Top 554 Unions Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Unions quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Public school teachers enjoy a huge amount of job security, thanks to their powerful unions and inflexible work rules.
Strong, responsible unions are essential to industrial fair play. Without them the labor bargain is wholly one-sided.
We - again, the, the, the, the bastardization and the demonization over the last few years of teachers and of unions and of collective bargaining, that is not the answer. — © Tavis Smiley
We - again, the, the, the, the bastardization and the demonization over the last few years of teachers and of unions and of collective bargaining, that is not the answer.
I'm from a working-class background, and I've experienced that worry of not having a job next week because the unions are going on strike.
With all their faults, trade-unions have done more for humanity than any other organization of men that ever existed.
When fewer workers have unions, the standard of living falls for everyone and the gap between the rich and poor grows.
Unions are at a disadvantage in a company vote because the employees can see that the greatest advocates of unionization are often the malcontents and marginal workers.
Well, I'm not trying to get rid of the unions, but I am saying that they appear to be an antiquated concept in today's economy.
The trade unions, far from being content with these declarations, established international liaisons and supported every policy based on pacification and understanding.
Unions are something wrestlers have been talking about for many years. We would probably wish there was a union, but you have to understand wrestling is not a regulated sport.
We would be foolish and silly not to unite with people in the public health sector, the environmental community, [and] unions, to try to challenge corporate agriculture.
Credit unions are often a better deal than banks and tend to pay higher yields on deposits.
I'm proud to have played a major part in destroying Fleet Street, a corrupt cartel of unions and proprietors that operated against the public interest.
Many of the best teachers I know are being laid off because their unions value seniority over intellect, passion, creativity, and drive. — © Sal Khan
Many of the best teachers I know are being laid off because their unions value seniority over intellect, passion, creativity, and drive.
I think we have to be fair in saying at this point that neither Roosevelt nor Lewis realized the peril to which they were exposing both the unions and the country.
There is nothing that says unions have a God-given right to be there. We have to work at it and make ourselves relevant to every section of the workforce.
This is the crux of the problem: because the Republicans and the right wing have been successful in almost eliminating unions, everyone else has suffered as a result.
There is something special about unions of husband and wife. Unless we bring men and women together, children will not have mothers and fathers.
There is only one thing that stands in our midst, attenuated and threatened, but enthroned in some power like a ghost of the Middle Ages: the Trade Unions.
Low standards are a tactic that takes pressure off teachers' unions by accepting mediocrity and failure for kids.
If I were the president of the United States, I would make unions illegal. They no longer serve a functional purpose in democracy, in my view.
Unions do have a proper role in negotiating for employees and advising employees, but they have to engage with the employer.
Labor unions are the worst thing that ever struck the earth because they take away a man's independence.
When you have people together who believe in something very strongly - whether it's religion or politics or unions - things happen.
Congress is hard to deal with, dealing with, you know, multiple parliaments and commissions and unions and this and that and the other, that's very complicated.
Even in Britain, the trade unions tell me that employment contracts have less protection than in the past.
It's incredible to see labor unions and environmentalists getting together to stop the corporate mentality that destroys both jobs and the environment.
Unions and their supporters in Congress claim that when employees vote on whether to unionize, the elections are tainted by employer intimidation. They're wrong.
Without liberals we wouldn't have unions. We wouldn't have environmental protections. We wouldn't have seat belts or birth control or the ACLU! Any of these things!
Unions should not be lapdogs to a political party, they should be watchdogs for their members interests.
Starting with [Ronald] Regan it became quite open, the attack on unions. It wasn't the Pinkertons anymore, but it was just not applying the laws.
Friendly societies, educational associations and trade unions gave working people the power to shape their own lives.
Trade unions have been an essential force for social change, without which a semblance of a decent and humane society is impossible under capitalism.
I think it is just stupid economics for a government to approach economic management from a strand of thinking regarding unions as enemies.
I think we will see a united labor movement again. When workers unite they're stronger. The same goes for unions.
Anti-union propaganda has been considerably more successful here [ in the U.S.] than in Europe, even among working people who would benefit [from] unions.
Official time is not fair to the government or the taxpayer and works solely to the benefit of labor unions and employees who serve as its representative or steward.
The number of illegal firings tripled during the [Ronald] Reagan years. It was at that time that you started getting these companies that specialized in how to destroy unions.
Public-opinion polls show that Americans split about evenly on civil unions. But when the words 'gay marriage' are presented, they break 3-to-1 against it. — © Dick Morris
Public-opinion polls show that Americans split about evenly on civil unions. But when the words 'gay marriage' are presented, they break 3-to-1 against it.
And if we truly want a strong and secure middle class, we must restore the ability of labor unions to organize and represent working people.
I recognize that as governor, my job is to sit on the other side of the table from the public sector unions and negotiate effectively on behalf of all the taxpayers of the state, including all of you.
Unions are about the collective leverage, the power of numbers versus the power of capital.
Unless public officials are wealthy and fund their own campaigns, the only place they can turn to is lobbyists and institutions like labor unions and corporations.
Unions have been the only powerful and effective voice working people have ever had in the history of this country.
The true face of the unions is not now a man in a hard hat as much as it is a woman in a classroom or in cleaning smocks.
[Ronald] Reagan bitterly hated unions and wanted them destroyed. This began with the air controllers' strike and went on from there.
Thousands of Americans are forced to join unions as a condition of employment, with little to no chance of ever having their voices heard.
The reason that the unions and the other stakeholders have not cut a deal with the automakers is because they believe the federal government is going to bail them out.
Government unions should not be allowed to influence the public officials they are lobbying, and sitting across the bargaining table from, through campaign donations and expenditures.
Low standards are a tactic that takes pressure off teachers unions by accepting mediocrity and failure for kids. — © Jeb Bush
Low standards are a tactic that takes pressure off teachers unions by accepting mediocrity and failure for kids.
Chancellor Angela Merkel and Wolfgang Schaeuble, her finance minister, are right to oppose fiscal and bank unions without political union.
I propose that the government should get out of the business of marrying people and, instead, only give legal status to civil unions.
Given the fact that many thousands of female workers are active in history, it is vital for the trade unions to incorporate them into their movement.
I sometimes think that unions don't understand that we live in a free society, and people have the right to not select union representation if they don't want it.
Labor unions should study and read the Bible instead of asking for more money. When people get right with God, they are better workers.
I know that strong trade unions and best supported by Labour Government actually protect worker's rights.
Right to work doesn't eliminate unions. It makes them more responsible and accountable to their members on the front lines.
Today's unions are less Mobbed-up than those of yesteryear to be sure, but they're hardly above tactics that would be considered intimidating and coercive.
Do Obama and Boxer realize they are on the wrong side of a tsunami of voter discontent with a government run by and for the public employee unions?
I oppose any attempt to grant homosexual unions the same legal privileges that civil government affords to traditional marriage and family life.
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