day on vacation and don't want to wash my hair too often. I pack a lot of dry shampoo, like Amika's.
Walking my dogs twice a day provides me with an opening and closing of my day, and I've learned to use those walks for a walking meditation, which had never occurred to me until a friend gave me Wherever You Go, There You Are by Jon Kabat-Zinn years ago. It helped me take advantage of moments that already existed in my day and turn them into something more expansive.
I live right next to a grocery store and I don't know if it's the bachelor in me, but I just go in and shop for what I need for the day. I'm an idiot because I don't shop for the whole week. The check out clerks always crack jokes about the fact that I'm in there sometimes twice a day.
When I'm training, I come to the gym twice a day and sometimes three times. My coach and I make our schedule: wrestle in the morning, strike and conditioning, jujitsu later. And we mix it up as well. I always move everything around. I don't keep everything the same every day.
Mark Rylance is one of my heroes. I saw 'Jerusalem' four or five times, twice in New York, twice in London.
I always want to pick songs that are really crazy rangy, and sometimes those low notes aren't there. But I started taking it way more seriously after a certain point, and I started doing vocal warm-ups every day, even when I wasn't singing, sometimes twice a day.
Some had the custom of receiving the Eucharist daily, some twice a week, some on the Lord's day, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, some only on the Lord's Day.
I do get addicted to stuff. I tried playing golf and I was soon going twice a day.
If we could be twice young and twice old we could correct all our mistakes.
Never complain or make excuses. If something seems unfair, just prove yourself by working twice as hard and being twice as good.
I started daily training at the age of 14. When I was 16 years old, I was running twice a day.
Whenever I appeared to have won an argument, Mom would say something like, 'Even broken clocks are right twice a day.
With stage, it's very tough. You have to have a lot of stamina - you're doing eight shows a week for 19 weeks. The same thing, every night. Twice a day some days. The only full day I actually had off was Sunday. And every night is different.
I didn't go to the Bob Marley and the Wailers show twice in my life, and I've regretted it every day since.
Someone — Cyril Connolly? Ezra Pound? — once said that anything that can be read twice is literature; I would say that anything that bears saying twice is quotable.
During a night shift, I'll work out twice during the day. If I have to work during the day, I usually have guys at the station who will work out with me. Then at night, I'll go train.
Because I look like Everyman on some level, I would say I get recognized once or twice a day. — © David Costabile
Because I look like Everyman on some level, I would say I get recognized once or twice a day.
No one can step twice into the same river, nor touch mortal substance twice in the same condition. By the speed of its change, it scatters and gathers again.
I'm so organised. I never screw up. I've done it maybe twice before. I check my calendar seven times a day.
I exercise all the time, every morning, and then I do music in the afternoon. I walk two to three miles a day and do Pilates twice a week.
The Governor was strong upon The Regulation Act: The Doctor said that Death was but A scientific fact: And twice a day the Chaplain called, And left a little tract.
I disagree with a lot of those changes, however at the end of the day - I go down to recruit graduation at least once or twice a year.
I meditate twice a day. I chant. I lean more towards Buddhist practices.
For a woman to get half as much credit as a man, she has to work twice as hard, and be twice as smart. Fortunately, that isn't difficult.
But twice-two-makes-four is for all that a most insupportable thing. Twice-two-makes-four is, in my humble opinion, nothing but a piece of impudence. Twice-two-makes-four is a farcical, dressed-up fellow who stands across your path with arms akimbo and spits at you.
My problem is that the audience is more fiction-literate than ever. In Shakespeare's day, you probably expected to see a play once or twice in your life; today you experience four or five different kinds of fiction every day. So staying ahead of the audience is impossible.
Donald Trump would be a better president every day of the week and twice on Sunday rather than Hillary Clinton. — © Carly Fiorina
Donald Trump would be a better president every day of the week and twice on Sunday rather than Hillary Clinton.
You have to have a ton of passion for what you're doing because being an entrepreneur is probably twice as hard as you think it's going to be. The good news is that it's probably twice as much fun when it's going well.
I'm a big juicer, and I believe in juicing most vegetables and fruit, which I do twice a day.
My life closed twice before its close; It yet remains to see If Immortality unveil A third event to me, So huge, so hopeless to conceive, As these that twice befell. Parting is all we know of heaven, And all we need of hell.
I make sure to meditate at least twice a day. I have migraines, and transcendental meditation is hugely helpful in combating them.
I do try to work out a little. I go swimming twice a day. It beats buying golf balls.
I've lost 'Drag Race' twice. I know how, with one bad day, it could just end.
Perhaps the experience had been so complete that repetition would be vulgarity - like asking to hear the same symphony twice in a day.
I had great grades. Why? Because I studied twice as long and twice as hard as everybody else.
Beethoven I take twice a week, Haydn four times, and Mozart every day.
Greg starts a middle school and asks: Why is "bullies" such a big PROBLEM? And says people need to shave twice a day.
A stopped clock is correct twice a day, but a sundial can be used to stab someone, even at nighttime.
Don't think that you can make up for it by working twice as hard tomorrow. If you have it within your power to work twice as hard, why aren't you doing it now?
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