Top 1200 Unpleasant Experiences Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Unpleasant Experiences quotes.
Last updated on October 6, 2024.
Don't blame the messenger because the message is unpleasant.
Morality makes stupid.- Custom represents the experiences of men of earlier times as to what they supposed useful and harmful - but the sense for custom (morality) applies, not to these experiences as such, but to the age, the sanctity, the indiscussability of the custom. And so this feeling is a hindrance to the acquisition of new experiences and the correction of customs: that is to say, morality is a hindrance to the development of new and better customs: it makes stupid.
I'm delighted with the experiences I've had and I've had some experiences to say the least! — © Chris Wilder
I'm delighted with the experiences I've had and I've had some experiences to say the least!
There's always going to be a little bit of autobiographical content to everything. It's how you lend some authority to what you write - you give it that weight by drawing on your direct experiences and indirect experiences from people that you know well, or a little.
No one can remember himself as an unpleasant child.
I have the feeling I’ve been— unpleasant.
We're right to say that a culture that can't tolerate free speech is... there are a wide range of positive human experiences that are not available in that culture. And we're right to want those experiences.
Nearly everything that defines much of our daily experiences is consummatory in nature. Yes, we consume products and services. But we also consume life experiences, religious narratives, art, literature, and ideas.
In constructing our narratives, we identify which particular events or experiences were formative or transformative. In telling our stories, we also claim some authority over our own experiences and their meanings.
Whenever I write about motherhood - and I write about it a lot - I am drawing on my experiences as a mother and also my experiences as a daughter.
Cynicism is an unpleasant way of saying the truth.
My kids have lived experiences that could have never been duplicated otherwise. That's one thing about people who get involved in activism, you live so many experiences that otherwise they wouldn't be there. This is why peoples' lives are so enriched.
Cars are a fairly unpleasant thing to have to draw. — © John Allison
Cars are a fairly unpleasant thing to have to draw.
When a customer is really not happy, it's a very unpleasant experience.
Every time I see the bumper sticker that says “We think we’re humans having spiritual experiences, but we’re really spirits having human experiences,” I (a) think it’s true and (b) want to ram the car.
The unpleasant and unacceptable face of capitalism.
The care of a large estate is an unpleasant thing.
I don't really want to leave anything in life behind. We have bad experiences, we have difficult experiences, but if you leave everything behind, you have no past.
Pity is an emotion equally unpleasant to the bestower as to the recipient.
I don't enjoy being recognised. It's unpleasant.
To regret one’s own experiences is to arrest one’s own development. To deny one’s own experiences is to put a lie into the lips of one’s own life. It is no less than a denial of the soul.
... it does not do to tell great people anything unpleasant.
Anyone who enjoys inner peace is no more broken by failure as he is inflated by success. He is able to fully live his experiences in the context of a vast and profound serenity, since he understands that experiences are ephemeral and that it is useless to cling to them.
I think we all wish we could erase some dark times in our lives. But all of life's experiences, bad and good make you who you are. Erasing any of life's experiences would be a great mistake.
In writing, one searches, and that is what keeps one writing, that one sees and experiences things from another angle entirely; one experiences oneself during the process of writing.
Continuity in everything is unpleasant.
Crime is a job and it's boring. It's also unpleasant.
...the unpardonable sin is to be an unpleasant person.
I do the unpleasant tasks before I do the pleasant ones.
The unpleasant events you are passing from will not have been profitless to you.
Negative relationships are unpleasant but predictable.
Become aware of internal, subjective, subverbal experiences, so that these experiences can be brought into the world of abstraction, of conversation, of naming, etc. with the consequence that it immediately becomes possible for a certain amount of control to be exerted over these hitherto unconscious and uncontrollable processes.
For us to create unique experiences that other companies cannot, the best possible option for us is to be able to develop hardware that can realize unique software experiences.
If your experiences suggest to you that poor black folk are lazy, then you must be true to those experiences - except, however, as your experiences are pressured by empirical investigation of complex phenomena. I suspect that even when you control for variables of individual laziness, you'll see that what you see before you masses of black poor people unwilling to work hard to get better will not be as simply concluded as you might at first believe. Continue your good work.
the ordinary man's experience is chaotic, irregular, fragmentary. [He] falls in love or reads Spinoza, and these two experiences have nothing to do with each other, or with the noise of the typewriter, or the smell of cooking; in the mind of the poet these experiences are always forming new wholes
Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne.
A demd, damp, moist, unpleasant body!
The resistance to the unpleasant situation is the root of suffering. — © Ram Dass
The resistance to the unpleasant situation is the root of suffering.
Your real life is in the here and now. Once you figure out what kinds of experiences cause you to feel certain ways, you can change either the experiences, or when that's not possible, change your responses to them.
What is life but an unpleasant interruption to a peaceful nonexistence.
The record business has been so unpleasant and so bad for so long.
I don't do pride. It seems to me to be a very unpleasant thing.
There's no disillusionment like learning that forbidden fruit can be unpleasant.
I think we all wish we could erase some dark times in our lives. But all of life's experiences, bad and good, make you who you are. Erasing any of life's experiences would be a great mistake.
Coach Kerr is cool, I got a chance to spend a lot of time with him and talk to him not only about basketball, but adjusting to the Bay Area as well as his experiences and my experiences.
I'm grateful for the experiences I've accumulated. Of course, there are certain things you wish were not on anyone's list of life experiences, but it's a life. It's a good life. And I like what's there.
My greatest experiences in the theatre and the most religious experiences in my life - of which going to the opera is one for me - have been with the Romantic composers' repertoire: it's Wagner, it's Strauss, Verdi, Puccini. That era gets me every time.
African-Americans are as fair as any other group, but they bring their life experiences to bear as just as whites bring their experiences to bear. — © Alan Dershowitz
African-Americans are as fair as any other group, but they bring their life experiences to bear as just as whites bring their experiences to bear.
I feel like it's been important for me to use my own personal experiences with food and money to help people to not feel ashamed. I felt so much shame about my own experiences.
LIAR, n. One who tells an unpleasant truth.
The person doing the worrying experiences it as a form of love; the person being worried about experiences it as a form of control.
Your driving is unpleasant, but it isn't technically unsafe.
I write about kids growing up, I write a lot about schools and parents, and all of my experiences with those things have been suburban experiences.
A teacher of knowledge and power gives you experiences in other dimensions. They show you that the universe is much bigger and more fascinating than you had ever imagined. They give you direct and immediate experiences in other realities.
To be a cult figure in one's own lifetime is most unpleasant.
For the most part, this record is autobiographical. At some point, the story of 'The Houston Kid' takes my experiences from 6 to 15 years old, and it sort of cross-pollinates with other kids in my neighborhood. It fuses their experiences with what was going on in my life.
Thinking is difficult and sometimes unpleasant.
I find it safer to pursue the powerful, the ugly, the unpleasant.
Never do anything that is unpleasant to others.
I have come to think that one of the most satisfying experiences I know — and also one of the most growth-promoting experiences for the other person — is just fully to appreciate this individual in the same way that I appreciate a sunset.
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