Top 1200 Upset Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Upset quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
In the past I've tended to overreact. I was sure I'd be a superstar by the time I was twenty-one. Baseball messed up my plan of life. When I fail I get upset. Sometimes I get upset too quickly, without thinking of consequences.
Don't get upset with your imperfections. It's a great mistake because it leads nowhere - to get angry because you are angry, upset at being upset, depressed at being depressed, disappointed because you are disappointed. So don't fool yourself. Simply surrender to the Power of God's Love, which is always greater than our weakness.
I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you. — © Friedrich Nietzsche
I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.
Anger is a response that can lead to harm if we don't evaluate what we are upset about. Ask yourself what you are afraid of, as anger is almost always fear in disguise. If we think something or someone threatens us, we feel fear-fear that we are inadequate, that our lives are out of control, that things won't go our way. Then we fight. Find out what you're upset about. We rarely are upset for the reason we think.
I wish I were strong enough to ignore what others say, but experience tells me I often can't. Allowing myself to feel upset, even really upset, and then move on - that's something I can do.
Hopefully people are upset for the reason I want them to be upset. Even when I was doing open mics, I've always had people upset. I've never been the consummate crowd-pleaser.
I get mad when I'm upset, so to prevent myself from doing anything stupid, I force myself to sleep on whatever issue I'm upset about. Almost always, when I've woken up, I feel much better.
It took me years to figure out that upset was upset, and tumultuousness was not the same thing as passion. Love isn't drama.
People who are prone to anxiety are nearly always people-pleasers who fear conflict and negative feelings like anger. When you feel upset, you sweep your problems under the rug because you don't want to upset anyone. You do this so quickly and automatically that you're not even aware you're doing it.
I think that if I ever have kids, and they are upset, I won't tell them that people are starving in China or anything like that because it wouldn't change the fact that they were upset. And even if somebody else has it much worse, that doesn't really change the fact that you have what you have.
The devil is a peace stealer, and he works hard to set us up to get upset. But we can learn how to change our approach so we don't live upset all of the time. And Jesus gives us the best example to follow.
There are always people screeching and upset that I did this or didn't do that. Basically, they're upset that I didn't rewrite an earlier book they particularly liked.
When I'm a little bit upset, my eyebrow goes up, and that is a trait that my beautiful mother passed down to me. We always knew in the house: 'Mommy's upset; her eyebrow just went up.'
If we'd have said we were not upset, they would have thought we were so rich it meant nothing to us, and if we say we're upset about it, they'll say money is all we care about.
If you take the time to listen to an upset child's story with empathy, and guide the child toward figuring out the root of the problem, then the result is often that the child not only calms down, but also in the future is less likely to get so upset.
Baseball is a game of failure. There are plenty of opportunities to be down, or to feel sorry for yourself, or to be upset at somebody or upset at yourself. — © Mark Teixeira
Baseball is a game of failure. There are plenty of opportunities to be down, or to feel sorry for yourself, or to be upset at somebody or upset at yourself.
Every time I've talked about my family in the past, people have ended up getting upset. So I said to my friends and family: 'I shan't refer to you at all, and there's nothing for you to get upset about. There's the deal.'
If I ever feel like, 'Oh, my life!' or get upset by silly things like a photographer, or if someone has written something nasty that's upset me, I just think, 'Worse things happen at sea.'
There were people I know that got upset that I kissed people; I kissed them for luck and love, that's all. That's what my mother did to me. There were people upset that I would embrace or hug someone of another color.
I have also seen [Adolf] Hitler upset when they had been having words. He was not immune from being bothered or upset by their relationship.
It's just a game. I love it. And yeah, I get frustrated, but I try to not let it get me too upset. I mean, I don't get upset over bad shots or anything like that.
Just as I am not upset with somebody who has caught a cold, so too I am not upset with somebody who's caught the faith virus.
Actually, the world and America is upset and the only way to bring about a change is to upset it more.
I'm not afraid to upset people. But I am not as upset because I understand what I'm up against.
Non-reaction is a language that everyone understands. It communicates to the offender and causes him to be upset with the upset that he intended for you.
The toughest part is that when your kid's upset, you're upset. You're rocked until they're not upset. Even when they're not upset, you're like, "I hope that doesn't happen, down the line." You're always nervous because you want your kid to be happy.
We are often indifferent to our brethren who are distressed or upset, on the grounds that they are in this state through no fault of ours. The Doctor of souls, however, wishing to root out the soul's excuses from the heart, tells us to leave our gift and to be reconciled not only if we happen to be upset by our brother, but also if he is upset by us, whether justly or unjustly; only when we have healed the breach through our apology should we offer our gift.
I get more upset at losing at other things than chess. I always get upset when I lose at Monopoly.
You cannot expect a driver who has just lost a shot at pole position to run around with a smile on his face. You need to accept that he is upset in a different way to how we are upset.
I tried, after I wrote 'Twilight,' to read 'The Historian,' because it was the big thing that summer. But I can't read other people's vampires. If it's too close, I get upset; if it's too far away, I get upset. It just makes me very neurotic.
It doesn't upset artists to find out that artists used lenses or mirrors or other aids, but it certainly does upset the art historians.
Someone asked me the other day, 'Do you get upset when people say you are the young Frank Sinatra?' It doesn't upset me. It is a huge compliment, but it is false.
Every time I've talked about my family in the past, people have ended up getting upset. So I said to my friends and family: 'I shan't refer to you at all, and there's nothing for you to get upset about. There's the deal.
It's self-soothing for me to draw. So if I'm upset, drawing makes me less upset.
If someone is really close with you, your getting upset or them getting upset is okay, and they don't change because of it. It's just part of the relationship. It happens. You deal with it.
I don't want people to leave the show being upset. So if I am trying to do a new joke, and sometimes I will talk about things like gun control or hostile massacre and I notice people being upset I will change the direction.
I wake up very early every morning and I have my coffee at 6:30. If it comes at 6:35, I'm very upset. I don't say anything but I'm upset because I'm so punctual in doing things, that if I lose five minutes I have to rush everything.
I ran for office originally as part of this Tea Party Movement because we were upset with Republicans who've doubled the debt. We were upset with Republicans that bailed out the banks.
Getting upset about Netflix, to me, is like getting upset about the weather. It's just something that's happening, and we have to decide what we feel about it. — © Steven Soderbergh
Getting upset about Netflix, to me, is like getting upset about the weather. It's just something that's happening, and we have to decide what we feel about it.
I am always surprised when people do get upset. Perhaps its just the nutty people who write to newspapers who get upset.
President Bush got a little upset with a reporter for calling him 'sir' instead of 'Mr. President.' Man, how upset is he going to be after the election when they start calling him George again?
I have the right to speak up. If you don't want to listen, just unfollow. If you're so upset about it you can't even listen to my music, because you're upset that we're not supporting Trump or whatever, then fine. Don't. Don't listen. Moving on. End of story. I'm more disappointed in fellow artists that stay mum for fear of losing a handful of fans.
There isn't a political price to be paid yet for doing nothing. People need to get upset with President Bush. People need to get upset with their Congressmen.
People and things do not upset us. Rather, we upset ourselves by believing that they can upset us.
The Trump win is the biggest upset victory maybe ever, certainly in my lifetime, it's the biggest upset. So the emotion that's attached to that is gonna be profound. The Reagan win was huge for many of the same reasons, but it wasn't the big upset that this was.
You're going to have an upset stomach. If you eat spicy stiff because you're upset, then you'll get diarrhea.
Jesus is never upset at sinners; he is only upset with people who do not think they are sinners.
I don't get upset if people think I'm crazy. If you go to a mental hospital and someone calls you a name, would you get upset? Of course not. Well, that's the way I think about the world. They don't know any better.
Most likely, when you are upset for any reason, it is rare that you will want to quickly see the real cause of your upset or the solution, but with practice you can begin to ask yourself honestly, is it the person/situation or is it my unforgiving thoughts about this person and the past that are upsetting me?
The first Tea Party protest was scheduled for Inauguration Day. So what were they upset about? Which part of the job he was doing before he even did it were they upset about? Secondly, if they claim to be upset with government corruption, government takeover, crazy spending, where were they from 2000 to 2008? Right? And why weren't they protesting the stolen elections?
When I was a child and I was upset about something, my mother was not capable of containing that emotion, of letting me be upset but reassuring me, of just being with me in a calming way. She always got in a flap, so I not only had my own baby panics, fears and terrors to deal with, but I had to cope with hers, too. Eventually I taught myself to remain calm when I was panicked, in order not to upset her. In a way, she had managed to put me in charge of her. At 18 months old, I was doing the parenting.
I'm not upset about my career; I'm just upset about how my name has been portrayed. A lot of guys have played with Bron and had success. There's nothing I can do about it. I've tried to change my image a million times.
For me, being upset is different than being frustrated. Frustration, it's a little more deep inside. Being upset, you can get over it the next day. — © Raphael Assuncao
For me, being upset is different than being frustrated. Frustration, it's a little more deep inside. Being upset, you can get over it the next day.
The trouble with women in an orchestra is that if they're attractive it will upset my players and if they're not it will upset me.
I like poems that are daggers that sing. I like poems that for all the power of the sentiments expressed, and all the power to upset and offend, are so well made that they’re achieved things. However much they upset you, they also affect you.
People are very upset with Washington. They're upset with Democrats. They're upset with Republicans. They're upset with the establishment.
I'm not upset about my divorce. I'm only upset that I'm not a widow.
In rural communities, people are upset with the government, upset with what they see as business as usual. They saw Obama as a change agent, and they saw Donald Trump as a change agent.
If Sasha’s threatened, Astrid’s upset. If Astrid’s upset, I’m going to kill whatever’s upsetting her until she’s happy again. (Zarek)
Klaus Wulfenbach: Was my son upset? Bangladesh DuPree: Oh, him? Yeah! He's all set to be a hero and rescue her--and then he finds out he'd need fireplace tongs to get her undressed? Yeah, upset is the word.
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