Top 44 Ukip Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Ukip quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
I don't work with UKIP. They don't advise me.
I think people vote Ukip from a frustration with politics, which is legitimate, and which politicians have to listen to.
I note that many British MEPs belonging to the UK Independence Party (UKIP) have used all their time in Parliament to work against the institution of which they are members. I would not presume to advise them on what they should or should not do. However, since the UK could not leave the EU fast enough as far as they were concerned, I can imagine that they will not stay any longer than they have to.
UKIP's success would never have happened without the invention of YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. — © Nigel Farage
UKIP's success would never have happened without the invention of YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.
UKIP talk a lot about immigration - but they don't have a serious plan for action.
My desperation for UKIP to do well meant that I really packed the diary and the day in a way that, frankly, wasn't very bright.
I'm not for sale, neither is UKIP.
The depth of concern people feel about UKIP is not always matched by depth of understanding.
Quite simply, without UKIP, there would not have been a referendum. I am convinced that the 'we want our country back, we want our borders back' message that we took across the country on an open-top double decker energised non-voters to back Brexit.
I have said I will not work with the parliamentary party in Strasbourg again but of course I will continue to be a member of Ukip.
Of course we need to show we are a genuine alternative to an unpopular, Conservative-led government. But we need to set ourselves a higher standard than a party offering anger like UKIP.
To be concerned about immigration and the economy is not racist, but I do think there is a virus of racism that runs through Ukip.
I've stood down as UKIP leader. I'm not responsible for these people anymore.
For the last 25 years, myself and everybody in UKIP has worked to restore our country's former status as an independent, democratic nation that is governed by our politicians, elected by us, sackable by us, in accordance with our laws and customs and constitution.
I think UKIP [ UK Independence Party] and the BNP [British National Party] are very, very English concerns. If they gather strength they're going to add to this schism between Scotland and England.
Ukip has policies including cutting taxes for the wealthy and putting them up for everyone else, charging people to see their GP, or taking away maternity rights. — © Chuka Umunna
Ukip has policies including cutting taxes for the wealthy and putting them up for everyone else, charging people to see their GP, or taking away maternity rights.
Politics has become so polarised. We're stuck between the Ukip-lite Tories and Jeremy Corbyn. How is that a choice?
Ukippers are the kinds of fools who haven't noticed they're sleep-walking towards fascism. Many UKIP candidates are of the age when their parents fought in the Second World War.
The people who get up earliest in the morning have the highest propensity to vote UKIP. I'm being absolutely serious about that.
I mean UKIP, I mean it's just a sort of, you know, bunch of fruitcakes and loonies and closet racists, basically.
I was joking the other day that I'm American UKIP.
We will not try to out-Ukip Ukip. Labour is not going to offer false solutions, such as leaving Europe.
People wanted to protest, and Ukip's a conduit for that.
I can't take UKIP seriously. I should, I must, it's our duty to take them seriously, because they're coming out with some really heinous old crap about immigration.
Ukip had undertaken a survey on why people wanted to leave the E.U. or not, and they also had membership data. So we were able to build personas out of that. That was work that would normally be paid for.
We have to look at levels of migration. We are in a world that is quite chaotic. Some people are really frightened about it. Some people are quite despairing. They don't believe our country is capable of providing a good quality of life. That feeds into why people voted Ukip and induces a culture of despair.
We always knew that whatever party Nigel Farage led - first UKIP and then the Brexit party - was basically a vehicle for his own political self-glorification and now he's proved it.
Ukip policies are common-sense policies.
There is a debate in Ukip as to how strong we should be on the immigration issue. I personally think we should own it.
UKIP's biggest fight is with the Conservative Party.
UKIP believe that immigration can be an extremely positive thing. But it has to be controlled. — © Nigel Farage
UKIP believe that immigration can be an extremely positive thing. But it has to be controlled.
Trump is a hybrid phenomenon as I see it. He is somewhat like UKIP and Le Pen with his right-wing populism that espouses some fascist overtones, but he's also partly just the old neoliberalism in disguise, especially if we look at some of the people he appointed to his cabinet.
UKIP trades in the language of fear and division; it seeks power in order to reject responsibility.
I totally rule out any arrangements with the SNP — in the same way I rule out any arrangements with Ukip - because there is no meeting point for me with one party that basically wants to pull our country to bits and another party that wants us to pull out of the EU. I would never recommend to the Liberal Democrats that we help establish a government which is basically on a life support system, where Alex Salmond could pull the plug any time he wants.
The E.U. referendum was promised by a Conservative Prime Minister fearful of losing votes and of mass defections to UKIP.
The original sin of Brexit - the lies, contradictions, half-truths and omissions on which it was built - have come back to haunt the Thatcherite Tories who started all this with Nigel Farage and Ukip.
The problem with UKIP and the extreme right - Mr. Le Pen, Wilders - they are really good at making an analysis of the problem. And they immediately go completely overboard in providing a solution that would never work and is morally completely unacceptable.
There are a lot of great people in UKIP.
If there's very strong civic unrest you can see a strong party of the Right emerging, whether it's UKIP [The UK Independence Party] or an even further-right party.
I take UKIP very seriously. The truth is that UKIP presents an electoral challenge to all political parties. The way to defeat UKIP is not to be a better UKIP but to be a better Labour Party.
The fact that the Conservatives are losing voters to UKIP while struggling to attract those who voted for other parties in 2010 suggests they have still not successfully shown what a Conservative government is for. This needs to be done on a broad front in a way that encompasses the economy and public services.
We've been very lucky to have UKIP in the U.K. If we hadn't been here, the BNP would be doing very well.
I'd rather form my own party than ever join Ukip. We could call it the Widdy Mob. I'm joking. — © Ann Widdecombe
I'd rather form my own party than ever join Ukip. We could call it the Widdy Mob. I'm joking.
The UKIP voter is 60 percent male, 40 percent female. Is 65 percent older than 55 and 35 percent younger than 55. It's not hard to work out. Some have been Labor. Some have been Tories. The most difficult thing is previous voting intention, because they're coming from across the board.
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