Top 1200 Unhappy Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular Unhappy quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Unhappy is that Grandeur which makes us too great to be good; and that Wit which sets us at a distance from true Wisdom.
If you get frustrated and unhappy with yourself, then there is going to be a problem. You have to laugh at yourself and laugh at your mechanism that is out of gear.
I learned that there are two things that kids really like: movement and love. Happy kids move; unhappy, they don't move. — © Magnus Scheving
I learned that there are two things that kids really like: movement and love. Happy kids move; unhappy, they don't move.
What makes man most unhappy is to be deprived not of that which he had, but of that which he did not have, and did not really know.
The essential difference between the unhappy, neurotic type person and him of great joy is the difference between get and give.
When you combine a media - bent on exploiting tabloid-type stories to boost ratings and circulation by innuendo and titillation - with unhappy or opportunistic individuals who have nothing going for them in their own lives, you get a bitter brew.
All this I bear, for, what I seek, I know: Peace, peace is what I seek, and public calm: Endless extinction of unhappy hates.
It is the law of life that if you are kind to someone you feel happy. If you arecruel you are unhappy. And if you hurt someone, you will be hurt back.
We were living together in the projects, with two other musicians in Munich. We had nothing to eat, and we were unhappy. We wanted to be stars. And suddenly this guy gave us a chance, and we took it.
People are unhappy because they don't understand life; by happy, I mean complete, aware, conscious, poignant, caring, loving, unaffected, cosmic, simplistic, humble, excited, passive - everything. You are everything.
If you are a happy person, don't spend your time trying to make an unhappy person happy. Near as I can tell, you have to be a magician to pull it off.
Therefore, to be unhappy one must love, or love to suffer, or suffer from too much happiness. I hope you're getting this down.
If you're dissatisfied anywhere, New York is the place to be. If you're unhappy at college in Topeka, I don't know what there is to distract yourself with, you know? So anyway, I distracted myself until I decided that the distraction could be a school in and of itself.
Monsanto doesn't care about feeding the world. We have to think about the wage slavery of migrant workers and salary slavery of those who are desperately unhappy. — © Wendell Berry
Monsanto doesn't care about feeding the world. We have to think about the wage slavery of migrant workers and salary slavery of those who are desperately unhappy.
Hell is of this world and there are men who are unhappy escapees from hell, escapees destined ETERNALLY to reenact their escape.
My rule is, when you are unhappy, think about it. But when you're happy, don't. Why spoil it? You're probably happy for some ridiculous reason and you'd just spoil it to know it.
There are such beings as vampires, some of us have evidence that they exist. Even had we not the proof of our own unhappy experience, the teachings and the records of the past give proof enough for sane peoples.
There have been hours in my unhappy life, many of them, when the contemplation of death as the end of earthly sorrow - of the grave as a resting place for the tired and worn out body - has been pleasant to dwell upon.
I was deeply identified with a very unhappy, egoic entity I believed was "me." For years I lived in depression and continuous anxiety. One night I couldn't stand it anymore. The thought came into my mind, "I cannot live with myself any longer."
Habit is the beneficent harness of routine which enables silly men to live respectfully and unhappy men to live calmly
No, no. Don't make that face. Every time I propose to you, you make that twisty, unhappy face. It wears on a man's confidence.
I'd lie in bed in my dormitory and grab at bits of my body, wanting to tear them off... I was so large by then that, in the heat, my thighs chafed together and bled. I was very unhappy, and yet no one ever asked me how I felt.
If you believe that a given situation should make you unhappy, then it will, and the unhappiness will then reinforce the condition.
Ive at times in my past been so unhappy, and thought, like, I would give anything for this not to be happening. And, you know, as people say, time passes, and then you think, Im kind of glad that happened to me.
The more we focus on the things we don’t have, the more unhappy and more resentful we become.
People don't tend to be unhappy in jobs doing something that they love, so I think it's important that those entering the world of work for the first time are given as much information as possible on how to get into the career that they want.
Every night empty your mind of unhappy thoughts as you empty your pockets and come alive.
Requirements are for people who want to be unhappy. Because it’s your rules or the universe’s rules. The universe is going to win. Every time.
Look, if the Situationists achieved what they wanted, they would be very unhappy and they would have to be Situationists all over again. It's a never-ending process.
The real question is why are millions of people so unhappy, so bored, so unfulfilled, that they are willing to drink, snort, inject or inhale any substance that might blot out reality and give them a bit of temporary relief.
We must spoil our women, boy. A happy woman makes a happy home. An unhappy one makes us drink.
I think it must be awful not to work. My only point in being idle is to rest so that I can work more... I'm only unhappy when I'm not working.
More than forty years of Communist rule in Central and Eastern Europe resulted in an unhappy and artificial division of Europe. It is this dark chapter of European history that we now have the opportunity to close.
There is much less envy of the rich by the poor than there is of the happy by the unhappy; by those who believe, by those who don't believe.
This mother needs happy, reputable children, and that one needs unhappy ones: otherwise she cannot show her kindness as a mother.
After many unhappy experiments in the direction of an ideal Republic, it was found that what may be described as a Despotism tempered by Dynamite provides, on the whole, the most satisfactory description of ruler - an autocrat who dares not abuse his autocratic power.
A radical thinks two and two makes five. A liberal is more conservative. he knows two and two make four, but he's unhappy about it.
I was in an unhappy relationship with Todd Rundgren. He cheated on me and I was like, if you can go out with her, then I'll go out with Mick Jagger! — © Bebe Buell
I was in an unhappy relationship with Todd Rundgren. He cheated on me and I was like, if you can go out with her, then I'll go out with Mick Jagger!
An unhappy life is a life not lived.
The problem with life is, we often do things that will ultimately be self-destructive and make us unhappy, yet in that moment it seems like the best idea in the world. You have to be careful of moments - they're tricksy things.
My advice to actresses is don't worry about your looks. The very thing that makes you unhappy in your appearance may be the one thing to make you a star.
It is hard to be unhappy in a gay bar where everyone's singing show tunes! In fact, I've spent many a night in those kind of places - in that particular place, actually - Marie's Crisis: it's truly a New York establishment.
Because there is nothing here than invites us to cherish unhappy lovers. Nothing is more vain than to die for love. What we ought to do is live.
I'm not brave, I'm not fantastic. I'm like any other woman. I'm unhappy. I'm difficult. I'm sad. Am I strong, too? Maybe, but not always. There are days when I don't want to see anyone. The most important thing you learn? You can live with it.
I look at my father, who was in many ways an unhappy person, but who, not long before he got sick, said that the greatest source of satisfaction in his life had been going to work in the company of other workers.
I made some flippant remark about not wanting my son to grow up with an American accent, and the next thing I knew, there were people in America suggesting I head back to Britain if I was unhappy at such a prospect.
If you're always battling against getting older, you're always going to be unhappy, because it's going to happen anyhow.
Why are those who are notoriously undisciplined and unmoral also most contemptuous of religion and morality? They are trying to solace their own unhappy lives by pulling the happy down to their own abysmal depths.
The more refined one is, the more unhappy. — © Anton Chekhov
The more refined one is, the more unhappy.
Happiness is just a positive perception from our brain. Some days, you will be unhappy. Our brain is a tool we use. It's not who we are.
Nature gives constantly to us. We as indendepent egos think we're important. Selfless giving has to do with overcoming the ego. The ego makes us unhappy.
So you're trying to make her happy despite the fact that the reason she's unhappy in the first place is you," said Simon, not very kindly. "That seems contradictory, doesn't it?" "Love is a contradiction," said Jace.
To lose one's self in reverie, one must be either very happy, or very unhappy. Reverie is the child of extremes.
Most successes are unhappy. That's why they are successes - they have to reassure themselves about themselves by achieving something that the world will notice.
Angry people, unhappy people, people that seek to injure others, these people all have something in common. They waste energy. They don't conserve it and they don't know how to increase it.
Dustfinger still clearly remembered the feeling of being in love for the first time. How vulnerable his heart had suddenly been! Such a trembling, quivering thing, happy and miserably unhappy at once.
I've noticed that men get unhappy about women talking about something other than men, or love, or babies.
Whenever you're unhappy, your emotions are telling you that the people or things around you are not conforming to your vision of the world, or the way you think things should be.
Given all the facts that I'm young and I'm in good health and I'm famous - that I have talent, I have money - given all these facts, I want to know why I'm so unhappy.
Occupied people are not unhappy people.
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