Top 1200 Unfulfilled Potential Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Unfulfilled Potential quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
By definition, a Special Counsel is charged with investigating particular potential crimes, not all potential crimes wherever they may be found.
The body is both a temple and a perfect machine. Our bodies have within them a healing potential, and we nourish this potential with the pure and simple foods found in nature.
Love is not always bed of roses. When its unfulfilled, it causes immense pain and anger. — © Ankit Tiwari
Love is not always bed of roses. When its unfulfilled, it causes immense pain and anger.
I also have always felt that television has a huge potential for the kinds of audiences that some films would never dream or ever be able to have. So that potential is very exciting to me.
I like potential in people. If I find someone who has lot of potential and can do something with life, then I don't see bank balance, which family he comes from, or his religion.
Greatness is more than potential. It is the execution of that potential.
As long as we have unsolved problems, unfulfilled desires, and a mustard seed of faith, we have all we need for a vibrant prayer life.
The promise of equal educational opportunity envisioned by the Brown decision remains unfulfilled.
Japan has huge potential in women - potential, especially in the area of the economy, that Japan is not using fully.
There's a lot of girls in the division I really like, but I always feel like there's this underlying sense of a potential matchup, potential competition. It adds a different element.
Whenever you look at any potential merger or acquisition, you look at the potential to create value for your shareholders.
I love what I do, and I'm not doing anything either for money or for the sake of some unfulfilled ambition.
You cannot afford to live in potential for the rest of your life; at some point, you have to unleash the potential and make your move(ment). — © Eric Thomas
You cannot afford to live in potential for the rest of your life; at some point, you have to unleash the potential and make your move(ment).
There is a place called ‘heaven’ where the good here unfinished is completed; and where the stories unwritten, and the hopes unfulfilled, are continued. We may laugh together yet.
Every human life contains a potential, if that potential is not fulfilled, then that life was wasted.
A company's commitment to searching out potential blockbusters and then investing in marketing to convert potential to reality attracts and retains top scientists and creatives.
We are silent, considering shortfalls. There's not much time left, for us to become what we once intended. Jon had potential, but it's not a word that can be used comfortably any more. Potential has a shelf-life.
I've spent my life in the police profession, and I'm proud of that. But I am also very cognizant of the profession's limitations, its potential for abuse, and its potential negative impact.
Don't do it! Stay away from your potential. You'll mess it up, it's potential, leave it. Anyway, it's like your bank balance - you always have a lot less than you think.
We are all potential murderers, and we are all potential rapists and abusers.
Disappointment, discouragement, and despair are nothing but the bitter fruit of an unfulfilled expectation allowed to live beyond its time.
The potential of greater good goes right along with the potential for greater evil.
I certainly think that he [Alan Rickman] was a kind of actor who needed to grow into his maturity to realize the potential, the huge potential that he had.
There is the potential for dreams to come true, for records to be broken, and medals to be won, and at this time everyone believes that they individually have the potential to make their dream a reality.
People must understand that science is inherently neither a potential for good nor for evil. It is a potential to be harnessed by man to do his bidding.
You have to learn to see the gold in dirt, which means that you try to spot people with potential as well as ideas that have potential.
What did you have the potential to do? And if you came close to that, if you maximized that, then you were a success in God's eyes. So many of us do things that the world would say is successful, but we have so much more potential.
There's always the danger that the extreme feminist will end up quite unfulfilled as a girl.
Everything we are afraid to try, all our unfulfilled dreams, constitute a limitation on what we are and could become.
You know, some actors, all of their potential is in their youth, and when that passes, their qualities of as an actor pass. But he - Alan [Rickman] was the opposite, and their are other actors who are like that, who, really, their potential is in maturity.
I actually think there's a potential, a crazy potential, that network TV could become something valuable and worthwhile, just because of fear on the part of the networks.
Assuming that we have trained our imagination to denounce the past, we will not suffer much from unfulfilled wishes.
But cord blood also holds the great potential of producing pleural potential cells that could cure many other diseases such as juvenile diabetes, a disease that I live with every day.
We all have different desires and needs, but if we don't discover what we want from ourselves and what we stand for, we will live passively and unfulfilled.
Higher aims are in themselves more valuable, even if unfulfilled, than lower ones quite attained.
You've got more potential than you could use in a thousand lifetimes, I see world class potential in you? But one of the secrets, is you're as good as the best ? you don't have to be better than the rest.
With spiritual growth comes new creative potential, leading to the realization that you are pure potential, able to fill any creative impulse.
We're always given the message that our potential is so limited, which is so sad. Actually, our potential is infinite. — © Tenzin Palmo
We're always given the message that our potential is so limited, which is so sad. Actually, our potential is infinite.
If we have the potential to oppress or slay millions, it’s because we also have the potential to liberate and love millions.
Being a superstar means you've reached your potential, and I don't think I've reached my potential as a basketball player and as a leader yet.
While falling in love is fun, it's not everything, and it's not the antidote to an unfulfilled life, despite what Reese Witherspoon movies may tell you.
Everyone is born with a certain potential. You may never achieve your full potential, but how close you come depends on how much you want to pay the price.
I have always been bullish about India's potential. I still am, and I feel India is a country that really has an enormous amount of potential and has the human capital to succeed.
Your children's genes reflect only their potential, not their destiny. It is up to you to provide the environment that allows them to develop to their highest potential.
We're losing track of the vastness of the potential for computer science. We really have to revive the beautiful intellectual joy of it, as opposed to the business potential.
Embryonic stem cell research has the potential to alleviate so much suffering. Surely, by working together we can harness its life-giving potential.
Potential is just potential until you can pull it off, and you need to show up ready to exercise the plan in mind. I've always come from that place in everything I've ever done.
My potential is what God gives me - that's His gift to me - what I give back to Him is what I do with that potential. — © John C. Maxwell
My potential is what God gives me - that's His gift to me - what I give back to Him is what I do with that potential.
The potential gains from improved stabilization policies are on the order of hundredths of a percent of consumption, perhaps two orders of magnitude smaller than the potential benefits of available supply-side fiscal reforms.
The confidence you need is belief in your potential. If you see world-class potential in yourself, you'll put in the effort. If you don't see the potential, you won't put in the effort and you'll wait for the performance, and the performance always follows the belief in self.
The secret to success can be found in people's daily agendas. If they do something intentional to grow every day, they move closer to reaching their potential. If they don't, their potential slowly slips away over the course of their lifetime.
he knew that a part of his life was complete and that whatever path he chose, he would experience the ache of unfulfilled dreams.
So do we discover, in the world, that our worst fears are unfulfilled; yet we must fear, in order that we may feel delight.
Unlike young actors, I don't feel unfulfilled. I've had my successes. I don't have to worry that I won't have time for other things.
No question about it: potential is wrapped in great mystery. Like rainbows, which are really circles-we see only the upper halves, the horizon hides the rest-potential never reveals its entirety.
[On swinging for the fences] Ultimately, you have the potential to build a significant business with the potential to have a positive impact on millions of people's lives.
It is the awareness of unfulfilled desires which gives a nation the feeling that it has a mission and a destiny.
Men are free when they belong to a living, organic, believing community, active in fulfilling some unfulfilled, perhaps unrealized purpose.
Far from being hopeless, Africa is full of hope and potential, maybe more so than any other continent. The challenge is to ensure that its potential is utilised.
Everybody has a creative potential and from the moment you can express this creative potential, you can start changing the world.
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