Top 173 Unstoppable Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Unstoppable quotes.
Last updated on October 7, 2024.
The change from atoms to bits is irrevocable and unstoppable. Why now? Because the change is also exponential - small differences of yesterday can have suddenly shocking consequences tomorrow.
It doesn't matter if I'm in a boardroom pitching to a group, attempting to perfect the latte heart, or stopping a running back on 4th and 2. If I'm passionate and willing to devote the time and effort to something; I'm unstoppable.
Tomorrow, I will take on all of these things. I will be unstoppable. — © Marie Lu
Tomorrow, I will take on all of these things. I will be unstoppable.
The force of love, the force of reunion is unstoppable.
They tried to humiliate and cow her down in every way possible, but Jayalalithaaji was unstoppable. With every attack, she became stronger.
There is no doubt that if Donald [Trump] steamrolls through Super Tuesday, wins everywhere with big margins, that he may well be unstoppable. I don't think that will happen.
There is a real danger of unintended consequences, of encouraging people to give up. Pessimism, if it becomes a habit, can reinforce a narrative of unstoppable decline. If there is nothing we can do, that releases us from our obligations.
People on a mission are unstoppable. God bless them for it. It would be a poorer, more miserable world without them.
We wrestle with our own opponents on a daily basis. These challengers can come in numerous forms whether it be a physical challenge, emotional, or even relational issues that can overtake us. No matter what opponent we are wrestling against we can be UNSTOPPABLE.
There is a prevailing school of thought that something good must take time, sometimes years to create and hone. I have always felt that the books I have written fastest have been my best - because I caught an unstoppable momentum in the writing.
People get really scared when women reclaim words, talk about themselves honestly and also make jokes because it's a really unstoppable combination.
God steps into the suffering with us, and He takes it on himself, and He walks through it with us, and He uses it to create something in you that is unstoppable.
You don't like it when a French housewife gets mad at you. If she gets steam behind her, she is an unstoppable creature.
That's the only way you can stop a guy like Cam Newton. Hit him. He's unstoppable, so whenever he does try to run like a running back, you got to punish him. — © Chris Harris, Jr.
That's the only way you can stop a guy like Cam Newton. Hit him. He's unstoppable, so whenever he does try to run like a running back, you got to punish him.
For so many years, I've been an actor acting in other people's movies, and in 'Unstoppable,' I'm producing it, and I have an opportunity to create some of that excitement with style and form and different color templates and things like that. So, as an artist, it's really exciting.
There are a lot of things that make Kyrie's game unstoppable. But his ability to ad-lib and come up with things on the fly is special.
You can get excited and feel unstoppable, but every week presents a new challenge. Each week, you have to work and get better.
We always feel when we're able to score the first goal or an early goal, we feel like we are unstoppable.
Clockwork could not run counter to its nature. The seconds, minutes, and hours moved only forward. Patient, precise, and unstoppable. Memory was an indulgence, an illusion that broke like a wave upon the juggernaut of time. The past remained the past.
If there is a tendency in modern television I hate, it is the unstoppable march of the dramatic reconstruction to tell the stories of anything from an ancient Egyptian battle to the early life of Paul Gascoigne.
The crux of the sea level issue is that it starts very slowly but once it gets going it is practically unstoppable...There is no way I can see to stop this rise, even if we have gone to zero emissions.
A lot of people over the last couple of seasons have fallen prey to the unstoppable force Usain Bolt brings to the table. And they just become subdued. That's not who I am. I'm not going to allow myself to become a subdued character.
God steps into the suffering with us, and He takes it on himself, and He walks through it with us, and He uses it to create something in you that is #? unstoppable .
I am definitely feeling 'intimate.' I'm kind of unstoppable at the moment! Like the big 'O' is like the biggest 'O' ever.
Through literacy you can begin to see the universe. Through music you can reach anybody. Between the two there is you, unstoppable.
Entrepreneurs have a natural inclination to go it alone. While this do-it-yourself spirit can help you move forward, adding an element of collaboration into the mix can make you unstoppable.
If you look at that 2008 Democratic primary, there was no more formidable, unstoppable candidate - other than an incumbent President - in modern times than Hillary Clinton.
Whittle was an amazing chap. Tiny, stubborn, unstoppable - jet-propelled! It's amazing the impact his invention has had upon the world.
Shaquille O'Neal was probably my favorite athlete growing up. I loved how dominant and unstoppable he was, but also his charisma off the court. He was someone I gravitated toward.
Think back 5 yrs ago. Think of where you're at today. Think ahead 5 yrs and what you want to accomplish. Be Unstoppable.
The corporate-powered parties are not gonna do it for us, not the greater or the lesser evil. We have to do it for ourselves. And the minute we stand up and stand together, we are unstoppable.
You've done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination.
It's fairly easy to know when you've succeeded because you're kind of hanging on for dear life. It's such an unstoppable juggernaut; you're trying to stay with your head above water because things are moving so fast.
My pace alone is unstoppable. No one can keep my pace.
On a night out, I can feel unstoppable with an eyeliner wing and a bold lip. But I also love that I can still feel beautiful and confident without any of that.
When your every thought and your every action is directed to your ultimate life goals, you become unstoppable and assured of great success and happiness.
British passion for Chinese tea was unstoppable, but the Chinese had no desire for our offerings, however much we tried to sell them woolen clothes or cutlery.
The element of fire to me is very powerful because of what it symbolizes, how it symbolizes a strength. It symbolizes something that's unstoppable. You can't get through it, you know.
When I play '2K,' I'll play in GM mode. And I choose different teams. But I always trade for myself because I'm unstoppable. Literally there's no way to stop me in '2K.' — © Joel Embiid
When I play '2K,' I'll play in GM mode. And I choose different teams. But I always trade for myself because I'm unstoppable. Literally there's no way to stop me in '2K.'
Obviously, my husband's very determined because he got himself back into that ring after being out of it for many years. And I'm the same: I've always been his backbone, and there's nothing that you can stop Bryan and I at. We're unstoppable.
It's easier to be ignorant and say I don't know about the problem. But once you know, once you've seen it in their eyes, then you have a responsibility to do something. There is strength in numbers, and if we all work together as a team, we can be unstoppable.
I'm sort of anti-Aristotelian. I want to get an entire life onstage while conveying a sense of how time feels, how unstoppable it is, and how we don't really know what's going on because as we're trying to weave, it's weaving us.
We must not sacrifice one of our remaining untamed places in reckless pursuit of oil. We know we have to leave oil in the ground, or destructive climate change will become unstoppable. If not in the pristine and vulnerable Arctic Ocean, then where?
Our society needs to recognize the unstoppable momentum toward unequivocal civil equality for every gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered citizen of this country.
It is important to have someone that supports you and encourage you, someone that makes you feel that you are unstoppable, that you can do anything in the world because you have him.
I think God is perfect, all-powerful and has an unstoppable plan for everyone, including those who love him and those who don't.
We've seen the power of the PC, and we've seen that it's unstoppable.
I'm from Santa Cruz in Northern California, and the 49ers were my dad and I's bonding time. We would go to games in the '80s. It was a good time to fall in love with football when your team was unstoppable.
Poems and songs penned as an unstoppable outpouring of the heart take on a life of their own. They transcend the limits of nationality and time as they pass from person to person, from one heart to another.
A first-person voice helps to ensure the uniformity and cohesiveness of the narrative; it gathers unto itself incidents and characters in its unstoppable progress toward the story's end.
Kirk Cameron pulls no punches in his exploration of mankind's greatest dilemma. Unstoppable is a captivating, raw, and candid journey that gracefully delivers hope and poignant truth every step of the way. It's a masterful and timely production!
Hazel screamed at the top of her lungs, but it was a scream of delight. For the first time in her life-in her two lives-she felt absolutely unstoppable. — © Rick Riordan
Hazel screamed at the top of her lungs, but it was a scream of delight. For the first time in her life-in her two lives-she felt absolutely unstoppable.
What's so exciting and unstoppable about the horror genre is that I view it all as metaphorical exploration. It's the safe place that we, as a culture, can deal with things that upset and frighten us - the darker side of our nature.
When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.
The last light, in the last window, went out. Only the unstoppable machine of the sea still tears away at the silence with the cyclical explosion of nocturnal waves, distant memories of sleepwalking storms and the shipwrecks of dream.
The future of the television industry is changing at an unstoppable rate, and it is exciting to share my experience and thoughts on how this will change the value of content in the digital space.
What you focus on expands. Focus on what you are best at and you will be unstoppable.
If you're just creative, you'll always have to rely on technical people. If you're creative and technical, you're unstoppable.
'Black-ish' is the cherry on the top of my career... When you come into your own, when you're in your skin, you're unstoppable, because you're living in the moment of life.
What people recognize is that there's a fear that the United States is in an unstoppable decline. They see the rise of China, the rise of India, the rise of the Soviet Union and our loss militarily going forward.
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