Top 1200 Unique Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Unique quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
One of the most exciting and unique parts of slopestyle is that every course is unique. You don't really know what to expect when you show up at an event, and it's always fun trying to put a run together.
You have a unique message to deliver, a unique song to sing, a unique act of love to bestow. This message, this song, and this act of love have been entrusted exclusively to the one and only you.
Didn't I realize that each of us is a sacred, unique snowflake of special unique specialness? — © Chuck Palahniuk
Didn't I realize that each of us is a sacred, unique snowflake of special unique specialness?
Hopefully each film can be given a musical voice of its own, which is not to say that the instrumentation is always unique, but that the relationship between the sound and the image is unique.
I enjoy Dinosaur for what it is. It's a unique band that has a unique chemistry.
We tend to think of our selves as the only wholly unique creations in nature, but it is not so. Uniqueness is so commonplace a property of living things that there is really nothing at all unique about it. A phenomenon can't be unique and universal at the same time.
I feel like there's no real innovation in having some music. It's more just unique personalities and unique expressions, and you being able to tell your story.
The unique thing about Stratolaunch - one of the unique things - is it doesn't require a fixed launchpad.
Even as satyagraha is a weapon unique of its kind and not one of the ordinary weapons used by people, so is Khadi, a unique article of commerce which will not, cannot, succeed on terms common to other articles.
Maybe every city has a unique sensibility, but we don't have names for what they are or haven't identified them all. We can't pinpoint exactly what makes each city's people unique yet.
[Dennis Mathis] was very sensitive about keeping the unique way that I spoke English - it had a lot of Mexicanisms or Mexican syntax. So you keep it in because it's adding something unique.
The Nineties was such an incredible period. There was this real sense of community and such a uniqueness to it. There were unique personalities, unique bands, unique lyrical takes. A lot of artistic expression. It was this real renaissance that was exciting to be a part of. It's hard to not look back on that period and say, "Yeah, it was crazy. But it was crazy good."
What happens is when you have a kid, you are a unique human being, so you are going to have a unique experience. No one can really tell you what youre going to feel.
The jazz chord substitutions in a country song... that was another thing that bent people's ears. I guess that my favorites are the unique ones. It's not how fast you play. It's that unique blending of different stuff I'm most proud of.
Our challenges make us unique, and how we deal with them makes us unique. — © Octavia Spencer
Our challenges make us unique, and how we deal with them makes us unique.
Girls need to know that we are all unique and that we should all celebrate our unique beauty because it comes in all different shapes and sizes.
In a world of prayer, we are all equal in the sense that each of us is a unique person, with a unique perspective on the world, a member of a class of one.
I think my parents gave me a unique name and I have created this unique lifestyle that makes me who I am; it's a cool way of living.
I've never really been schooled in music theory. I'm a guitar player, and I attack the guitar in a certain way that it not fully unique to me, but it's more unique that some other people.
I do not think that I was brought up in a unique society with unique features about giving.
We're all unique as actors. To yourself, you are unique, you have to think 'I'm me, I'm not going to bunch myself with other people.' Agents and producers have to get you into a box, to accommodate their limited imaginations.
Learn to embrace your own unique beauty, celebrate your unique gifts with confidence. Your imperfections are actually a gift.
I think every person is so unique. I think every woman is so unique, every man is so unique, every artist is so unique.
According to this law [the law of Dharma], you have a unique talent and a unique way of expressing it. There is something that you can do better than anyone else in the whole world--and for every unique talent and unique expression of that talent, there are also unique needs. When these needs are matched with the creative expression of your talent, that is the spark that creates affluence. Expressing your talents to fulfill needs creates unlimited wealth and abundance.
The ego and the personality have to be dropped, then you will find individuality arising...a feeling of uniqueness. Yes, you are unique. Everybody else is also unique. In this world only unique people exist, so comparison is just stupid, because you alone are like yourself. There is nobody like you, so how to compare?
We are unique. Chimpanzees are unique. Dogs are unique. But we humans are just not as different as we used to think.
I can make the argument that people who don't have the biggest ranges but have very unique voices, even if they may be pitchy at times... with the right record that's really unique and distinct, they can have big hits.
Whenever you make a record you want to inject something unique into it, that's unique to where you're from. I suppose that's some kind of inevitability.
You can't help but be creative, we all are unique beings and have a unique story to tell from different walks of life.
I believe we're all endowed with a very small set of narrow skills that make us unique. You've got to find what that is. Most often what you truly understand makes you unique is something that you're also going to build passion around.
A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament.
Subject matter that is not bound to reality offers more opportunity to write a unique story and cinematically present it in very unique ways.
Somewhere out there is a unique place for you to help others - a unique life role for you to fill that only you can fill.
Whether it's a designer or a musician, I think the most important thing for people who express things are to be unique. There should be something unique only to them.
What I believe is that Nintendo is a very unique company because it does its business by designing and introducing people to hardware and software - by integrating them, we can be unique.
La volupte unique et supre" me de l'amour g|"t dans la certitude de faire le mal. The unique, supreme pleasure of love consists in the certainty of doing evil.
I have the point that everybody essentially have these unique set of DNA you have. There's something different about you genetically. You are unique is what I am trying to say - the combination of experiences and emotions you have felt are never repeated.
Maybe this is all a bit of a myth, a willful desire to give each place its own unique aura. But doesn't any collective belief eventually become a kind of truth? If enough people act as if something is true, isn't it indeed "true," not objectively, but in the sense that it will determine how they will behave? The myth of unique urban character and unique sensibilities in different cities exists because we want it to exist.
I was unique and still am unique. — © Christian Laettner
I was unique and still am unique.
I don't like women who are multiform, who wear many different shapes. Women who retain a unique shape are usually unique people.
It's the open ocean right now because it's so unique. It's a really unique way of doing American television. There are a million possibilities. We can stay with the cops. We can introduce new worlds. And, who knows where it will end.
When a man finds that it is his destiny to suffer, he will have to accept his suffering as his task; his single and unique task. He will have to acknowledge the fact that even in suffering he is unique and alone in the universe. No one can relieve him of his suffering or suffer in his place. His unique opportunity lies in the way in which he bears his burden.
I think what a lot of people see as unique is using different technology or different techniques [to make games], but I feel like, as long as you have a core that's unlike others, that's what 'unique' is.
In our case, finding a Lucy is unique. No one will ever find another Lucy. You can't order one from a biological supply house. It's a unique discovery, a unique specimen.
Nintendo has been a very unique company because it's not just hardware but also one of the major software publishers. Because it is in a unique position, it's given us a unique advantage.
Woods and forests have been essentialt to the imagination of these islands, and of countries throughout the world, for centuries. It is for this reason that when woods are felled, when they are suppressed by tarmac and concrete and asphalt, it is not only unique species and habitats that disappear, but also unique memories, unique forms of thought.
I'm officially disabled, but I'm truly enabled because of my lack of limbs. My unique challenges have opened up unique opportunities to reach so many in need.
If life really depends on each gene being as unique as it appears to be, then it is too unique to come into being by chance mutations.
we are unique individuals with unique experiences
Our relationship with Mexico in this regard is unique for us, and in many respects unique in the world. — © Samuel P. Huntington
Our relationship with Mexico in this regard is unique for us, and in many respects unique in the world.
For 'Drive,' we needed the songs to dictate emotions and really bring you into the mind of The Driver; he's a unique and complicated guy, so the music itself had to be unique and complicated.
In truth the Church is too unique to prove herself unique. For most popular and easy proof is by parallel; and here there is no parallel.
We're all unique as actors. To yourself, you are unique. You have to think, 'I'm me. I'm not going to bunch myself with other people.' Agents and producers have to get you into a box to accommodate their limited imaginations.
It's hard to find a unique look for a Batman villain. Everything like a scar on the face, or a skin condition, there are so many unique signifiers taken.
The experience of reading a book is always unique. I believe that you render a version of the story, when you read a book, in a way that is unique and special to each person who reads it.
I think every business, really, has a unique reason for being, unique assets, unique attributes, a unique history. And that can be turned into a very attractive design story, essentially, that consumers can relate to.
We are all of us, unique - each a unique pattern of creativity and if we do not fulfill it, it is lost for all time.
I have a unique ability to predict the flight of the ball, and my teammates have a unique ability to find me.
Uncommon things that are attractive in women: a gap between the teeth... a unique fashion sense.... In MEN... a unique nose... or accents.
It's the old adage, 'Nothing ventured, nothing gained, ... While this is unique, we consider ourselves unique.
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