Top 1200 Two People Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Two People quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I write a line and then I revise the line and then I write two lines and then I revise lines one and two and then I write one, two and three and I revise one and two and then I write seven and eight and then I see that should be line four and I continually work it over as I go.
The reason I did the name change is simple. I wrote a bunch of autobiographical material and I was really enjoying myself doing it, and in two of the songs I quote two different people (referring to me as Mr. Stace). And it just hit me at some point that it was ludicrous for me to think of myself as Wesley Stace, publish novels as Wesley Stace, be Wesley Stace and not have it released as Wesley Stace.
I have two hands. I can hold two medals. — © Shani Davis
I have two hands. I can hold two medals.
The act of seeing any film generally is you knowing more than the characters, even if its the classic Hitchcock shot of two people talking and a bomb being under the table. Part of the pleasure of it is seeing where people go wrong, and the irony of situations.
One of the companies that we've invested in is called Facebook. In only two years, between 2009 and 2011, the information exchanged between people increased 28 times. And that cannot be explained by new people joining Facebook.
Whatever men attempt, they seem driven to overdo. When hopes are soaring, I always repeat to myself that two and two still make four.
Are you such a dreamer To put the world to rights? I'll stay home forever Where two and two always makes a five I'll lay down the tracks Sandbag and hide January has April's showers And two and two always makes a five It's the devil's way now There is no way out You can SCREAM and you can shout It is too late now Because... You have not been Payin' attention! Payin' attention! Payin' attention! Payin' attention! You have not been paying attention!
But if two and two and fifty make a million...
I'm eccentric, what else? I don't know, I've got two people telling me what to say.
For me, a relationship is not about two people coming and completing each other.
People have become afraid of love because in love also, death penetrates. If two lovers are sitting side by side in deep love and intimacy, not even talking.... Talking is an escape, an escape from love. When two lovers are talking that simply shows they are avoiding the intimacy. Words in-between give distance - with no words distance disappears, death appears. In silence there is death just lurking around - a beautiful phenomenon. But people are so afraid that they go on talking whether it is needed or not. They go on talking about anything, everything - but they cannot keep silent.
Love turns one person into two; and two into one.
When two people are really happy about one another one can generally assume they are mistaken. — © Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
When two people are really happy about one another one can generally assume they are mistaken.
If you want to stop two people from having sex, let them get married.
In the best of relationships you have two people who cannot think of anything that was not part of the deal.
She said nothing, and Sir Andrew, too, was silent, yet those two young people understood one another, as young people have a way of doing all the world over, and have done since the world began.
I believe that a beautiful relationship grows between two people who are individually secure.
two people can sleep in the same bed and still be alone when they close their eyes
A lot of people in my class were one to two years older than me.
Two are better than one if two act as one.
Bach was so mathematical and I liked this idea that you could have one instrument going, 'One, two, three, four', and then you have another instrument going, [double time] 'One, two, three four', and another instrument going, [doubled again] 'One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four', so you could add twos and fours and eighths, and that happens a lot in Bach.
I dream of a love that is more than two people craving to possess one another.
There are two things that I really love; vintage clothing and books. Mash the two together and I pretty much peak on personal joy levels.
The whole secret of the campaigns unleashed against Spain can be explained in two words: masonry and communism... we have to extirpate these two evils from our land.
It seems the baseball player of today will not be satisfied until he plays two weeks in the big league and is able to retire at twenty-two.
It is usual to think of good and evil as two poles, two opposite directions, the antithesis of one another...We must begin by doing away with this convention.
Mr Jarndyce, and prevented his going any farther, when he had remarked that there were two classes of charitable people: one, the people who did a little and made a great deal of noise; the other, the people who did a great deal and made no noise at all.
I write a lot of songs about love and I think that’s because to me love seems like this huge complicated thing. But it seems like every once in a while, two people get it figured out, two people get it right. And so I think the rest of us, we walk around daydreaming about what that might be like. To find that one great love, where all of a sudden everything that seemed to be so complicated, became simple. And everything that used to seem so wrong all of a sudden seemed right because you were with the person who made you feel fearless.
When I look at relationships, my own and others, I see a wide range of reasons for people to be together and ways in which they are together. I see ways in which a relationship - which means something that exists between two or more people - for the most part reinforces people's separateness as individual entities.
What separates two people most profoundly is a different sense and degree of cleanliness.
People believe that criticism should be objective, whatever that means, but I really don't understand what people mean by that. I guess if you're doing sonata-allegro procedure analysis, you can be objective for a page or two. But in pop? Really hard.
Every town has the same two malls: the one white people go to and the one white people used to go to.
If you think you can do two full-time jobs, people will expect you to do three.
When somebody meets me in the street, they say, 'Hello, how you doing?' And I say the same back. It's just two minutes of your time and it's alright. I don't like people taking liberties when I'm with my family, but mostly people are really polite and that's lovely.
People love a true story and especially a true story where two people from opposite worlds come together.
I think an encore is perfectly acceptable, but I find it so weird when people do two or three.
"Right!" "Right!" "You can get there!" "I can get there!" "You're a natural at counting to two!" "I'm a nat'ral at counting to two!" "If you can count to two, you can count to anything!" "If I can count to two, I can count to anything!" "And then the world is your mollusc!" "My mollusc! What's a mollusc?
I'd known enough people for every minute of the day, and yet still didn't have anyone as my two a.m. — © Sarah Dessen
I'd known enough people for every minute of the day, and yet still didn't have anyone as my two a.m.
But when two people feel something, they ought to respect that enough to figure it out
It's easy to see that two people might come up with that same idea.
I think chemistry is just about two people being comfortable with one another.
True intimacy, the exchange of affection between two people who are not lying, is transforming.
My father told me you have two loves in your life: What you do and the people youre with.
I won two ITF tournaments in Japan in two weeks. I had to qualify for both of them, which meant that I won 16 matches in 15 days.
Many times in my life I've been upset about something and said to myself, "Will this matter in two years?" Not even in two months.
Puerto Rico, within the span of two weeks, received two Category 4-5 hurricanes. That has never happened anywhere. The devastation has been enormous.
The phenomenal success of the recovery movement reflects two simple truths that emerge in adolescence: all people love to talk about themselves, and most people are mad at their parents. You don't have to be in denial to doubt that truths like these will set us free.
As for the level of spectacle of the two disciplines, I leave it to the people who watch the races to comment. — © Valentino Rossi
As for the level of spectacle of the two disciplines, I leave it to the people who watch the races to comment.
Remember, Nick, there are only two people in the universe I care for…and you’re not one of them. (Savitar)
Two consorts in heaven are not two, but one angel.
If two people have only one thought between them, something is very wrong.
When two people are at one in their inmost hearts, they shatter even the strength of iron or bronze.
There are two kinds of people in this world, my grandmother used to say: the Have's and the Have-not's, and she stuck to the Have's. And today, Señor Don Quixote, people are more interested in having than in knowing. An ass covered with gold makes a better impression than a horse with a packsaddle.
The act of seeing any film generally is you knowing more than the characters, even if it's the classic Hitchcock shot of two people talking and a bomb being under the table. Part of the pleasure of it is seeing where people go wrong, and the irony of situations.
Two people in a relationship either grow together or apart over time.
I went on a whole new skincare regime that included two cleansers, two moisturisers, three serums and face pads with glycolic acid in them.
For the sin they do by two and two they must pay for one by one.
It takes two people to make a lie work: the person who tells it, and the one who believes it.
I dont play any two suited cards. I play any two non-suited cards. That way I am drawing at two different flushes.
No one knows what a marriage is like except the two people in it - and sometimes one of them doesn't know.
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