Top 1200 Unbearable Pain Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular Unbearable Pain quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
There's no way that I know of to avoid pain absolutely, but suffering is the interpretation we choose to place on the pain we encounter.
If death causes you no pain when you're dead, it is foolish to allow the fear of it to cause you pain now.
Delusional pain hurts just as much as pain from actual trauma. So what if it's all in your head? — © Octavia E. Butler
Delusional pain hurts just as much as pain from actual trauma. So what if it's all in your head?
Everything comes out in blues music: joy, pain, struggle. Blues is affirmation with absolute elegance. It's about a man and a woman. So the pain and the struggle in the blues is that universal pain that comes from having your heart broken. Most blues songs are not about social statements.
Poetry is just so emo." he said. "Oh, the pain. The pain. It always rains. In my soul.
There is such a thing as anaesthesia of pain, engendered by pain too exquisite to be borne.
I don't really have a problem with the pain of life. Perhaps that is because I am a martial artist and I am used to dealing with pain. Or perhaps I adjusted to pain because there has been a great deal of it in my life.
I deal daily with chronic pain and, at times, my pain feels like a lemon that God "squeezes," revealing my sour attitude, peevish spirit, and tendency to complain or grumble. Did not God use my pain to expose my sin, I might - like many of us - not be aware of the sin of which I'm capable.
Some pain is simply the normal grief of human existence. That is pain that I try to make room for.
Pain is a gift. Humanity, without pain, would know neither fear nor pity.
I discovered that joy is not the negation of pain, but rather acknowledging the presence of pain and feeling happiness in spite of it.
Pain obliterates everything else. In pain, there is only the eternal present.
Here saw I a great oneing betwixt Christ and us, to mine understanding: for when He was in pain, we were in pain. — © Julian of Norwich
Here saw I a great oneing betwixt Christ and us, to mine understanding: for when He was in pain, we were in pain.
I really hate pain. I'd pull my own soul out if it meant I could stop the pain.
There are all kinds of addicts, I guess. We all have pain. And we all look for ways to make the pain go away. (107)
I never take medication for pain. I want to know if the pain is getting better or worse.
True Joy is not the absence of pain but the sanctifying, sustaining presence of the Lord Jesus in the midst of the pain
When you're in pain, tomorrow doesn't exist - just the pain - and the only thing that you want in the world is for it to go away.
Pain is a beautiful thing. When you feel pain, you know you're alive.
When we have emotional pain in our lives, we are going to seek to relieve that pain in some way.
What's the difference between bulimics and anorexics?" I ask. "Anorexics are anorexics all the time," she says, "I'm only bulimic when I'm throwing up." Wow. She sounds just like my dad! "I'm only an alcoholic when I get drunk." There are all kinds of addicts, I guess. We all have pain. And we all look for ways to make the pain go away. Penelope gorges on her pain and then throws it up and flushes it away. My dad drinks his pain away. (107)
You can't avoid pain in life. It's how you handle pain, that's what defines you.
Each day you must choose, the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.
There is pain and sacrifice in everyone's world. That's why, when I was dancing, I had no pain.
The plan was to drink until the pain is over, But what's worse, the pain or the hangover?
From little pain you flinch away but great pain must be embraced.
The pain itself is a product or a reflection of how I am interpreting whatever it is that is causing me pain.
Success is assured when a person fears the pain of regret more than the pain of the process.
I don't think there's ever a winner in a feud. It's about emotional pain and an inability to conquer the pain.
The pain was her whole world now. Pain and fear.
It don't last forever, the pain. Realize that tomorrow is coming. Move further from this pain and this stress.
You believe you could not live with the pain. Such pain is not lived with. It is only endured. I am sorry.
When I'm in emotional pain, I usually embrace the pain, cry, and let it all out. Then I try to look on the bright side.
Pain is an event ... Suffering, on the other hand, is the nightmare reliving of unscrutinized and unmetabolized pain.
When the lives of the unborn are snuffed out, they often feel pain, pain that is long and agonizing.
Beethoven's string quartets express pain itself; it is not MY pain.
People live through such pain only once. Pain comes again—but it finds a tougher surface.
People know when you're speaking from el corazón. You have that pain. Take that pain and do something with it. That's very powerful. — © Sandra Cisneros
People know when you're speaking from el corazón. You have that pain. Take that pain and do something with it. That's very powerful.
It is good to be taught humility when we are young. If we do not exeperience pain as children, we will cause pain as adults.
Culture makes pain tolerable by interpreting it's necessity; only pain perceived as curable is intolerable.
Don't always use PAIN that you receive as an excuse to GIVE PAIN.
The pain of love is the pain of being alive. It is a perpetual wound.
Remember, the pain of rejection is nothing compared to the pain of regret.
Fortunately, the shooting pain in my back masked the pain of my broken sternum.
I understand the pain of working-class Americans because I have experienced the pain.
Pain shared, my brother, is pain not doubled but halved. No man is an island
The pain is necessary. Sometimes pain is the teacher we require, a hidden gift of healing and hope.
Pain is real when you get other people to believe in it. If no one believes in it but you, your pain is madness or hysteria. — © Naomi Wolf
Pain is real when you get other people to believe in it. If no one believes in it but you, your pain is madness or hysteria.
I am in a lot of pain. They say it is more pain than when you have a baby but I don't know as I have not had one. It is not possible.
Pain explains a great deal of human conduct, but the fear of pain even more.
Pain is just a state of mind. You can think your way out of everything, even pain.
Instinctively I know the difference between general pain from bowling, and pain caused by a specific problem.
Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain, but it is more common and also more hard to bear. The frequent attempt to conceal mental pain increases the burden: it is easier to say “My tooth is aching” than to say “My heart is broken.
When people are in severe pain, there's an expression, you're a "pain person," and what that means is that nothing else matters.
It is not fit that I should give myself pain, for I have never intentionally given pain even to another.
Pleasure is always something apposed to pain it is never separate from pain
I just let the pain take over, allowing it to numb the pain of being left behind.
When the pain of continuing exceeds the pain of stopping, a threshold is crossed. What seemed unthinkable becomes thinkable.
Unless you're dying, it's ingrained in our culture to play. Pain doesn't hurt; it's just pain.
We wake up and are grateful for the day. Not taking away from the pain, because the pain will be there. But you live on.
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