Top 1200 Unrealistic Expectations Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Unrealistic Expectations quotes.
Last updated on October 15, 2024.
Since we were getting a lot of love from fans, that means we have to try to meet their expectations. This was mentally giving the members a very hard time.
A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stores and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer's decision to choose one product or service over another.
I feel a responsibility to not only live up to expectations, but the standard of which the likes of Tim Duncan and Manu Ginobili have set for us. — © Patty Mills
I feel a responsibility to not only live up to expectations, but the standard of which the likes of Tim Duncan and Manu Ginobili have set for us.
At this level, the individual perceives the maintenance of the expectations of his family, group, or nation as valuable in its own right, regardless of immediate and obvious consequences.
Hip-hop lasted and survived all these years that you have to give it credit. Even though it's not up to people's expectations anymore, its still here, and that's says a lot.
If you are building a culture where honest expectations are communicated and peer accountability is the norm, then the group will address poor performance and attitudes.
We want to hear the story first and let the meaning unfold, rather than to be present with expectations of a certain significance into which all behavior is then fitted.
As a teenager, I felt so hemmed in and trapped, both by the place I lived and the expectations others had about school, college, and a future career.
If people know we expect good things from them, they will in most cases go to great lengths to live up to our expectations.
The filmmakers have a story they want to tell, and they go get the material they need for it. The film either exceeds or fails to meet up to their expectations or it's different.
With a Nine Inch Nails show, I'm building on a legacy that comes with a certain set of expectations. I have to push that forward, I have to reinvent myself, I have to feel current and valid.
There are, after all, approaches to be made other than the dependable routes that massage sentimental expectations and provide easy opportunities for emotional identification.
I'm as strict as my parents - I have high expectations, too. I'd never ask the kids to do something outside their capabilities, but I'll encourage them not to be lazy and to try hard.
When Allah puts barakah (His blessings) in something, it will come beyond your expectations- never underestimate the power of one good deed.
If girls hear that they can create and fulfill their own ideas of who they might be, those extraneous expectations can become less restricting and a lot more healthy. — © Megan Shull
If girls hear that they can create and fulfill their own ideas of who they might be, those extraneous expectations can become less restricting and a lot more healthy.
Salman Khan's support means a lot to me. I do feel nervous at times about disappointing him. I try not to let his expectations down.
Obviously there are a lot of expectations when you come to a club for a record fee but you can't change that. You just need to perform and show it on the pitch and gain respect through that.
Our laws need to reflect the evolution of technology and the changing expectations of American society. This is why the Constitution is often called a “living” document.
If there's a demand of being together in a certain way, those expectations and judgements take away from that space and create an edginess and a cramped-ness to the relationship.
I really believe my films are going to be successful, that I'm making 'The Blair Witch Project' - something that will transcend expectations and resonate with people.
People judge us looking from the outside. They don't really know what is going on in my life. There are hundreds of perspectives out there. I cannot live up to all the expectations.
I always wanted to create my own musical world. That takes time and must be earned, and it does mean sometimes confronting the expectations of the audience.
It seems to me that at least as far as the financial markets are concerned, there is increasing evidence against rational expectations, even at the macro level.
Some people claim that expectations are the reason for unhappiness. However, I can assure you from personal experience that you’ll suffer greatly by setting subpar targets.
But since doing the film ["The Invisible Woman"] I've really learned to appreciate [Charles Dickens], he's phenomenal. "Great Expectations" would be one of my favorites.
I have a different starting premise from those 100 academics who are so heavily invested in the regime of low expectations and narrow horizons which they have created.
It would be nice at some point to do something that people expect to be good. Although then with high expectations come a lot more pressure.
My study of Gandhi convinced me that true pacifism is not nonresistance to evil, but nonviolent resistance to evil. Between the two positions, there is a world of difference. Gandhi resisted evil with as much vigor and power as the violent resister, but True pacifism is not unrealistic submission to evil power. It is rather a courageous confrontation of evil by the power of love. . . .
I'm not an artist or a collector. I'm a skateboard kid with no one to tell me if I'm not doing things the right way. Low expectations reap great rewards.
One of the things my service in Iraq did give me was this freedom from fear of failure or any kind of expectations that I had to take a standard path.
The first time I played Test cricket, I did OK because I had no real expectations, I was just going to enjoy it. Then I lost that.
Learning to live with not meeting other people's expectations has been extremely freeing and is the only gift I wish to pass on to any future offspring.
Mum was on benefits for a few years. Then I failed the 11-plus and I went to the secondary modern. And that was hard because the expectations were so low in the school.
Just be yourself and be upfront about your expectations and desires. Don't be ambiguous and play hard to get. It doesn't work. You'll end up in the friend zone.
There are certain expectations that are put on you as a child actor, but mainly it's just turn up and say your lines with a lot of energy and a cute smile.
Whether I lived up to people's expectations of changing the game or franchise or what not, look: I went out, I worked hard, I didn't fib or lie or cheat anyone.
I have everything I need to enjoy my here and now - unless I am letting my consciousness be dominated by demands and expectations based on the dead past or the imagined future.
Our laws need to reflect the evolution of technology and the changing expectations of American society. This is why the Constitution is often called a 'living' document.
There's just this for consolation: an hour here or there when our lives seem, against all odds and expectations, to burst open and give us everything we've ever imagined.
The good thing is that women have such high expectations of men that it inspires us to live up to them. That's what I learned about male-female relationships. — © Neil Strauss
The good thing is that women have such high expectations of men that it inspires us to live up to them. That's what I learned about male-female relationships.
Hollywood has a history of raising expectations beyond Washington's reach, of appealing to the very American desire to mythologize political leaders, particularly the president.
Obviously, David [Shore] probably has pressure because House was such an amazing show. But I try not to go into these jobs, thinking that I have to live up to people's expectations.
You don't come up expecting to be a fan favorite. When I was a rookie, I was just trying to make a name for myself, but people already knew who I was and already had expectations for me.
Winning a Grand Slam changes everything. There is so much off-court stuff to deal with. And there are expectations of keeping it going that make it tough
When you do acoustic shows, there's always a more intimate vibe. I go into them with lowered expectations and assume that people don't want to hear me.
I can't think of anything worse, really, than to try to live up to someone else's expectations of what you should be. You don't make art by consensus.
Truth be told, there are lots of companies that provide exemplary phone support. DirecTV, Virgin America and Apple are a few that regularly exceed my expectations.
We're all diminished and restricted by sweeping statements defining boy and girl, our expectations and disappointments with ourselves, the way we look, what we enjoy, and the choices we make.
It's very Western to idealize a kind of love that does not come with any expectations, that still permits both the giver and recipient to be completely free.
When you have controversial parents, people have expectations about you. If every day at work I thought to myself, 'How does this relate to them?' I'd be paralyzed. — © John Podhoretz
When you have controversial parents, people have expectations about you. If every day at work I thought to myself, 'How does this relate to them?' I'd be paralyzed.
People with Down syndrome can do anything. They just do it at their own pace. Give them a chance, and you will be rewarded beyond your greatest expectations.
Because videogames are so inherently influenced by movies, to take a movie and literally create a videogame out of it, you're immediately setting limitations and expectations on what that game can be.
I think if you have a good attitude and go in with no pressure or expectations, just for a chance to play with all these talented people and do your thing, then it's always a blast!
I would like my books to stand as a tool to unbind children from expectations of poetry because it should free the child to self-expression and exploration.
My beer has been universally well-liked beyond my most sanguine expectations. Cannot serve half my customers, and they are increasing every day.
Having stayed in Singapore for a period of time, I've seen how parents here have high expectations of their children because they want their kids to do well.
Everybody out there watches the show and has expectations of wanting to be an 'Idol', but we're going to teach them how much hard work goes into it.
Rely on the ordinary virtues that intelligent, balanced human beings have relied on for centuries: common sense, thrift, realistic expectations, patience, and perseverance.
I like to keep my expectations low and my aspirations high in my career and my life. That way I'm pleasantly surprised more often than desperately disappointed.
[Michael Hastings] has composed a dirge to incompatibility, which, because it raises expectations only to defeat them, leaves a taste of exhumed ashes.
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